Chapter 8- Journey South

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"And none of you have any queries or problems with me leaving for the festivals?"

"Arya-Dröttning, you have performed admirably in your mother's stead. She would be proud of what you have achieved in such a short time. But even Queen Islanzadi would know when she needed a rest. There were times during her reign when she would roam the streets of Ellesmera, talking and walking just like any other elf, carefree." The soliloquy came from a council member by the name of Dámir, who had served Arya's mother.

"Very well, I leave the city in your capable hands unless any of you wish to join me?"

"Your invitation is appreciated, however we believe it will be best for us to assume our temporary responsibility in cohesion with each other." This time Blodhgarm answered her, his sharp teeth glistening in the sun.

"I leave in an hour, await my call if anything happens." The elves bowed and departed.

Arya felt a youthful excitement bubbling in her stomach.

The wind was unbearably strong, but Arya did not mind. Her eyes watered as her vision was partially obscured. Eragon smiled at her as Saphira somersaulted in the air. At that moment, he leaped off his saddle and plummeted to the ground. Arya's eyes rose in shock as Firen dove down, tucking his wings to streamline his body so as to reach him in time. They had just entered a cloud storm and their vision was only of the white that surrounded her. As Firen broke through the cloud, she saw Saphira racing towards Eragon. Her expression was not of fear but of determination and familiarity. Finally, Eragon spread his arms and legs, slowing his descent slightly, allowing Saphira to catch him on to his saddle. She let loose a roar of satisfaction as Eragon cheered her and scratched her neck.

"Did you see that Arya? We did it!" Eragon exclaimed over the wind.

"You almost got yourself killed that's what you did!"

"Arya you have to try it. In the smallest capacity, I felt what I was like to be a dragon!"

Saphira and Firen both snorted.

"How many times have you practiced that?"

"Three months planning and two years actually practicing such a move. Many of the Eldunari were opposed to it, but Saphira wouldn't let anything happen to me. Eragon smiled."

"Maybe we shall try it someday Firen."

Indeed Arya. His deep voice boomed.

They had reached the outskirts of the Hadarac Desert before deciding to set up camp. Saphira and Firen disappeared to hunt for dinner whilst Eragon and Arya made camp. Darkness had fallen and snowfall, even in near the desert, was heavy. Eragon had managed to clear a circle with magic, ten feet in diameter, which allowed them to sleep without being buried in snow. The temperature was below freezing when the dragons returned with five small rabbits. As Arya and Eragon ate, the dragons curled against each other, forming an intertwined circle around them. Eragon sat against Saphira's foreleg whilst Arya lay her head on his lap. Extinguishing the fire, they slept, without a care in the world and without fear of being watched.

Morning came, and with it, gloomy skies and heavier snowfall. Ice littered the land around them as a light wind woke Arya. She saw Eragon was still fast asleep, as were the dragons, so she decided to explore. After spending most of her life as an ambassador for the elves, and the past seven years in confinement in Ellesmera, her understanding of the land was disjointed. She ventured into a nearby bush looking for breakfast. Though the desert was not four leagues away, the trees here were lush and green. The canopy blocked most light from penetrating the forest, but some of the rising sun's rays were able to shed light on the forest floor. Arya stalked through the forest, pushing her mind out to every organism within its green walls. There was a small pack of white foxes just ten feet away from her calculating her every move. In the ancient language, she told them that she meant no harm and that if they wish, they can hunt together.
The foxes stayed where they were, as Arya continued forward. The ground beneath her feet became wet, and the metallic smell of iron perforated the air. She looked down at the remains of indistinguishable carcasses that was strewn over the floor. Disembodied parts of a horse were pinned against the trees with large blades. The cruelty shocked Arya as she dipped her finger into the blood. Cold. She wiped the blood onto a leaf and hurried back to where Eragon was.
Arya found the three of them in deep silent conversation. Before she could open her mouth, Firen asked her, "Did you feel it? A death has come across the land where we sit, and a certain darkness has arrived in Alagaesia." Immediately, she turned to face Eragon.
"Is it them whom you speak of?"
"I can't tell. Usually when we encountered the beasts, their minds were heavily guarded with magic. Their steps were untraceable, as if they had just appeared and disappeared."
"We should fly now. I will alert the council to listen to the forests for anything unusual."
"The sooner we get to Nasuada, the better. Come, we fly." They only stopped twice more throughout their journey. The realisation that troubled times were once again upon them had darkened their mood and awoke their determination.

The Hadarac Desert lay barren, silent and godless below them as the harsh sun bore on their exposed necks, arms and legs. Arya and Eragon rarely spoke throughout their flight. Instead, they opted to push their mind's reach out in all directions, so as to feel where the darkness was. Surely, an evil as distinct as that could not leave behind empty tracks. Their efforts were in vain as all they felt before them were the millions of organisms living in the sand.

Ilirea soon came into view. Eragon casted an invisibility spell over the two dragons and their Riders to mask their presence. They withdrew their minds from those of the million organisms around them and barricaded them with protection- magicians were not always to be trusted. They flew high, masking the sound of the flapping of wings, before making a sharp descent to Nasuada's balcony. Arya and Eragon leaped off their saddles at the last moment, before Saphira and Firen changed their trajectory and rose back up into the night. They would circle castle, keeping watch and relaying information to both their Riders should anyone undesirable attempt to penetrate the castle's defenses. These precautions were necessary to ensure word of the impending threat was not leaked.

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