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Ecstacyrush's POV

It was too late to turn back.

I had been drawn into the world of darkness and even though there may have been an entrance door there was certainly no exit door.

I was involuntarily stuck in a world I didn't know existed.

Somewhere which lived off of the sadness of others, fuelled by pain.

I don't want to be this person anymore.

I sit there on my bed.

With a gun by my side.

And all I can think about is being engulfed by the bullet.

Leaving this horrible world.

Leaving everyone who supposedly cared for me.

If only they knew the monster I really was.

Seen the pain I had caused.

Then maybe they would understand.

They would understand how my existence isn't worth it.

They would understand how every time I wake up I'm flooded with a barrage of regret.

They would understand me.

They would understand how much I wanted to die.

Shakingly, I reach to my side, clasping my hand around the cold metal and lifting it off the bed. For a good few minutes, I stare, just observing, what damage such a small object could do.

And then I finally put the gun to my head.

Maybe I'll be happy now?

Just maybe.

Isabella's POV

Who would have thought this time would have actually come, who would have thought any of this actually happened.

Who would have thought eh.

I stand outside my house, with the key held tightly in my hand.

And even though it would have seemed like a simple task to open the door, there was this invisible barrier, and I knew that as soon as I would cross the barrier I would be reminded of my old life, reminded of what happened to me.

And I wasn't sure whether I was ready to make that commitment.

I don't know if I'm strong enough.

I told Molly it was a thing I wanted to do alone so she didn't come, but now I'm contemplating my decision.

It just doesn't seem right to casually walk back into my old life when I've now moved on.

'Isabella Rose Fletcher, aren't you all grown up now' the very familiar voice rings through my ears.
I spin around to find my brother, tangled in suitcases, stood on the pavement as the yellow cab pulls away.

Mason was always my rock, but he had a tendency to show up at the wrong times, this being one of them.

I suddenly get that warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach and run as fast as I can into his warm arms, almost jumping on him into a bear hug.

He laughs into my hair and releases himself from me.

'Hello to you too' he smirks, chewing on his gum.

'Jesus, Mase why are you here?' I squeak, trying to to cry in front of my goofy older brother.

His smile fades slowly, a frown now apparent on his face.

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