Chapter 8

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Jane was able to make it to all her extra lessons that afternoon, but avoided seeing Fig. She was able to learn Incendio from Hecat which meant she would be able to move the story along. If she went to Fig today then Black would come in and make him leave. Then she'd have to reach out to Sebastian about sneaking into the library- and she felt too tired for that today. How on earth did the MC have the energy for all of this??

She wasn't done though, after dinner she was going to go out and meet Natty to start that quest, or well maybe deny that quest. She would have just met up with the girl at the school, but she needed to get started on Merlin trials... for some reason. Honestly, did she even need to do those? Whatever, she'd go today anyway just to be sure.

On her way out to the meeting place she practiced some of her new spells. Along with Incendio she learned Depulso and Wingardium Leviosa. She wasn't going to chance practicing the fire spell anywhere but the Undercroft, but the other two were safe enough.

Once she got the movement down, she focussed on different rocks along her path- magiking them up in the air and then pushing them away. The practice wasn't going so bad, it even felt like a game, almost like a magic baseball sorta thing. She was so enthralled at seeing how far she could get the rocks to go that she didn't notice someone walking up another path towards her. They were walking just beside her by the time she noticed, and she was so startled she accidentally sent her levitating rock right at them out of fear.

As she whipped her wand to the side she yelled out Depulso and sent the stone right into Sebastian's stomach. With a grunt the boy dropped to the ground; the rock wasn't large but it came in fast.

"OH MY GOSH I'M SO SORRY!" Jane ran over to the boy, curled over his knees and clutching his chest.

"That was quite the shot." He said with his teeth clenched.

"Ah I promise it wasn't on purpose! I was just practicing my new spells and I didn't hear you come up!" She swung her bag forward and started to search through it. "Here take this!"

She handed him a Wiggenweld potion. After her extra lesson with Sharp she took some time to brew some of the healing potion in preparation for her meeting with Natty. In the game there was a battle with the Ashwinders after their chat, with that one lady who taught the MC about the Merlin trials. This would be her first time fighting actual people- she wanted to be prepared.

Sebastian took it and took a swig. Then after a minute he got back on his feet and she looked over at him hesitantly.

"You good now?"

"Right as rain- that was a nice shot."

Jane felt her face get warm. "I promise I wasn't trying to hit you!"

He chuckled "As you said, but it was a good shot nonetheless. Why are you out here anyway?"

"Well I could ask you the same thing- are you just barely coming back from Hogsmead? You've been gone a long time."

He shrugged "Had lots of things to do. Besides I don't have a class until the evening so it doesn't matter anyway. But you didn't answer my question."

"Natty asked to meet me at the gates of that little town just down the hill. I was just practicing on my way there."

"Why meet out here? Aren't you guys in the same house?"

It was Jane's turn to shrug "I dunno, I haven't made it down yet. Do you um, do you want to come?"

She was surprised to see the brown haired boy, but she wanted to take advantage of his presence. The soon in coming fight was making her a little nervous and she wouldn't mind his help with the whole thing. Well that researcher lady would help her, but the more the merrier.

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