Chapter 16

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Lucan was so fucking adorable. You know that feeling when something is so cute you just want to crush it? Cuteness aggression? Well that was how she felt seeing the little Gryffindor. He was so small and his cheeks still had baby fat and ugh it was adorable. He, being a teenage boy, probably would hate that she was thinking those things so she tried to keep it to herself.

When they walked up to the boy she let Sebastian do all the talking, because she felt if she did she wouldn't be able to hold it together. Thankfully despite her inner crazy he agreed to let her join the club- all in thanks to the Slytherins endorsement no doubt. He pointed them towards the training dummy on the other side of the room, and let her know her match would start in 30 minutes.

"You're unusually quiet," her friend said as they walked over to practice.

"I just didn't want to scare him on our first meeting." She said looking back to make sure he wasn't in ear shot.

"You're worried about scaring Lucan? I promise he's tougher than he looks, and also no offense but you're not very scary."

"But he's so fucking cute!!!!" she half yelled out as she covered her face to muffle the sounds. "I just wanted to eat him. He was so adorable!!!!"

Sebastian stopped, and Jane turned to see his incredulous face. She smiled a little, knowing there was no way he was going to understand the sentiment, but for sure he knew now what she meant about scaring him. She continued forward, letting him process whatever he needed to.

He caught up fairly quickly, sending her a barrage of questions about what she had meant by that. She mostly ignored them as she attempted to get ready for the fight. It was hard to practice with him annoyingly buzzing in her ear so eventually she sent him away. She could hear him grumbling on the other side of the room though.

Thirty minutes went by much faster than she would have liked- even though she had chosen to stop practicing once her friends had walked in. The only spell she truly had down was depulso, with a few others in an acceptable range. All she really wanted to do quickly was protego but that still needed some work.

She was called over by Lucan, and had to squeeze her hands to again stop the cuteness aggression from taking over. Sebastian literally ran over to her side as soon as he called- maybe not wanting to miss being chosen as her partner, or maybe to make sure Lucan was going to be okay. She did end up asking to duel with him, and the Slytherin had never looked so excited.

She watched as they set up the area- locking the bar doors to make sure no one would stumble in, and removing anything valuable. Her opponents were two people who look vaguely familiar. One was a Ravenclaw girl and the other a Gryffindor boy. They were ridiculously aggressive; for sure way more than what was necessary for the circumstances.

When they got into their ready position the girl called out to her saying that they were going to make her regret signing up. Damn, the hell? Weren't these kids supposed to be new to this? What was with all the drama? Its like they were trying to play the bad guys. Hopefully though that was used to her advantage and allowed her battle instinct to kick in.

Lucan locked everyone who wasn't fighting behind the courtyard gate door thing. The big metal bars came down, hopefully keeping all her friends safe from any rouge spells. The Crossed Wands leader called out ready, and Jane felt magic course through her. She turned to smile at Sebastian, who seemed to know exactly what she was thinking. She watched as he took a step back, apparently ready to let her take the lead.

When Lucan called go her two opponents spit out spells, but they were too slow. In an instant she had casted protego and already sent out two other spells at them. She broke down their own shields with ease and had one in the air and the other slammed backwards. She made quick work of the two, finishing the match mere minutes after it had begun. She laughed as she knocked the Ravenclaw down for the last time.

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