t w e n t y t h r e e

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The rays of white light break through the long blinds, showing through the small lines in between each section of the blind, creating lines of light cast across my room. I peel my eyes open, reaching across the bed to locate the body of the boy I couldn't keep out of my imprisoned mind, but all that lay there was an emptiness.

To say I wasn't disappointed would have been a lie; because in reality there was something about this boy, which left me so intrigued.

The way he would sometimes let affection shine through, then the next have a complete shut down. He fascinated me.

But I knew if I sat around wallowing in self pity over the fact he left me in my vulnerable state, I would never get up. Thankfully I never wore my heart on my sleeve so I never had to deal with the consequences of my feelings.

Wait what feelings?

I don't have any feelings towards Luke, I mean it's Luke, LUKE.


I huff, blowing a loose strand of my hair out of my face, pulling my aching body out of bed one leg after the other.

Tiredly, I place myself in the front of the mirror looking at my now healing body. There were no bruises left surprisingly but then I suppose I hadn't looked in the mirror for a few days. All that was left was a light bruise on my right wrist. I lightly place my hand on my rib, and a wave of pain rings through my upper half. I guess even though it looked it, I still wasn't healed.

One good thing about living alone was that I didn't have to worry about bumping into Jason or Eve whilst trotting around in my underwear.

Mol used to always get pissed at me because she'd wear pyjama shorts whereas I'd just wander around in underwear and a skinny top.

But hey, I'm on my own now, I can do what I want.

I smile at my own thoughts, pulling open the blinds, the morning light illuminating my whole room and placing my hands on my hips.

I guess there was nowhere else I'd want to be right now, especially with a view like this.

The silence of the room is then taken over by the undenial rumbling of my stomach, I look down at my watch to see its 11:48, crap, I didn't think I'd sleep in that late.

I head towards my door but as I reach the doorway, my phone buzzes. I walk over to my iPhone, face down on my bedside table and pick it up.

Twitter: @ecstacyrush has mentioned you in a tweet.

I click on the notification nervously.

@ecstacyrush: Oh wow, talk about slutty @Grey0mnivore went from abusive Louis to criminal record Ashton to even more criminal record Luke. What next, gonna date the next terrorist you see?

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