chapter 6

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-Snape's point of view

I went back to my room and grabbed the note that Jasmine had written and The Raven. I had read them enough that i had memorized them both, but i couldn't help but read them over and over because they were the last things that she had touched.

I carefully unfolded the nite and started to re-read out, " I'm really sorry about hurting you.. If i would have known that George was going to do that i wouldn't have gone to meet up with them before detention. I had no idea that they were going to pull something like that just to prove that you fancy me..

It pains me to know that i had a party in hurting you. Like i can't put into words how badly i feel about this while thing. If i could go back in time and change what happened i would. And i really don't know how to say how sorry i am.

I just hope that helping you finish you book collection makes you not hate me as much. I over heard you at the book store and remembered that i had a copy. So I'm giving it to you. And i understand if you don't want it..
Looks like I'm running out of space to write. I would say that is see you later, But i don't think you are ever going to see me again. I'll be long gone before you find this. And please don't come looking for me.

With all the love left in my heart,
Jasmine.", i read outloud.

I could hear her voice as of she was standing next too me reading this. And it hurt that she wasn't here.


-Jasmine's point out view

I heard the door open and i knew what was coming. More questions and torture because i refused to talk.

"I still don't see what he sees in you.". I heard Ruth say, " you dont love him, but he seems to be attached to you. I would kill you to have him to myself, but Master won't allow that."

"If you want him you could have him.", i hissed at her.

I had heard her complain about how her Master didn't love her like she loved him. And i really didn't care. At least she had him here with her.

"He won't allow me to.", Ruth complained.

"Have you talked to him about it?", i asked, trying to keep the attention off of Snape and i for as long as i could.

"He won't hear anything i have to say on the matter.", she sighed.

"Sometimes you just have to make guys listen to you.", i replied.

She laughed in my face, "making the Dark Lord listen to anyone is a joke."

"Maybe i could talk to him for you.", i whispered.

I hated her but i couldn't stand to hear her complain about this anymore. I had to help her somehow.

"And how would you do that?", she hissed, "he doesn't want a street rat like me. I'm a muggle born! He wants nothing to do with my kind at all. He only took me in because i helped kill some people that tried to stop him. Otherwise i wouldn't be here. I'd be dead!"

"Well at least you have a place. I have nowhere and no one.", i said.

"You have Dumbledore!", Ruth yelled.

"Does it really look like it? I wouldn't be here if he was. Now are you going to take my help or not?", i asked.

"Tell me how you can help and I'll think about it.", Ruth replied, locked the door, and took a seat next to me.


Oh snap. What just happened?

Getting a little back sorry on Ruth. What do you think of her now that she has a bit of a story behind the east that she is. And what do you think Jasmine's plan is going to be. And is Ruth going to help out or not?

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