Chapter 29

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Severus's Point of View

I let my hands fall from Jasmine's hips and took a step back. Her arms moved away from my neck and she look down at the ring on her finger.

She spun it around once before saying, "It's beautiful Severus. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now how about we go on that walk?", I replied.

"Can we stay outside? It is to nice out to go back in.", Jasmine said.

"Of course.", I did and held a hand out for her to take.

Jasmine slipped her hand into mine and squeezed it. I squeezed her hand back and started to walk. Jasmine followed and swing our arms giggling some causing me to chuckle.

"Where are we going?", Jasmine asked as we walked away from the school.

"I thought we could go sit by the lake for a bit and then go to the quidditch pitch.", I replied.

"Can we go see Sherlock after? I haven't seen him in forever. I hope he is okay.", she said and looked up, probably hoping to see him flying.

"I'm sure he is okay, but we can go and see him before we go to the quidditch pitch.", I smiled.

She smiled back and let go of my hand, "Race you to the lake."

"I do not run.", I said.

"Then I guess I'll see you later slow poke.", she called as she started running towards the lake.

I watched as her hair flowed behind her. I heard her giggling and she turned back to me.

"Come on Severus! Have some fun!", Jasmine yelled and stopped.

I sighed, "Fine.", I said and started to run to where she was.

Jasmine smiled and turned around running away from me, but I caught up to her quickly. I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up. She squeaked some and started to giggle as I spun her around.

"You caught me.", she said when I set her back onto the grass.

"Looks like I did.", I responded with a smile.

Jasmine turned around and looked up at me, "That was fun."

"If you want to say that.", I said with a sigh.

"Oh come on. You know you had fun. Out else you wouldn't have ran after me.", she said with I toothy grin.

"Okay. I had fun.", I replied.

"Yay!! Now let's go.", Jasmine pulled on my arm.

I allowed her to lead me towards the lake. Her hand was gently wrapped around my wrist and she gently pulled on it moving a bit faster when the lake came into view. She walked right to the tree she always say under, her tree.

Jasmine's Point of View

I let go of Severus's wrist and ran to my tree. The bark had started to peel away from the trunk and most of the branches had broken off. The once beautiful brown colour of the bark had started to turn black.

I rested my hand on the trunk, "What happened to you?"

There was a soft groan that seemed to have come from the tree. It was as if the tree was answering my question.

I heard Severus stop behind me and he remained silent.

I turned around, "Is there any way to fix this?"

"No there isn't.", was all he said as he looked out over the water.

I frowned and turned back to the tree, tears starting to form in my eyes. I couldn't lose this tree. It was the only place that I could go to get away from this, the only place that I could talk without having to worry about listening to me.

"I'm so sorry.", I whispered and sat in front of the tree.

I looked at the ground and picked up part of the bark that has fallen off of the tree. I held it in my hand and stared at it. The tears slipped from my eyes and I took a deep breath.

I was losing a place of sanctity, of peace and a place of hiding. I was losing what seemed to be a friend, a part of myself.

I didn't hear Severus walk over to where I was or sit down, but I jumped when he pulled me into his lap. I pressed my head into his neck and continued to cry. Severus rubbed my back in a soothing manner and rested his head on top of mine.

I could hear more twigs and branches falling off of the tree and it made me cry more. I clung onto Severus like someone would do if they were dying, like they didn't want to let go.

"We can plant another tree Jasmine, it's okay.", he said softly.

"No it isn't.. I don't want another tree, I want this one.", I replied through my shaking breath.

"I know.", he said.

I didn't say anything, I just sat in his lap listening to my shaking breath, the soft breeze that blew over the grass, and the almost silent lapping out the lake on the shore.

"Why don't we go and see Sherlock now.", Severus said after a couple of minutes.

I nodded my head, "Okay.."

Snape put his arms under and around me and stood up with me in his arms.

"I can walk.", I said quietly.

"I know.", he replied and kept on walking.

"Can I walk.", I asked.

"You have two working legs so you can.", Snape jokingly said causing me to smile some.

"That isn't what I meant.", I said.

"I know it isn't.", he replied smiling.

"May I walk?", I asked.

He stopped and set me down, "Yes you may."

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