Chapter 23

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First thing in the morning, Jane headed right to the ROR. She knew that there was probably a bit she didn't remember about the night before, but she wasn't ready to face it yet. Thankfully neither of her Gryffindor friends were waiting for her in the common room- so it was an easy escape.

Deek wasn't in the secret room either, so she had the whole place to herself. She noticed that she had some pruning that needed to be done on her plants, but that would have to wait as well. Before anything else distracted her she needed some time to think. She sat down at her desk; quill and paper just before her.

The first trial was done, and all in all it hadn't been that bad. It was a stressful lead up, but the task itself was the easiest part. Knowing that the trials weren't going to be a struggle was a relief, but that didn't mean there wasn't a lot she would need to do going forward.

She pulled her list she made before her subsequent meltdown (see chapter 16) and looked it over. It was time to focus on everything leading up to the second trial. Most of the things outside of Hogwarts were Goblin related; meeting Loggock and working with him. The keepers had told her last night that she needed to learn more about the Goblins moving forward.

She wondered how much real time all that was going to take. Meeting with Sirona was first on that list, and then the Goblin. His helm quest was done that same day so... shouldn't be long right? Loggock would give the helm to his brother and then Jane just assumed she would have to wait until she heard from him again. Most of the other goblin stuff wouldn't happen until after the second trial.

There was a lot that needed to be done inside of Hogwarts though. Finally she could learn the unlocking spell by talking to Mr. Moon, and get to start saving beasts in her nab-sack. A few of her friend's quests started out as well, although there was one that weighed heavier than the rest.

Soon she would be invited by Sebastian to go and visit his sister in Feldcroft- which was a big deal in his story arc. She had vowed to help her friend in his troubles, and she assumed that would really begin on that trip. But, surely there could be something she could do not right?

She thought for a moment, her eyes wandering to the flying books above her. It wasn't until she looked back down at her desk, the horrid feather quill taunting her, that she had an idea. She pulled out the torture devise, hoping that this was going to be worth the pain.


"Ominis!!" Jane called as she ran down the stairs. She had just about made it to the great hall when she saw the boy walking out.

He looked confused for a second, but it seemed he clocked her voice, because he looked towards her with his signature audacious look.

"Feeling better this morning are we?"

"Oh totally-" She called out as she made it up to him. "-and before you tell me what an ass I made of myself last night I have a favor to ask."

They talked for a moment, Jane explaining her plan and passing her page off to him. They were in agreement when the other Slytherin exited the hall.

"Ah there you are- I thought maybe you were planning on skipping breakfast today." He said, sauntering over. He smiled over at them, but it faltered as he noticed Ominis tucking something away in his bag. "What's that?"

"It's nothing-" she said quickly, afraid to ruin her plan before it even began. "I was actually hoping to catch breakfast before it ended. I know you've already eaten, but do you want to sit with me?"

"Sure!!" He said happily, all thought of the secret note seemingly forgotten.

Jane inwardly sighed in relief and said goodbye to the other boy. He nodded towards her and continued on his way, not saying a word to his other friend.

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