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Isabella's POV

You would have thought that as soon as I set foot in my new apartment, I would have been sorting stuff out and looking online for things to buy.

But no.

After waking up at the crack of dawn abruptly by Molly shaking me, telling me how unprepared I was, I was almost forced to get up and gather my things.

Thankfully, things like the mattress I wouldn't have to keep because the new apartment was already furnished, complete with a king size bed.

It could have almost been an English Love Affair.

But regardless, the day had already been too drawn out, making the hours seem stretched.

All I needed right now was a hot chocolate and a crappy movie.

And that's exactly what I had.

One thing I didn't think about was the fact I would have nobody to talk to in here, I was so used to constantly speaking to Molly or my dad that I forgotten what silence felt like.

And believe me it, the silence just emphasised every small noise; which isn't very complimentary for someone who gets scared by the microwave signalling it's finished. Let alone the loud gusts of wind in the night or the sound of drunk people walking past at night.

I was already lonely and it was only my first night.

I curl up further on my black leather sofa, pulling the Apple Mac closer towards me and leaning back into the soft backrest of the sofa.

Even though I had money from selling the old house, it only gave me enough to be able to pay the bills for a month.

So much like any other 18 year old, I was now throwing myself into the world of work.

Personal consultant, pet store, receptionist, waitress. All of the jobs I scrolled past just seemed so boring and uninspiring.

I wanted to wake up in the morning feeling happy about going to work, not counting down the hours until it was over.

Even though I see myself as a pessimistic person, when it comes to time, eventually it's all going to run out.

Most people spend their week counting down to the weekend. Which is 5/7th's of the week (including Sunday blues).

So overall you're wishing away 5/7th's of your life.

If you live to 90, you're wishing away 64.3 years of your life.

Time is valuable.

But who's the hypocrite thinking about wasting time when she's actually wasting time thinking about it.

Yeah, me!

I snap back into the real world and keep scrolling, the same advertisements passing.

Until one catches my eye.

Café 202 employing for new opening in Sydney Harbourside.

Working hours- part time, flexible.

I click on the link, intrigued, and print off the details, hoping to sort it all out tomorrow morning. It was too late for all of this now.

I yawn, so impossibly wide it may have been a possibility my jaw could snap off, before closing the lid to my laptop.

I slide off the sofa, hugging the blanket around my body tightly whilst trying to turn off the TV in front of me by using my blanket covered hand.

After the room diminishes into darkness, the TV light turning off, I pad over to where my bed room is located, sliding myself out the blanket and into my soft cushioning bed.

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