chapter 5

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Snape's point of view

I walked to Dumbledore's office with a lot on my mind. I walked up the steps and knocked on the door before opening out and walking in.

"What brings you here at this time in the morning Severus?", i heard him ask from somewhere behind his desk.

"I came to talk about a problem that i have.", i replied.

"You always have a problem with something Severus. But what is out this time?", Dumbledore asked while walking out from behind a bookcase.

"I cannot stop thinking about Jasmine and it is infuriating.", i hissed and started pacing.

"Aah. I see you share her feelings then.", he said smiling.

"That is the problem. I shouldn't have feelings for a student much less someone that now hates me.", i said.

"She doesn't hate you Severus. What makes you think that?", Dumbledore asked and i could hear a bit of worry in his voice.

"A little over a week ago i went to see what was taking her so long to get to detention so i went looking for her and found her snogging one of the twins. So i stormed back to my classroom. She followed to explain what happened but i wouldn't listen. I yelled at her and told her too leave me alone.

She left and the next thing i know is that i hear a tapping on her window so i go to see what it is. It was her owl but there was no sign of her. There was a book with a paper on it saying what had happened and that since i hated her that she was leaving and not returning. And now she is stuck in my head." i told him while walking in circles.

"Jealousy is a bad thing Severus. But i don't think she will stay gone. If she took the time to write you a note then she still loves you. She will come back.", Dumbledore said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"She also said not to go looking for her because i would never find her where she is going. What if she gets hurt or in trouble!?", i yelled.

"She can take care of herself. She has been taught well. She knows how to defend herself as long as she has her wand. And after that incident with Ruth. I think she will keep out with her.", he replied softly.

"What if Ruth gets to get, or Voldemort! You know that my mark had been burning. He is calling for me! He would kill her if she didn't listen to what he told her to do!" i screamed.

"They wouldn't know that she had left. For all they know she is still on Hogwarts grounds. But i will send word to Alastor to keep an eye and eat out for her. I'll have him bring her back.

But you should be planning in going to meet with him. You know that he gets angry when you don't to his calling.", Dumbledore said and say down.

"I'll go after break. I'll come up with sine kind of lie like i always do.", i replied.

"You should go within the next couple of days.", Dumbledore replied.

"I'm not going until i know that Jasmine is safe.", i hissed.

"Staying here worrying isn't going to help keep her safe at all Severus. And I'm sure you have better things to do now instead of worry about her. Go read or something.", he said.

I walked out of the room without saying anything. How could be not be worried about her being safe?


And alas another chapter. I decided to write a bit of a panicking lover for how Snape is for now.

I really think i got Dumbledore and Snape backwards inn this chapter but i really like out and hope you like it also.

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