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'Come on, it's not that bad' I whine, pasting more of the substance on the roots of my hair carefully.

'Bella, it quite honestly smells like death, I think i might pass out' Molly moaned, dragging her sleeve over her hand and bringing it up to her nose, in attempt to block out the strong stench of hair dye.

For about a year now, I've been dying my hair pastel purple and even though it's a pain in the ass to maintain, it's always worth it.

Even if it does make me stand out like a sore thumb.

Not that that could be any more possible since I already do. After what happened with my mother, packing up and leaving seemed like an acceptable plan to my father. At least it would singe away some of the burning pain he felt.

So we just left.

Thankfully, I wasn't the only English person on this damn island. About a month ago, I met Molly, her family moved here apparently due to work hence why they seem to be away almost every day. She and Louis were the only people I really felt comfortable around.

But even Louis had to fuck that up.

But sometimes you are just forced to believe life goes on, one chapter ends and another begins. I guess he was just a mistake I'll learn from.

Building up a wall just seems easier than being beat to pulp daily.

'Why do I even have to assist you doing this, you would have been fine just doing it at yours' She asks, confused as usual. But what she doesn't realise is my father isn't a nice man.

I guess I'm just a constant reminder of my mother, when he sees me, he sees her. And that makes him upset and angry.

I then become a reason to drink; I then become nothing to him.

'Because' I laugh. 'Is it so wrong to see my best friend?' I raise an eyebrow at her, smirking slightly.

She finally rolls her eyes and laughs subtly. 'I hate you'.

'Awww' I tease pouting at her.

I flop down on the plush black leather sofa, stretching out face down.

'I swear to god, If you get hair dye on my parents sofa, they'll go hammy on you' she stresses.

Oh yeah what I forgot to tell you is that Molly's family are made out of money. Either they're secretly growing drugs or this job must be worthy enough to move for.

It's quite a downgrade having a friend who lives in an expensive pad to me and my dad living in a small town house. Feel my pain.

I pull out my phone and open up Instagram, scrolling through the endless selfies and pictures of food. Not that I can say much about being 'samey' because I own a fan account, but you know what they say... Consistency is key.

But hey, bands like Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Paramore, Panic! At The Disco, Pvris... Hang on I could go on for hours, anyway they need to be appreciated more... Through my account. Right?

Who gives a damn I enjoy doing it. And because nobody knows who I am, somehow I feel I can be more like me. It's not the fact I'm hiding behind a name, or a persona, more the fact I've been taught by many people that being me isn't something to be happy about.

Believe me I know.

I quickly scroll through my camera roll and find a picture of Hayley (Williams) and post it just to stay active. God damn these needy followers.

'Hey, how long has it been now?' Mol asks, snapping me out of the consuming vortex of my phone. She raises he eyebrow. 'Your hair?'

'Shit' I shout, looking down at the time displayed on my watch. How has an hour even passed that quickly?


'Hey, I'll see you later, I better get home' I say gathering my stuff and shoving it in my rucksack. I peer into the mirror and gather my newly pastel purple hair on top of my head and tie it into a (not so pretty) messy bun.

Molly stands resting up against the wall by the door, engulfed by her phone. She types away and then smiles.

'Who you texting Mrs?' I ask, trying to shove my face in her phone, she quickly pulls her phone away from my face. 

'Cam' she replies quietly, blushing. 

As soon as Molly arrived here, she met here next door neighbour who happened to be Cameron Dallas and I suppose they just instantly hit it off. It seemed like a perfect love story.

All I had was a great music taste and weak hair. 

I say goodbye and stroll down the desolated streets, breathing in deeply the clean air. Thankfully Molly only lives about 10 minutes away from me, so I can walk home if I want.

The streets are completely empty, and you could probably hear a pin drop; just how I like it.

It makes a change to the constant sound of the TV or cars passing by; just peace and quiet, leaving me to be able to clear my head and actually think.

'Isabella?' I hear someone call. I spin around to see the familiar dark haired, tanned skinned boy.

'Calum?' I respond, pretty certain of who it is anyway. He hops off the curb and strolls casually towards me. I don't even speak to this kid, why is he walking over to me?

'Why the hell you wandering the streets this late?' He laughs, drawing out a cigarette and bringing it to his lips before lighting it.

I step back slightly while he blows out the thick grey smoke. 'I, uh, was just leaving my friend Molly's house' I say, confused as to why he's just started randomly talking to me.

Not that I don't like Calum, but I've literally never spoken to him in my entire life. He always just strolls around the school acting like a complete prick with Ash, Luke and Michael.

'Ah cool, is that uh, the new girl Molly James or whatever' He says staring at his beaten up Old Skool Vans.

'Yeah yeah, that's the one' I flicker my eyes to my phone to see another 10 minutes has passed. 'Look, I better be off. See you tomorrow.' I smile before turning around and speed walking back to my (most likely drunk) father.

. . . . . . . . .


Hello hello hello,

so this is my first fanfic I've written, so bear with me okay?

Right anyway, I know this chapter is like really short but like I said... BEAR WITH ME GOD DAMN IT. I joke. Wait, no I dont.

Okay so I'm Emily (hi) and my Instagram is @hemmingsdecay so go ask me questions on there (if you need to ask me questions)

Jesus (stel), I'm so excited to write this AAAAAAAHHHHH



Em x

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