Chapter 36

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3rd Person Point of View

As Jasmine stood there with her head on Severus's chest the pain that was shooting up her back got worse. She held in her groan of pain, until it got to much to bear. The groan of pain ripped itself from her lips and her fingers gripped the back of his shirt tightly.

Before Severus could ask her if she was okay she said, "I-I can't feel my legs."

He stared down at her in disbelief, how could she not feel her legs? He had made a potion to help with that.

Jasmine's knees buckled under her weight, and if it wasn't for Snape's arms being around her, she would have crumpled onto the floor. Tear streamed down her face as a scream was torn from her lips due to the pain. Severus quickly picked her up and carried her to the bed.

His hands trembled when he laid her on his bed, "What all hurts?"

"My lower back hurts a bit now, but it felt like I was being ripped in half.", Jasmine said and pressed her head into the pillow.

Her breath finally started to even out as Severus went to grab a potion for the pain. He returned a moment after He left and helped her sit up enough to drink the potion.

"I don't understand. Did I not make the potion strong enough?", he was muttering to himself.

"Maybe I am just not meant to walk anymore.", Jasmine said sadly, "Maybe this is my punishment for changing out destiny."

"I'm not going to let it be that way.", Severus growled.

Jasmine put her hand on top of his, "Some things you can't fix without making them worse in the end Severus. This is like a New adventure for me And I'm okay with being like this."

"I am not going to let you just rot away like this. If people that have done worse things than you get to enjoy their legs, then you enjoy to have them too.

If I get to keep my legs with everything that I have done, I will make sure that you can have yours back if It is the last thing that I do. I am not going to stop until you can walk without any pain.", he replied.

"Severus.", she started and got cut off.

"No, I'm not going to argue with you on this. We have argued enough for one day. I am going to go work on making a stronger potion, and I want you to rest.", he said over her.

"I have school work to get done.", Jasmine said softly.

"You can do it later. I will talk to Dumbledore about letting you have some more time. You need to rest, you have been through a lot..", Severus started.

"I have been through more before Severus. I was stuck with Voldemort for weeks, getting tortured, and that didn't stop me. So why should this?", she asked.

"Because I'm making you take care of yourself this time. And that is final.", he replied.

He gave her a look, daring her to say something back. Jasmine kept her mouth shut and simply nodded at him.

"Get some rest. I'll be back soon.", Severus said and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I don't want you to be out to late, you need to rest too. I can tell that you are tired, so don't try telling me that you aren't.", Jasmine replied and looked up at him.

Snape walked to the door simply saying, "I'll be back.", before walking out and closing the door behind him. Leaving Jasmine alone in his room, laying on his bed.


He y'all I am sorry for the short Chapter, that isn't well written at all. I am not feeling to great, but not in the sick why. I just feel a bit depressed and I want this story to start looking up instead of going up and down, so I tried and it sucked. I will try to write a better chapter next week...

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