Chapter 46

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3rd Person Point of view

Black clouds hung low over the castle, as rain poured onto the grounds. Dirt turned into mud and things soon started to become flooded. Wind blew the rain sideways, causing it to pelt into the side of the castle with a "thud". Branches whipped around, leaves flew around in circles, and the wind howled.

Jasmine had been woken up by the start of the downpour, and tried to go back to sleep with no success. So she settled on getting up, making some tea, and settling in the chair in Snape's room wrapped in a blanket with a pencil and her sketch pad.

Her hand carefully glided over the paper, making small, light lines that started to come together as a drawing. Line after line, the paper started to come to life. Jasmine captured every detail of Severus' sleeping body, from the way his hair fell across the pillow, to his partially opened lips, and even the way the blanket clung to his hips and left his chest uncovered. Jasmine worked slowly, making sure to not make a mistake or to even smug the drawing.

She sat there for hours as the storm raged on just outside of the window. Her hand skillfully gathered the lighting details, shading where it needed it, and leaving places untouched where the light seemed to dance off of his skin. She had just about finished the drawing when Severus slowly started to wake up. His hand reaching out in front of him to find the bed cold and empty.

"I'm still here.", Jasmine said quietly when his hand ran over the bed again.

Severus sighed, "I thought you actually did leave.", he said tiredly.

"I couldn't sleep with the storm, so I made tea and started drawing.", she replied and set her sketch pad and pencil on the table next to the chair.

"What were you drawing?", Snape asked and rubbed the last of remnants of sleep from his eyes.

"You.", Jasmine smiled and stood up.

Snape blushed, "Really?"

"Yup.", she said popping the p, "You looked so peaceful that I couldn't help myself."

He sat up and stretched, "I don't do peaceful."

Jasmine simply shook her head and smiled, "Whatever you say."

"How long have you been up?", Severus asked before yawning.

Jasmine shrugged, "Four or five hours maybe? I lose track of time. But it was long enough to have almost completed this."

She grabbed the sketch pad before standing up. She held the blanket around her shoulders, walked back to the bed, and climbed in. Jasmine laid the sketch book on the bed so Severus could see the drawing. He sat there staring to the page for a while, his eyes slowly taking in every detail, every little line, carefully sketched onto the page.

"This is amazing.", he finally whispered.

"Thank you.", Jasmine said, her cheeks turning red.

"Have you drawn anything else?", Snape asked before grabbing the book.

"I think there is seven more newish drawings in there. Just flip the pages back and I'll let you know what is new an what isn't.", she replied, sliding closer to him.

Snape carefully flipped the pages back, revealing more sketches. Most were of Severus. One of him cooking without a shirt on, every detail of his back even the small scars mapped onto the page, of him grading papers, making a face of utter disbelief at how many students couldn't correctly tell him the use of a beetle. Severus reading a book, his tongue stuck out from behind his lips just a tiny bit, and the last drawing of him was of him staring off the side of the page laughing at something.

"What am i laughing at?", he asked confused.

"You were laughing at me for sliding down the hall in my socks and singing." Jasmine said smiling.

Snape chuckled, "I remember you trying to get me to join you, but you never did."

"I still had fun.", she shrugged.

He glanced back at the page, "You drew this from memory?"

Jasmine nodded, "I memorize everything I think is beautiful, or handsome, so I can draw it later just so I won't forget it."

"You truly are amazing.", he said quietly and smiled at her.

"Look at the next one. I think you will enjoy it.", she said, reaching over and slowly turning the page.

The page was drawn in colour, taking in more detail that one could think possible. The stones of the building seemed to be brought to life with the changing of colours, textures, and shading. the snow on the ground, turning from a pure white, to a dingy brown, caused by people trampling through it. The sky a simple array of blues and greys, blended into each other. And there in the middle of the page was one of the most beautiful things Severus had ever seen.

Sherlock and Watson were pressed up next to one another. The colours of their beaks, eyes, and feathers popped out of the page making it life like. But there was something on the page that really caught his eye. There in the corner of the page was this little bundle of white, black, brown, and grey feathers with piercing yellow eyes. Snape looked up at Jasmine to see her smiling.

"You haven't been to see Sherlock and Watson in a while. So i went and drew them. And that little guy came out of nowhere, landing by them for a minute before peeping and flying over there.", She said pointing to the corner of the page.

"So you drew him for the fact that he is cute?", Severus asked.

"Look at him and Sherlock and Watson, Severus. I thought you would have realized by now. You usually pick up on details quickly.", she said softly.

Snape looked at the page again, "Oh. Ohh. I didn't.. When?"

Jasmine chuckled, "I think he is about two months old. Dumbledore agrees with me."

"He knew about this?", he asked.

"I was asking him a question about possibly getting let out of a herbology class to go draw them since you had been busy and hasn't had time to go check on Watson. And he told me to go for it. I found that little guy because of it.", she smiled.

"Have you given him a name yet?", Snape looked back at the corner of the page.

"I wanted you to help name him.", Jasmine said

"Poe.", Snape replied.

Jasmine giggled, "I knew you were going to say that, but Poe it is."

They both continued to look at the drawing of their little owl family, smiling and leaning on one another. It as surely days like this that they needed more of. Days where they could just relax and not have to worry about anything in the world.

"Our little family is starting to get big Severus. There is about to be six of us now.", Jasmine said and rested a hand on her quickly growing stomach.

Severus rested his hand on top of hers and smiled, "I know. And I couldn't be happier."


I am so sorry for the long wait on the next chapter. With school and family I have not really had time to thing about the book, but here is the next chapter and it is over 1,00 words! YAY! I hope to be able to post once or twice a month, but we will she how that goes. Anyways, thank you for all of you lovely patient people out there, I hope you enjoy.

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