chapter 11

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-Voldemort's point of view

I walked out of Jasmine's room laughing to myself. Her love was now to be bound to me and not to anyone else. She was mine and only mine.

She was going to help make me stronger over the years. It'd be feeding off of her strength to slowly make me stronger. It was the perfect plan. I would slowly drain her of her strength, and she would soon enough not be able to try and get away from me. She would be stuck with me for the rest of her life, even though it wouldn't be much longer. She wouldn't get any older than twenty five.

I opened the door to my room to realize that i had forgotten to tell Jasmine that we were to be married by the end of the month (so in like 2 or 3 weeks). I quickly turned around and threw the door open.

I saw my bride to be laying on her side,facing away from me, crying. She jumped when the door hit the wall. She turned her head to look at me.

"I'm still not going to talk.", she said plainly.

"I haven't come to make you talk. I simply came to tell you that we are to be married by the end of the month. And you will be broken by then. You will learn to listen to me and you will do whatever i say.", i hissed.

"And what if i refuse?", she asks.

"Then you are to still be broken and you will still listen to me.", i said and turned towards to door.

"I'm never going to listen to you.",she said with venom in her voice.

"Oh you will my Dear. You will.", i said and walked out of the room. I just had to wait a couple of days for the curse to work. It had to fight through the love that she holds on whoever it is before it could completely take over her heart.


3rd person point off view

As Voldemort walked out of the room Jasmine closed her eyes before quickly opening then again. She got An idea that would leave her and Voldemort alone. She would have to pretend that she loved him. She would just have to somehow get rid of the memories of Severus without completely forgetting about her love for him.

She sat there starting out the window for a long while trying to think of ways to keep Voldemort from learning about Severus. And she finally got an idea. She remembered showing Dumbledore the memory of Snape killing her parents. She just had to remember how to extract the memories without damaging them. And she would have to be able to hide them somewhere. She would have to ask Ruth to help her with it. And then she would have to obliviate Ruth's memory of all the help she had given.

Not even a minute after getting the plan all worked out in her head Ruth popped her head into the room.

"I heard about the wedding.", she whispered silently.

"It is okay. Whatever curse he used didn't work. I still don't love him. But I'm going to pretend to. And I'm going to need your help doing that.", Jasmine said.

"What kind of help?", Ruth asked not to sure she would be able to pull all of this off.

"I need you to get a bunch of bottles and i need you to fund out how to extract memories. And after that is done i need all of them sent to Severus so he can keep them safe. I need to trick Voldemort into thinking that i loved one of my friends and not Severus.", Jasmine explained.

Ruth listened and nodded, "i should be able to do that. Do you still need the wand to obliviate the memories off you that Voldemort has?"

"Yes. I cannot risk him trying to come after me again. Once is enough. I cannot deal with going through this again.", Jasmine said.

"I know how that is.", Ruth replied.

"There is just one catch to my plan..", Jasmine said not even realizing what Ruth had said.

"And what is that. If i have to die the deal is off.", Ruth quickly said.

"It isn't anything like that. But i cannot risk Voldemort finding out about this plan. So after my memories are sent to Severus you need to obliviate you memories of you trying to help me. He cannot find out about this out we are both going to end up being killed.", Jasmine slowly said.

Ruth stated art get for a long minute. Just looked at her in disbelief. Then she finally spoke, " I can't do that. I don't want to hurt you. You are the closest thing to a friend that i have!", she shouted.

"You are going to have to. I will write you a letter explaining everything that happened between us that you need to poor somewhere that you won't find until after i have left. I will remember, but i can say that they were a dream and they didn't happen and i wouldn't be lying. If he tries to see if it is true he will see that it isn't.", Jasmine said.

She had worked the whole plan before Ruth had gotten there and the plan was absolutely brilliant.

"Fine. I'll do it.", Ruth said, "but i better go before someone finds out I'm in here."

Jasmine nodded and she watched Ruth walk out of the door. Jasmine just really hoped that this plan worked.

Snape's point out view

I woke up with a throbbing headache and i groaned. I sat up and held my head in my hands. I had no idea what had happened. My head and chest hurt and the rim was spinning.

I slowly got up off of the floor and walked to my room. I grabbed all of the Edgar Allen Poe books and flopped on my bed. I was going to read and hopefully try to figure out what was going on.


I finally did it. A chaoter over 1000 words!!!

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