Chapter 6

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It was the morning of the 4th day and Jane still hadn't actually woken up. She was beginning to think that maybe she had slipped into a comma or something because this dream had lasted an insane amount of time. But hey who was she to complain- she was going to keep using this time for as long as she possibly could.

Honestly throughout the day she would often forget that this wasn't really happening. All the conversations, classes, food, and events made it seem like real life. She had thought multiple times how real everything was, and in the back of her mind she worried how getting too deep into this dream would affect her when she woke.... But that was for later Jane to worry about.

Classes today were transfiguration and flying. She was incredibly nervous about the second one, but that wasn't until later so she tried to forget about it as she walked with Garreth to breakfast. The puppy-like boy had waited for her again in the morning, and he seemed excited that they would be sharing another class today. Transfiguration wasn't given a lot of screen time in the game, so she didn't really know who was even in the class. As far as she knew he was the only of her uh acquaintances she shared the class with- which, now that she was thinking about it-

"Garreth- are we friends?" She knew the question would be coming out of nowhere for him, but she was curious as to what he thought.

"Uh I mean I think so, if um that's also what you think." He seemed a little shy about his answer.

"If I'm being honest I thought of you as a friend from our first conversation. But I'm used to people not sharing the same sentiments as me around here so I was curious about what you thought. So, I can call you my friend right?"

"Y-yes, of course!" he still looked a little shocked, but he had a pretty big grin on his face. She smiled back, glad that she could think of him as a friend and not have it feel one sided.

They sat together as they ate, the Gryffindor boy chatting happily the whole time. It seemed that opening the friendship door had allowed him to feel comfortable enough to start discussing his love of potions with her. It made it seem like she was talking to the Garreth that she knew from the game, and that made her happy. She liked him as her cute little puppy, but even if this was just a dream- she still wanted him to feel comfortable with her.

When they left for class he continued his chatter all the way there. He was like an endless trove of potions knowledge- it was honestly quite impressive. He knew the ingredients to every potion she had ever heard over, and even a lot of their counter positions or antidotes. She was feeling really good about her choice of asking for his help to study the subject.

When they walked into the transfiguration class, the younger Weasley was called over by his aunt- and begrudgingly left her side. She decided to take a seat next to Natty, who she then remembered was also in the class. The other girl was busy reading a book when she sat down, so she left her to it. She looked around the room- it seemed that this class was shared by people in every house. Soon more familiar faces walked in, including Poppy (who she was dying to meet), Sebastian, and Ominis.

The two Slytherin boys walked in together, and Jane couldn't help but stare. Sebastian caught her eye and whispered something to Ominis who then shoved him in response, making the brown haired boy laugh. He sent a wink towards her and that made her face flush. Then he motioned for her to come sit by them, but she shook her head. She would not be able to focus at all if she was sitting anywhere near Ominis- charms had proven that even seeing him would be enough of a distraction.

When class started Professor Weasley made a grand show by changing an owl into a book- a very impressive thing to watch. Magic was seriously the coolest. For the benefit of the main character, the class was focussed on the transfiguration spell- which why there was only one and why they would go over it again in the 5th year was beyond her.

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