Trust Issues (1/2)

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This one-shot contains:

Drug use
Strong language
Toxic relationship

"Jungkook what the fuck is wrong with you?!! Do you fucking think it's appropriate to come home drunk and continue drinking in the presence of our child?! Are you fucked up?!!! Are you fucked up mad?!!!" Taehyung yelled at his husband who looked at him with a brow raised.

"And do you think it's fucking appropriate to swear in the presence of our child my love?" Jungkook asked calmly as he drank his vodka. Taehyung sighed as he looked at their 6 year old daughter who was in the living room covering her ears because her mother told her to do that so she could not listen to what her parents were saying.

Taehyung took a last glance at his husband who was carelessly drinking his vodka while looking at Taehyung with those eyes Taehyung never fell inlove with.

Taehyung shook his head and went to their daughter as he removed her hands from her ears. "Kiki baby, can you please pack some of your clothes honey? You're going to be staying with Yoonie for the week. Is that okay with you?" Taehyung asked as he smiled but their daughter pouted.

She pointed to herself and then to her mother and Taehyung immediately understood what she was trying to say. "I know baby but Mommy and Dada need to fix a few things okay? Please understand peach." Taehyung says with pleading eyes and their daughter sadly nodded her head.

Taehyung stood up carrying their daughter to her room. While Taehyung was helping his daughter pack he took out his phone and dailed a number as he placed his phone near his ear and within 3 rings the phone answered.

"Hey hyung, can Kiki come over for the week, please?" Taehyung asked politely as the person from the other line sighed. "The fuck did he do now?" He asked.

"Uh h-he came home d-drunk." Taehyung said trying not to sob infront of his daughter. His daughter always saw her mother as a strong person. She looks up to her mother alot and Taehyung doesn't to show his vulnerable side to her because he's afraid to be seen as a weak mother to her.

"Tae, I'm getting really worried, you need to divorce him, he's not the Jungkook we all know anymore, he's not the Jungkook you lo--"

"Hyung is it a yes or a no? If no then that's fine I'll take care of it myself." Taehyung said coldly while the person from the other line sighed once again, "Yes, please. She can stay as long as she likes, I'm on my way to your house."

"Thank you hyung." Taehyung said as he hung up the phone. He looked over to his daughter who was looking at him as if waiting for him. "Done?" Taehyung asked and his daughter nodded.

"Let's go. Uncle Jiminie is coming to pick you up okay?" Taehyung said and her daughter only nodded. Taehyung noticed the sad expression on her face and tried to cheer her up.

"Hmmm? What can I do to make princess Kiki happy, hmmm?" Taehyung made a thinking face and an idea popped up.

"Oh yes! How about we give princess Kiki.................the kiss and tickle attack!!" Taehyung began to tickle his daughters stomach and attack her face with kisses.

Giggles and smooching sounds could be heard in the room. Once Taehyung saw that she had enough he stopped and placed a kiss on her tiny cute nose.

Taehyung watched her as her bunny smile covered her face. Sadly he did not only want to see it on her face but his husband's face too. Taehyung just smiled as he picked her up and walked out of the room.

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