f o u r t y o n e

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'Who picked this as a group?' Molly asks, scoping around our circle of the all too familiar people.

'I did' Parsons replies, walking over to our group and placing his hands on the back of my chair. 'What's better than a group of friends?' He smirks.

I tilt my head back towards Mr Parsons and roll my eyes. 'Hey, less of that attitude thank you' He points his finger at me.

So it just so happens that our group consisted of Me, Molly, Georgia, Michael, Ashton, Calum, Rich and of course..... Luke.

Fortunately for Molly, Anny was placed in a different group with all the 'way too hip$ter for you' people. They're cool I guess, but were just on different wavelengths.

This Project X shit was really becoming a hindrance in the 'Avoid Luke' plan, it was almost as if the more I tried to push him away, the closer he would end up.

'I dont even understand this Project thingy' I speak up, crossing my legs beneath me on the chair.

'Wait there' Calum beams, reaching into his bag. He rummages around for a second before pulling out a folded up white sheet. 'There were sheets at the end of assembly' He explains.

He scans the sheet for a second before reading.

'How does it work? You and your friends gather together and decide what you would want to do as a group, like a day trip or a holiday - the sky is the limit. Once you know this, you need to decide how you'll make it happen, and of course you'll need money. That's the second stage, in order to go do this event for you and your mates, you need to raise money, how will you do that? Hopefully once you raise the money, you can finally carry out the plan. Make sure you record everything which happens in the form of notes or pictures as you'll be required to present your Project X at the end'

'Wait so we can do anything?' Georgia asks, perking up.

'Apparently so' Molly shrugs.

'Camping' Georgia smirks.

'I double that' Michael shouts, pointing his finger to Georgia excitedly.

I look around at the rest of the group who's faces all seem to be disinterested and finally perk up.

'Yeah' I nod. 'Lets do it'

After finally coming to an agreement about what we would do and when we would do it, we discovered a hindrance. Money.

The thought of going camping with all my mates seemed appealing but the thought of having to fundraise the money for it seemed less appealing.

The group finally agreed that a car wash event would be the best option - although I'm pretty sure Ashton just said that so he could see Molly in a bikini. The cheeky mofo.

'Don't you think they should create a pizza vodka?' Molly asks as we step into the elevator up to my room.

I turn to her in disgust. 'No.'

'Not even a maybe?'

'Why on earth would you want vodka tasting of pizza?' I query.

'Because pizza tastes good and vodka tastes like nail varnish remover' she justifies as the door pings open.

I grab my keys out the front pocket of my bag and push them into the door. 'But you drink vodka to get drunk and you have pizza to eat your sins away, don't even consider tha-'

'Isabella' someone cuts me off.

I turn around to see my brother Mason sat stiff on the edge of my sofa. He's playing with his mug of coffee and his eyes look red and swollen.

'Mase, what you doing here?' I ask, dropping my backpack on the floor. 

He opens his mouth to say something but then retracts, trying to cover it up with a cough.

'Mase?' I ask again beginning to get anxious.

'We need to uh, talk' he states, patting the seat next to him.

I oblige his offer and slouch into the sofa to his left. 'Mase are you okay?' I ask more cautiously.

'I don't know how to tell you this but-'

Yesterday Morning
Mason's POV

'M Fletch, J Hem is waiting' Jack cocks his eyebrow at me as he leans against my car.

'Jack please stop pretending we're rappers' I sigh, opening the door and swinging inside.

'You're the whitest kid I know, dream on' Dylan laughs from the backseat.

'TELL MANS SHUT UP' he shouts at me gesturing his hands in front of him in an aggressive manner.

I roll my eyes and close my door. 'Sing Stormzy ever again and you have got your ticket to a ban from my car'

He laughs at me and I feel a sudden vibration in my pocket. I pull out my phone as Jack and Dylan chat about some new bar which has opened.

Received: Dad (8:49)

Miss me boy?

Present day
Isabella's POV

My body suddenly goes cold and tears are already about to spill from my eyes. 

'Don't tell me what I think you're going to say' I murmur.


'DONT FUCKING TELL ME' I shout, tears now flooding down my face as my body shivers at the threatening thought.

'Wowow, what's going on?' Molly paces over to us.

Mason sighs and finally looks up to Molly. 'Our dad has been released from prison'

. . . . . . . .

Lmao remember me? Yeah I'm the person who hasn't updated in like ages BUT it's okay because I'm writing again now so big tf up

I'm sorry this is a short chapter but I'm getting back into it so gimme a break

Lots has happened since I was last on here, my whole life seems different, weird eh

I'm near the end of year 12 now and I have many exams coming up so wish me luck because I'm 89% going to fail them

em ;;-))) xx

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