Chapter 37

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Severus's Point of View

As I was walking out of my quarters I couldn't help but think that I had done something wrong. The potion wasn't strong enough, maybe I needed to double or triple it.

"Or maybe her body isn't strong enough to handle it yet.", a woman's voice echoed in my ear.

I stopped and looked around me, noticing that no one was there. Maybe I was just hearing things. Maybe I really did need some sleep.

"Double the potion, it will make it last longer. But Jasmine will have to take it every day.", the voice said again.

I hadn't heard voices since Lily had passed. And this voice was nothing like those voices. Those voices were harsh and demanding. But this voice, this voice was soft and gentle, almost like someone was watching over Jasmine.

I didn't hear the voice again until I walked into my classroom and started to get the ingredients out, "Let the potion boil over night, medium heat. It will help brew everything together better."

I sighed, running a hand over my face, but did as the voice said. I doubled the ingredients, and put it on medium heat. When I was done I put the rest of the the ingredients away before turning to leave.

When I got to the door I stopped, a shiver running up my spine that caused me to turn around. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes landed on her, "Stop pushing her away Severus. You will end up losing her by doing that. You need to start listening to some of what she is saying. You really do need rest."

"You can't really be here.", I whispered and blinked, But she was still standing there in front of me.

"I'm here because of Jasmine changing your destiny. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her, Severus. She is stronger than what you think.

Jasmine is trying to save you, and pushing her away like you are is driving her away, but you already know that. Don't you?"

"You couldn't possibly know that Lily. You can't know any of this and you can't be here!", I yelled at the ghostly woman standing in front of me.

Lily smiled gently and laughed slightly, "Sev, stop trying to deny things to protect yourself. Jasmine is here to protect you. And you need to protect her back. She is going to need you more now than she did when she was with Voldemort.

A great evil is going to try to wedge itself between the two of you. It is going to try anything to get her back to him Severus. And you doing what you are now, is how he will get her back."

Her words seemed to slap me in the face, "You think that I'm not trying?! You have no idea Lily!"

"I know that you don't think that you deserve her, she is young and beautiful and you are just an old bat that has done to much evil. I know that you have been closed off since you called me a Mudblood.

I know that you don't want to open up, afraid that she is going to leave you like I did. Take a leap of faith for once and be happy. You deserve it.

Now go Sev, Jasmine is crying and she needs you. Hold onto her, she is good for you, and don't let go. Do it for me.", she replied and faded away leaving me standing there, shocked.

I clenched my jaw and turned to walk back to my quarters. My mind was playing tricks on me. Trying to give me false hope. I know that Jasmine will end up leaving me, just like Lily had. I was just readying myself for that.

3rd Person Point of View

Severus stalked out of his classroom, his anger radiating off of him, making it almost visible. His jaw was clenched and his hands we're balled into fists. How dare his mind tell him what he deserved, he deserved nothing but death, or so he thought.

When he opened the door to his quarters his anger seemed to fade away. He could hear Jasmine's broken sobs, they seemed to echo off of the walls. Severus's heart broke, even if he didn't want to admit it.

He slowly walked to his room, pushed the door open, and found Jasmine laying on the floor crying. Her face was pressed against a pillow that had landed on the floor. Severus quickly walked over to where she was laying, halfway between the restroom and his bed, and gently picked her up.

"Are you okay?", he asked with worry in his voice.

"I tried to walk to the restroom and I couldn't make it back. My back feels like it is on fire and I can't feel my legs again.", she whimpered back.

Snape took the three or four steps, for him, to his bed and sat down. He gently laid Jasmine down, before kicking off his shoes, pulling off his robe, and laying down beside her.

"I'm here now. Everything will be okay.", he said and kissed her forehead.

"I hope it will be.. I don't know if I can love with this pain..", she replied.

"I have potions for that. And I have a potion to help you with walking.. But you will have have to drink it everyday.", Severus sighed.

"It is better than nothing Severus. Thank you.", Jasmine smiled at him.

"I'm just trying to help.", he replied.

"I know that you are.", Jasmine said before yawning.

Snape pulled Jasmine toward him, "Get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up."

"You better be.", she giggled and rested her head on his chest, "I love you."

"I love you too.", he whispered back, but she had already fallen asleep.

It was in that little moment, Snape looking down at Jasmine with her hair spread out around her and her head rested on him chest asleep in his arms, that he realized that maybe Lily had been right. He was closed off and was pushing her away. And he made a choice to take a leap of faith, so to speak, and open up to her.

If she was suppose to protect him, maybe she was meant to help save him also. And Severus, with his girl wrapped in his arms, was going to do anything he could to help save and protect her.


Look at that! A chapter, and one that is over 1,000 words long! I am feeling much better than the other day and I had an idea so here is a chapter.

I enjoyed writing it and I love how this chapter turned out, so I hope that y'all love it too. Let me know how you feel about it by leaving a like and or a comment. It would really help me out.

Thank you for sticking through the long wait. And until next time. :)

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