A Love Written In A Diary

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Jungkook sat cross-legged on the floor of Taehyung's room, surrounded by a chaotic pattern of textbooks and paper. His eyes darted from the open physics book in front of him to the colorful sticky notes plastered on the walls, each one holding a piece of their project puzzle. The room smelled faintly of fresh laundry and the sweet aroma of Taehyung's favorite snack, which was currently scattered across the desk like confetti. Sunlight streamed in through the half-closed blinds, casting a warm glow that highlighted the dust particles dancing in the air.

Taehyung was hunched over the desk, his forehead furrowed in concentration as he scribbled equations and diagrams with a black marker. His dark hair fell over his eyes, and every so often, he'd sweep it back with an impatient hand. Jungkook couldn't help but admire the way the light played with the different shades of blue in Taehyung's hoodie, which matched the pen he was using. The soft fabric looked so inviting, and Jungkook found himself wondering how it would feel to touch it, to feel the warmth of Taehyung's skin beneath it.

They had been working on the project for hours, and the silence between them was comfortable, punctuated only by the occasional murmur of thought or the rustle of pages turning. Jungkook felt his heart flutter every time Taehyung glanced his way, asking for his opinion or confirming a fact. Each time their eyes met, there was a spark that made Jungkook's cheeks flush, and he had to look away to compose himself. He had never felt this way about anyone before, and the intensity of his emotions scared him.

The room was a testament to Taehyung's creativity, with posters of various bands and artists adorning the walls. A few action figures stood guard on the bookshelves, a reminder of their shared love for sci-fi and fantasy. Jungkook felt a twinge of jealousy towards these inanimate objects that got to be so close to Taehyung every day. He took a deep breath, trying to focus on the task at hand. He knew that confessing his feelings now would only complicate things, especially when their friendship was so strong.

Taehyung looked up from his work and caught Jungkook's gaze. He paused, a question in his eyes, before smiling gently. "You okay, Kookie?" Jungkook nodded, his cheeks growing even warmer. "Yeah, just thinking." Taehyung's smile grew, a hint of mischief playing on his lips. "You're always so lost in thought. What's going on in that head of yours?" Jungkook's mind raced, trying to come up with a believable lie, but the words stuck in his throat.

He opened his mouth to speak, but what came out was a barely audible whisper. "I just... I think we should take a break." Taehyung nodded, setting down his marker. "Sure, we've been at it for a while. What do you want to do?" Jungkook searched for something to break the tension, his eyes landing on the guitar in the corner of the room. "Do you still play?" he asked, his voice a little stronger now.

Taehyung's eyes lit up at the mention of his instrument. "Yeah, I do. Want to hear something?" Jungkook nodded eagerly, hoping the music would ease his racing thoughts. Taehyung stood up, the legs of his chair scraping against the floor, and picked up the guitar. He sat on the edge of the bed, the mattress sinking slightly under his weight, and began to strum a familiar tune. Jungkook recognized it as a song they used to sing together during their childhood sleepovers, a melody that had always made him feel safe and happy.

As the music filled the room, Jungkook leaned back against the bed frame, his eyes closing as he let the sound wash over him.

Taehyung's voice, smooth and soothing, began to sing the lyrics that Jungkook knew by heart. The song spoke of friendship and the promise of always being there for each other. Jungkook felt his chest tighten as he realized how much those words meant to him now. He opened his eyes to find Taehyung watching him, his expression curious but gentle. Jungkook gave a small, forced smile, hoping his friend couldn't see the turmoil within.

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