chapter 8

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-Ruth's point of view

I walked back to my room after leaving Jasmine's room, if you could even call it that. I locked the door behind me and walked over to my desk. I took out a roll of paper, my ink bottle, and my quill.

I dipped the quill into the ink and started to write," Dear Severus, i have been asked to inform you not to answer to any of Voldemort's calls. He is planning on killing you if you do come because you didn't bring Jasmine to him. He is very very upset with you. I have over heard the conversations he has had with Peter and they are all about tying you down, torturing you, and then killing you in front of Jasmine.

I know she asked me not to do this, but Jasmine had been here since she left Hogwarts. And i regret making her stay. What they have been doing to get to get her to talk is horrifying. It it's worse than what they ever did to us. But she refuses to talk.

She doesn't want you to get hurt Severus. And I'm guessing you tought her occlumency because not even Voldemort can penetrate her mind. She had a very very strong will and she is stronger than what she looks Severus.

She doesn't want you to write back because you will definitely get caught then. But I'm going to take care of her and try to get her out of here. She had come up with a plan and it just might work, but it might take a bit for me to help with it. I have to somehow get her her wand and not allow Voldemort to know it is gone. She is going to obviate his memory of her and then try to escape. She doesn't know where she is going to go after she gets out of here, but I'm going to try to send her back your way. She does love you, you know. Even i can see it. You should try and forgive her Severus.

You need to get over yourself and stop being a git, or you just might lose her. Take care of yourself and I'll be taking care of Jasmine.


I read the letter again before putting it in an envelope and sending it off with my owl. I just hoped that it would get there before he tried to come this way.

-Jasmine's point of view

I was still looking out the window, it seemed like an hour or so had pasted since Ruth left, but it was longer than that. I had watched the sun come up and i just hoped that she sent the letter off already.

I sighed and looked away from the window. It was times like this, when i was the only one in the room, that i could let my guard down and think.

I closed my eyes, but kept my ears open to hear off anyone was coming, and started to think of Severus. I smiled when i remembered how he was towards me at first. How he was always a bit harsher towards me then to the other students. And i smiled more when i thought of how he changed how he acted around me and how we had kinda started to go out. I remembered the first time we kissed. And the first date we had. Flying and dancing.

Then i frowned. Remembering how he saw George kissing me and the look of hurt on his face before it turned to hatred. I remember him storming off and then not wanting to talk to me. I remember running of in tears.

I opened my eyes and realized that i was crying. Crying because i had lost so much in life already, and i had just lost one of the best things that had happened to me, because i loved someone that hated me now.

I whipped my tears away, even though more flowed down my cheeks, and put my mental wall back up. Which was the last thing that i had of Severus's.


Yay another chapter and look at that. It it's a bit longer!! Yay!!! Give me feedback y'all. What was your favorite part of this chapter?? Let me know!! Lol

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