Chapter 39

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Jasmine's Point of View

Severus and I laid in bed, wrapped in a comfortable silence, for hours. We held each other tightly not wanting to let go. My index finger ran lightly over his arm, drawing random patterns on his skin. My finger finally started to trace the dark mark that was placed on his forearm.

"I actually kind of like this.", I whispered, breaking the silence.

Severus pulled his arm away from me and stared at the mark with a grown on his face, "It reminds me every day that I have made mistakes. Every time I look at it, the mistakes stare back at me."

"Severus everyone had made mistakes, I have made more than a few. And I'm reminded of some of them everyday. It is life, and you learn from your mistakes.

But you know what the mark reminds me of? It reminds me of us. If it wasn't for that mark, I could be dead. Severus, every time I see that mark it reminds me of the life that I get to live. That mark saved me, saved us both.", I replied and ran my fingers down the mark again.

"If it wasn't for the mark..", Severus started and I cut him off.

"Severus I get it. I know that the mark reminds you of your weaknesses, mistakes, and it holds regrets. But please, just listen.

That mark shows me strength, love, hope, faith. I look at it and it reminds me of how much I love you, even the parts that you might not love about yourself.

Everyone has their own mark, some more noticeable that others. I have mine, more than one actually, and I hate every single one of them. I look at them and see a hurt, angry, broken girl that didn't know what to do. And instead of taking my pain out on others, I took it out on myself.

I see them everyday, they make me feel sick. But I know that without them, I wouldn't be who I am today. And without your mark, you wouldn't be who you are either.", I finished with pulling the shirt I was wearing up enough to show part of my stomach.

My skin was littered with little white and pink lines, some randomly placed and others making out patterns and broken words, "You aren't the only one Severus."

I went to pull the shirt back down, but Severus's hand stopped me. His fingers lightly traced every single scar that laid on my skin. It was almost like he was mapping everyone, committing them to his memory.

"I thought these were from Bellatrix..", he said softly.

I shook my head, "They're from me."

"When was the last time you did this?", he asked with pain in his voice.

"A couple of months ago.", I replied and tears welled up in my eyes, "It is so hard not to do it again."

"If you ever want to do it again Jasmine, I want you to come tell me.", Severus said.

"Okay. I will.", I promised.

Severus kissed my forehead, "I love you."

"I love you too.", I smiled.

3rd Person Point of View

Severus quickly pressed his lips against Jasmine's. A broad smile spread itself across both of their faces when he pulled back.

They jumped apart as clapping the room. Their eyes snapped to look at the person making the noise.

"Well well, looks like you are doing just fine in the romance department without me.", the woman cackled.

Jasmine's eyes seemed to burn with fire as she spoke, "Who told you that you could be in here Guenivere. You are no longer needed in our lives."

Guenivere shook her head smiling slightly, "Oh, but what the world doesn't know. I found a string to pull on. Though it might not be one of yours, it will certainly effect your little 'destiny' that you hold. Soon everything will come crashing down around you."

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