Chapter 24

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When the clock in the common room chimed 11 Jane closed her book and looked over towards where Garreth was sitting. He was just across the room, working over bottles and papers like a proper potions business man. She smiled as his head shot up, his eyes meeting hers. He quickly started putting his things away, his hair moving around like fire as he shifted back and forth.

Jane felt her heart start to race a little, and she knew it wasn't fully about the upcoming adventure. During the few hours she had sat alone, attempting to read, she had been thinking about the redheaded boy. Although she was happy to have him along tonight just because she liked him, she also felt that she could use this time to bridge the gap between them.

It truly seemed to her now, that there was a big part of Garreth Weasley that she didn't know. Well technically she felt like she did, but that was only because of the original game play. At first she thought that maybe he was just a lot different than was portrayed in the game, but she wasn't so sure now.

There had been so many comments from people who knew the Gryffindor about how much he had changed. Teachers, friends, others- they all seemed convinced she had changed him. But as much as she adored Garreth, she didn't want to change him. She wanted him to be his authentic self, the person he was made (or maybe coded) to be. Could she really call herself his friend, or maybe even something more, if he was hiding a huge part of himself from her.

This midnight adventure though, this could be her chance to get him to show more of his true colors. Risky behaviors, taking chances, getting in trouble, having fun- technically all those things could be a part of their night. Maybe if he saw that she was okay with these things he would feel more comfortable opening up.

She was stirred from her thoughts as the boy approached. He looked excited, and it made her smile again.

"Are you ready?" He asked eagerly.

"Absolutely!" She said, standing to meet him. She took a quick look around the room, making sure they were actually alone.

"We should probably cast the disillusionment spell before we head out- we don't want the fat lady snitching on us."

He nodded and pulled out his wand. Both of them casted the spell, and after Jane looked around, attempting to spot her friend. She squinted into the flickering light of the room, but with all the shadows she couldn't see him even though she knew where he had been.

She reached out to where Garreth had been standing moments before. He saw nothing, but felt the soft fabric of his clothes- and felt him jump.

"Ah there you are!" She said laughing. She awkwardly patted around his torso until she found his arm. Then she moved down to find his hand, and held tight. "Let's go!"

She pulled him through the portrait hole, the fat lady calling out to ask who was there. They hurried down the hall, and once out of earshot of any pictures he turned to where she assumed he was.

"We don't have to go far, but are you okay holding my hand? I just don't want to lose you before we get there- sorry I should have asked-"

"No it's fine-" he said quickly, and then gave an awkward cough. "-I uh, it's not a problem. And yeah it will keep us together."

"Okay. And remember when I drop my charm to talk to Moon you have to keep yours up."

He didn't say anything, and she smiled wondering if he had nodded. They started off again, through the halls and down the steps that led to the faculty wing. Being in Gryffindor house was great, but it made things way easier for this particular quest.

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