Moonlit Bonds (1/3)

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The moon cast a pale glow on the frost-covered leaves, creating a delicate mosaic of light and shadow across the forest floor. A solitary figure moved with the grace of a dancer through the underbrush, its paws landing softly on the cold earth. The creature's fur was as white as the freshly fallen snow that draped the branches above, a stark contrast to the darkness that surrounded it.

Taehyung took in a deep breath through his wolf's nose, savoring the crisp winter air. The scents of the forest filled his lungs: the sharp tang of pine needles, the faint musk of distant deer, and the lingering aroma of a recent kill. He had been in his human form for too long, and the pull of the full moon had drawn him out into the night. It was a night for hunting, for feeling the power of his animal instincts.

Once his hunting was over he head to a lake nearby to drink and wash his fur clean from the blood of his prey. The water was a deep, dark blue, reflecting the moon above like a mirror. As he approached the water's edge, the reflection shimmered with his movement, the moon's reflection stretching and distorting as the ripples spread outwards. He took a long drink, the icy liquid quenching his thirst and invigorating him further. He dipped his muzzle in the lake, feeling the water run over his fur and cleanse him of the night's work. He watched the droplets fall from his fur, joining the lake with a series of plinks that echoed faintly through the quiet night.

The forest was a place of peace and solitude for Taehyung, a place where he could truly be himself. Free from the constraints of pack duties, he could revel in the primal instincts that surged through his veins. He threw his head back and howled, the sound echoing through the trees and bouncing off the distant mountains. It was a call to the wild, a declaration of his presence, and a declaration of his freedom.

Suddenly, Taehyung's ears perked up. A distant howl was heard. He looked at the direction and saw a black wolf. It looked like it was looking for something. Or someone.

Once their eyes met, the black wolf immediately came towards Taehyung. As soon as Taehyung scented the scent of the wolf he immediately recognized it was his mate, Jungkook, an alpha, and got out the water eagerly, tail wagging in excitement. Jungkook, too, seemed to have felt the same, his own tail wagging in a greeting as he approached. The two wolves circled each other, reacquainting themselves in the moonlit glade, their eyes never leaving each other's gaze.

Jungkook's fur was as dark as the night itself, a stark contrast to Taehyung's gleaming white pelt. His eyes were a piercing gold. Jungkook's approach was swift and purposeful, closing the gap between them with a grace that spoke of his power and confidence.

Jungkook then shifted into his human form which made Taehyung do so as well. "Taehyung," once Jungkook said his full name instead of, cub, or pup or Tae, Taehyung knew he was in trouble for something but he doesn't recall doing anything wrong today. Jungkook's voice was stern but soft and it sent a shiver down Taehyung's spine, even though the human form was less intimidating compared to his mighty black wolf form.

"Kookie, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked, his voice shaking slightly. Jungkook's expression was tight, his eyes searched Taehyung's. "Why did you leave without telling me huh? Do you know how worried I was? The pack is talking!" Jungkook's words were a low growl, his frustration palpable.

Taehyung's eyes widened, a look of realization dawned on his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. I just needed some space," he replied meekly, his voice carrying the sincerity of his apology. The full moon's call had been too strong to resist, and he had been lost in his own thoughts, forgetting his responsibilities to the pack.

Jungkook sighed, his anger dissipating as he stepped closer, his hand reaching out to cup Taehyung's cheek. "You know you can't just disappear like that, especially not on a night like this. The pack needs you." His thumb stroked Taehyung's cheek, a gentle touch that belied the sternness of his words. "I need you."

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