Chapter 52 (Last Chapter)

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Jasmine's Point Of View

The day had finally come. The one both of were dreading. I was putting the last bit of my stuff inside of my trunk after getting back from saying goodbye to Sherlock for now. Severus and I had hardly said anything to one another, hoping that if we didn't say anything the time wouldn't pass at all. But both of us knew that this was not true at all. The seconds turned into minutes as the time for me to leave came closer and closer, making my heart break more and more.

There was hardly going to be any way that I could survive without Severus to hold me when things were going wrong. Or to be there smiling when I couldn't see the good in a situation. I was not going to like this at all, and I knew this couple of weeks was going to drag on and seem like an eternity. My heart was breaking more and more and I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They rolled down my face as I put on the locket Snape had given me the night before. I clutched it tightly in my hand feeling the letters carved into its surface. I looked at them, My Annabell Lee, before opening it and looking at the two pictures that had been placed carefully into the sides. The one on the right was a picture I didn't even know had been taken, one of Severus and I sneaking a kiss before class started. The one on the left was a picture that moved and it pulled at my heart strings. Snape's mouth moved to say "I love you.", but of course there was no sound.

The locket had to be one of the most precious thing I was taking on my trip along with the child I was carrying. The one that had been with me through countless problems and near death situations. But he or she was still here with me, just showing me further that this is part of my destiny. As I closed my trunk Snape came into the room, "You okay? You've been really quiet all day."

"I'm okay. Just trying to make time stop so I don't have to leave..", I said quietly.

He smiled sadly and nodded his head, "I know. But come eat before you have to go leave. It is going to be a bit of a journey."

I followed him to the kitchen, making sure to take a good look at him as I tried to memorize more about him, trying not to forget a single thing as these weeks apart were drawing closer and closer. He pulled my chair out for me and kissed the top of my head when I was seated. I smiled when I saw that he had cooked fish and chips, something I've been craving for a while.

"Thank you for making what I've been craving. It smells amazing.", I said and laughed.

He smiled at me, "Anything for you on our last night together for a while."

We looked at eachother, smiling sadly at eachother before we started eating. The fish was cooked perfectly and the breading on it melted like butter in my mouth. I hummed in happiness as I dug in.

The rest of dinner went by with us just stealing glances at eachother between bites. It was like some of those teenage first date kinda movie scenes, not much talking, and trying not to get caught looking at the other. As we both finished eating we looked at the other, holding eachother's gaze and tears started to well up in my eyes.

"I dont know how I am going to survive without you Severus. You are my whole world and these couple of weeks are going to seem like an eternity. I am going to miss falling asleep next to you, waking up next to you, our talks and walks, class time with you, and oh how I am going to miss your cooking. But things are going to be okay until you join us, and I will be waiting with open arms and all the love I can possibly give.", I said and smiled at him with tears in my eyes.

"I know Jasmine. We will get through this, and hopefully we will have a better life after this where people and things won't keep going after us. This is for a better future, and we can both start fresh. I am going to miss you, and I love you.", Snape replied and put his hand over mine.

"I love you too", I replied as the clock started to chime on the wall.

"It's time..", Severus said sadly.

"I know..", I replied as we both stood up.

We both walked to the room, grabbed my stuff, and headed out to the castle grounds. I held Severus' hand as we walked in a calm and nice silence. Just taking in the last moments we were going to be together for a little while.

The sun was starting to set behind the castle, causing the sky to have pink, purple, orange, and red hues. It was like a picture perfect last minute picture together. Walking off into the sunset, the grass softly crunching under our feet. Soon we got to our destination and stopped.

Snape put my luggage down and pulled me in for a hug, "I love you so much."

I hugged him back, "I love you too. Please take care of yourself and try to hurry home to me."

"I will. Be safe, take care of yourself and the baby, and if you have any problems contact Dumbledore with JS at the end. He will know it is for me.", he said and kissed the top of my head.

"I will.", I sighed.

I looked up at him and he gave me a brief kiss before letting me go and taking a couple of steps back. I smiled sadly at him tears starting to trail down noth of our cheeks.

"I love you.", we said in unison and smiled sadly at eachother.

I grabbed my luggage in one hand and I bent to grab the port key in the other, "Please be safe Severus."

"You too Jasmine. Now go, you are being waited on.", he replied.

I nodded my head, waved at him, waited for him to wave back, and grabbed the port key with tears streaming down my face. The world blurred around me as I was transported to my new beginning, and to wait on my other half to join me.

- The End of Book 2

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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