Chapter 45

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Snape's Point of View

Jasmine stood in the doorway, one hand rested on her stomach that was just starting to show and the other hovering over her trunk. She looked at me with sad eyes for a moment before sighing.

"I'm leaving Severus.", she said quietly.

My throat tightened and my heart shattered, "Why?", was all I could reply.

"I can't take having you hide things from me anymore. All we do is push each other away, just to pull each other back in again. We aren't the ocean, and I just can't handle it any longer. There is so much that I wish would happen, and it just isn't.

At first it was okay with us just pushing and pulling one another, but then I got pregnant. Now we are just going to be fighting destiny and that prophecy.  And Gabriel. I think it is best that I just leave. It could save our lives, and maybe even our child. I can't take anymore death. Watching you kill my parents was enough for me Severus.", Jasmine whispered.

"Everything I have done was to try and save you Jasmine. I kept some things from you because I didn't think they mattered and it was wrong. I am sorry. But please don't leave.", I pleaded.

"I can't stay Severus..", she replied.

"What happened to you telling me not to leave you? You were the one to tell me not to leave, and I always listened. But now that the rolls are reversed you aren't going to listen to me. Are you?", I asked.

"Things change.", Jasmine said.

I finally slid out of bed and walked towards her, "Things haven't changed, the way you think and see me has."

"So it is all my fault!?", she screamed and took a step back.

"That isn't what I am trying to say.", I sighed.

She cut me off, "That is exactly what you said Severus. And here we go pushing each other away again. But I'm not coming back this time."

She grabbed her trunk and headed for the door. I went to stop her, but she spun around pointing her wand at me, tears steaming down her face.

"Don't stop me.", Jasmine said.

"Jasmine please..", I pleaded.

"Out of everyone in my life, I thought you would be the one person that would be able to let me go. Just let me go Severus.", Jasmine replied.

I slowly walked to where she was standing, "I'm not going to."

"Take another step and I'll curse you.", she said pointing her wand at me again.

"I know you wouldn't do that.", I whispered.

"People change Severus. What I wouldn't do and what I would do are different. You take another step and I will curse  you.", Jasmine hissed.

"Jasmine please... I love you..", I said brokenly.

"I don't love you.", she cried.

I took a step towards her and I instantly knew it was a mistake. Her eyes seemed to have a flame ignite behind them. She stood up straight, raised her want, and yelled, "petrificus totalus." I instantly froze, my body being bound together, and fell to the floor.

I watched as Jasmine grabbed her trunk and walked to the door, "I'm sorry.", she said before walking out the door.

My heart broke as I watched the door close. I was left all alone with a broken heart and my now way to empty quarters. Tears streamed down my face as once again I was left by someone I love.

Jasmine's Point of View

I walked out of the bathroom towel drying my hair. I felt a lot better after the quick shower, and I was going to go start on dinner.

I stopped when I heard a small whimper come from Severus. I looked over at him to see tears running down his face. He kept whimpering something that I couldn't make out. So I crawled onto the bed.

"Severus.", I said gently shaking his shoulder.

He didn't wake up, and he still didn't wake up when I tried again. I got a bit worried and snuggled up next to him, not knowing what else to do. I wrapped myself around him as much as I could and kissed his cheek. That is when his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey sleepy head.", I whispered and smiled.

"You're back.", Severus said, voice cracking.

"I only went to take a shower.", I replied.

"You left. You packed all your stuff up and left.", Snape whispered, tears still streaming down his face.

"It was a dream Severus. I never left. I've been here the whole time and I'm not going to leave. I promise.", I assured him.

"I watched you leave. I tried to make you stay, but you wouldn't. You wouldn't even listen to me. I thought I lost you.", he said and pulled me closer to him.

"It was all just a dream. I'm here.", I kissed his cheek.

"It was so real.", Severus whimpered.

"I know.", I said soothingly.

I let him cling to me as he cried. His sobs broke my heart, and I didn't know what to do other than to hold him. I gently rubbed his back and ran my fingers through his hair, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. But nothing seemed to help. The dream had completely shattered his heart, and now we had to pick up the pieces.

"Severus, I want you to look at me for a second.", I whispered after I had tried everything else.

He slowly raised his head from my chest to look at me. His eyes bloodshot from crying, cheeks bright red, tear streaks running down his face causing the top of his shirt and mine to get wet. Hair was clinging to his face and he just looked broken.

I moved the hair out of his face and cupped his cheeks, "I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

"But you did..", Severus whined.

"It was a dream, love. It wasn't real. Me right here, this is real, okay? Everything will be okay.", I smiled.

Severus nodded before looking down, "I just.. I don't know what I would do without you.."

"You aren't going to lose me that easily. I'm still here after everything that happened with Voldemort, and I'm not going to go anywhere just because thing have gotten a little rough. I love you, and I'm going to fight to keep you.", I said before kissing his cheek.

Snape sniffled, "Okay."

"I love you Severus.", I whispered before pressing my lips against his.

"I love you too.", he replied, kissing me again.

I smiled, pulled away, and rested my forehead against his. We stayed like that, peacefully, for what seemed like an eternity. Just holding one another. Satisfying the want and need of just being with one another.

It was completely silent except for our breathing and the soft wind that blew the branches outside. I looked up to find Severus staring at me, a small smile on his face and all traces of his tears gone. I smiled back and cupped his cheek in my hand. His eyes closed and he leaned into my touch. I pressed a kiss to his nose before pressing one to his lips.

3rd Person Point of View

Jasmine and Severus stayed in bed until the sun went down, never saying anything. Just relishing in each others presence. They were silently pulling the broken pieces of Snape's heart back together, and becoming stronger as a couple. The two of them seemed to just know what the other was thinking, and soon enough their kisses turned into something more. Clothes got thrown around the room, and they made slow, sweet love to one another until they were both worn out. Jasmine laid her head on Snape's chest and intertwined their legs. Severus held her close, afraid that he was going to lose her, and kissed the top of her head. They both slowly drifted off to sleep, smiles on their faces, and warmth and happiness spread across their hearts.

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