Chapter 13- Preparations

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It was midday by the time Eragon regained consciousness. His body was sluggish as he tried to sit up out of bed. Immediately, images from the night prior flooded his mind. He leaped off his bed towards the door before crumpling into a heap on the floor. Crying out for Saphira, he curled. A pain seared his right leg, reaching up to the small of his back. A flapping of wings became more evident in the eerie silence around the castle. Saphira barged through the window, using her snout to support Eragon. Together, they recited a long passage in the ancient language which relieved the pain from Eragon's body completely.
Do not feel as though you were not strong enough. You were required to perform an extraordinary amount of magic last night. Any man would've died under such circumstances.
Her words were exactly what Eragon needed to hear. He let her know that he was grateful before asking "How is Arya and Murtagh?"
They are awake and both in Nasuada's chambers. I have alerted them of your awakening. They are expecting you now.
"Thank you, Saphira. In my past twenty and two years, and for my next thousand, I could have not been given a greater dragon than you." The compliment pleased Saphira as she let loose a low hum, before diving off the balcony, flying towards the forest. Eragon straightened his tunic and walked to Nasuada's chamber. There he found the three of them in deep discussion.
"The war that is coming, we know nothing. We are blinded by our lack of information, helpless to ambushes and unprepared to face what is to come." Nasuada said.
"Your envoys have all received replies from the various royalties. King Orik is on his way now. Arya is here, Nar Garzhvog has sent a party of his chieftains to convene with us, and King Orrin too has accepted. They will all be here within the next three weeks. From there we may start planning officially," offered Murtagh.
"You also have to address the people. They will be wondering what is to happen. I feel thousands of them now fearing the worst." Arya, Nasuada and Murtagh turned their heads to face Eragon. Eragon kept a straight face, but he could tell they were surprised, and relieved to see him. Arya had regained her glow that had left her the night before, Murtagh had bags under his eyes from exhaustion and Nasuada looked anxious.
"There are many differences between the war with Galbatorix and the war that is to come. First of all, we have dragons. We are capable and stronger than we were before. This time, we can be on the defensive. The only way I see us absorbing substantial losses is if the Masters return and decide to massacre areas where we are absent or weak. Other than that, we are evenly matched. I will not let them kill as they did again, Vel eïnradhin iet ai Shur'tugal."
"Eragon is right. The only way we can limit casualties is if we prepare. Call for the Varden to be reassembled."
"Very well. It shall be done. In the mean time, what do you three plan to do."
"Thorn and I have an idea, a plan rather. But we have both decided it is best we keep it to ourselves for fear of disappointing." Nasuada eyed him wearily as they had a silent conversation with their eyes.
Murtagh continued, "It will require us leaving Ilirea for a few weeks."
"Absolutely not. I will not have you running around freely across Alagaesia, whilst the impending threat of the Masters is nearly upon us! These are no longer the days where you can afford to have your gallivanting expeditions!"
"Let him go, Nasuada." Eragon said quietly. All eyes turned to him. "I do not know what Murtagh has planned, but I trust him, fly fast and safe, brother. We will need you."
Murtagh gave him a grateful nodded, turned, ran and jumped off the balcony, before swooping up with Thorn underneath him. Together, they sped south-south-west. Eragon had told a white-lie. He knew where Murtagh was going and what he planned to do, but for the same reasons, he decided against telling Nasuada.
"Conscript every man able to wield arms. Bring them to Dras-Leona and Ilirea. I am betting on this, but I doubt that they will attack from the east, through the Hadarac Desert."
"How do you know that? If they do we will be overrun."
"There's something I have to try, something... that will prove to be of a great advantage for us if it should work."
"When will you Riders stop speaking in riddles."
"Trust me, Nasuada."
"Ok. Do what you must."
"I will speed up preparations from the elves. We will muster the greatest force the world has ever seen, and we send those demons back to where they came from." Arya spoke with a fiery passion showed in her eyes. Eragon had never seen her talk with such fury, such bloodlust.
"... I must ride to Ellesmera." Eragon and Nasuada looked stunned. "They will need my leadership, and it is my duty to my people."
"Then I will go with you."
"Enough. First Murtagh, now the both of you. Do not forget, Eragon, that you still have an oath of fealty to me in the ancient language. I will not have the three strongest Riders in all of Alagaesia departing.
"I do not want Arya travelling alone to Ellesmera. These are dark times, and it would be disadvantageous to us, should the Queen be harmed. I propose a compromise. Saphira, and if Arya is willing, Firen, will stay here at your side. Should you wish to speak to us, speak to them. The strength of our bond grows with each rising sun. It has become substantial since it has last been tested."
"I consent. Do you, Nasuada?" Nasuada pondered on events unfolding before her.
"Very well," she sighed. "I want you both back within two weeks. It will serve our cause to have two Riders present."
"Take care, Nasuada. May your sword stay sharp." Arya said. Eragon fished out a concave piece of glass from within his tunic. He approached Nasuada handing her the item.
"This is an invention of one of my students, Samuel. It will allow you to see, that which cannot be seen. Place it onto your map, should you wish to view a part of Alagaesia, and it will reveal to you the land in its current state. You will be able to see it as if you were there."
"Thank you, Eragon. You best be on your way. The journey is long, and there are many dangers ahead."
"I think we should address the people first. It will do good for their morale."

The crowd gathered in front of Nasuada's castle. Two rows of guards stood between the marble stairs and the people. Nasuada, Arya and Eragon strode forward with. Eragon spoke.
"Greetings people of Ilirea and of towns and cities far and wide. For those of you who do not know me, I am Eragon Shadeslayer.
Now, as all of you are aware, the city was attacked last night. We know that these creatures of the night are called the Masters. They are deadly and will kill you if they can.
But to that I say this: the Riders are coming as I speak. We will fight to repel the forces who seek to take your homes from you. Upon my word as a Rider, I swear to you I will fight to vanquish these foes until my last breath. I speak on behalf of all Riders when I say that the greatest weapon these Masters can use is you. Protect yourselves, protect those who are incapable and fight to protect your land."
With that, Saphira and Firen swooped from the sky scooping Arya and Eragon and flying to the northern city gates, amongst a roaring cheer from the townsfolk below. They had planned to leave for Ellesmera in quiet, so as to not dampen the morale of the citizens. Many had chosen to stay in Ilirea for fear of another attack. Nasuada had begun a speech on conscripting all able bodied men to fight in the war. The call had been taken up readily with the sound of steel mills turning and weapons masters beginning training. As they got further and further away from the mass of people lining up to be conscripted, Saphira and Firen dove from the sky, landing just short of the forest on the west of Ilirea.
Take care, Saphira. Contact me if anything happens. We will be back soon.
And you, little one. Should the Masters return, tear them down.
Run fast, Arya, and may the wind be at your back, always.
And you, Firen.
Their conversations were short as the bond between a dragon and Rider rarely needed words.
Arya and Eragon soon sped off into the forest, heading to the town of Bullridge as their first destination. It would take them at least four days to reach it, if they rested sparingly. Within the first hundred strides of their journey, Eragon came to an abrupt stop. Startled, Arya too halted, almost losing her balance.
"What is it, Eragon? We have no time to waste."
"Someone is watching us." Arya opened her mouth to protest, when she too felt a foreign presence. Standing back to back, they each pulled out their swords, standing, pivoting and watching every aspect of the forest around them. The rustle in a bush caused both of them to turn, assuming a defensive position. A girl stepped out from the brush, ruffling branches and leaves out of her long, black hair. She could not have been older than nine. Her eyes were as dark as her hair, and her aura made Eragon's skin tingle.
"Hello Shadeslayer, Queen Arya. Do you remember me?" Eragon observed her carefully for a second before saying:

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