t h i r t y f o u r

282 17 9

Isabella's POV

I don't know why I'm doing this, or whether it's the right decision.

But my mum always used to tell me that life flashes by quicker than you think, so by living everything in the moment you'd never miss it.

I guess I'm just doing what I thought my heart wanted. My heart wants to come home.

My problem was that if my head and heart were at war, my heart would always win. I would never second thought my hearts decisions, because my hearts decisions usually lead me to happiness.

Unfortunately, travelling from England to Australia wasn't a nip up the motorway, it was a 26 hour flight - let me rephrase, a day and a bit of hopping on and off planes.

I just had to hope this was the right decision.

Packing up wasn't hard considering all I really had was clothes and crappy cheap kitchen appliances, although I wasn't so keen on bringing home a tesco value kettle and microwave.

But the truth was, I did miss home. I ran away from my problems and although I thought I could just escape them, it's just made them worse.

I look up from my phone in the airport to see no new notifications on my flight, it was just one long dreary wait. Great.

I click on my contacts on my phone and scroll down to 'Brien O Dylan' and press 'call'.



'Yello' He chirps casually, voices in the background.

'Dyl?' I ask.

'Oh shit Isabella, I didn't even check who it was' He laughs, the voices in the background dying down.

I wonder where he was.

'Who are you with?' I cautiously question.

'Well your brother came here for the weekend so me, Mason and Jack are all hanging in your apartment' He explains.

Why the hell were they in my apartment, I told Dylan to just look after it, not have casual gatherings there every night. Jfc.

Calm down Isabella.

'Wait' Something clicks in my mind. 'Jack who?'

'Hemmings obviously'

'Oh' I squeak.

'Uh- You okay?' He laughs lowly.

'Yeah, yeah sorry'

'So why you calling me again?' He asks.

Oh shit yeah.

'I'm uh- I'm'

'Spit it out'

'That's what she said' Someone shouts in the background. I sigh, rolling my eyes.

'I'm coming home' I whisper.

'What, I can't hear you'

'I'm coming home!' I shout down the phone. Instantly, everyone's eyes around me stare down at me and I suddenly become increasingly insecure. Shit. Greta one Isabella, just shout in the middle of an airport. Heathrow, of all airports.

'Wait you're what?'

'Look I got go now Dyl, see ya' I quickly say, ending the call.

Well damn.

I reposition myself on the cold metal airport seat, trying to get comfy for about the 37593 time. Not only were the seats the hardest things ever, they were also freezing cold sending shivers constantly through my body.

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