Chapter 19- First Blood

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Sweat and blood dripped from Ava's skin. All around her, the battle raged in a torrent of fury. For the most part, it had been a slaughter, with their opposition feigning an attack, before retreating at the last minute or being cut down by the Riders. Something was wrong.

Get the Riders back into formation. Avrael spoke into the minds of his companions.
We have them on the run! Let's chase them back into the hell from where they came!
These words came from Michael, still a trainee in their ranks.
I said, get back into formation. Though neither Ava nor Avrael were fully fledged dragon-Riders, their word garnered respect amongst even the highest ranked. Swiftly, the 'V' shape was formed again, with protection being offered to each Rider's flank, front and back. The last of the Masters seemed to disappear, falling and crashing into the waves below. The world was silent. The lull of waves crashing against buried mountains filled the air, as dragon wings thundered in apprehension. Ava sensed it first. She chided herself for being too lax. The Thought penetrated their minds like a spear being thrown with immense force.
Ned and Robb were the first to fall. Their screams of agony perforated the air, as their bodies writhed on the backs of their dragons. Ava saw it before anyone else did. The whites of their eyes had shown and if action was not taken swiftly, they would be plummeting to their deaths. Avrael nose-dived as the twins tumbled off their dragons, falling. He caught them both in his large talons, taking caution not to impale them.
Guard your minds. The enemy is here. Ava said. Immediately the dragons and their Riders emanated silence. Individually, the dragonRiders would not be strong enough to face the oncoming threat, but Ava was certain they could put up a fight. One by one, they joined minds. An army of dragons and Riders swelling their power, forming a protective cocoon around the area they resided in above the water. Seconds passed like hours, but neither dragonRiders nor their enemies showed their hand. Finally, when the sun had set, the attack mounted.

Sweat poured off Ava's brow. Her mind fended off what seemed like hundreds of battles at once. Their enemy was strong. Eragon had conducted a similar task, where he invited groups of dragonRiders to breach his mental barriers. Their opponent this time was different. He initiated each attack with a brutal ferocity. It was a stalemate thus far, but Ava knew they would not be able to hold off much longer. The first threat to the return of the Riders was about to destroy everything they had worked for.
What should I do, Avrael?
It is your decision, little one. I support you completely.
Ava shut her eyes. She channeled the Power she had been storing in her body. Only Eragon and Saphira were aware of her capabilities. Her eyes darkened, all that was left were black. Avrael took his position in her mind, guiding her from straying into Oblivion. The battle around her dimmed into a faint glow as Ava navigated into the Darkness. Temptation to succumb to the Power around her was agonizing. Ava strained her mind to focus. She stretched her mind to touch and feel everything around her. Figures of black, representing the darkness in everyone surrounded her. She touched Avrael's, then Ismail's, then Samuel's. Everyone has darkness. Some are just better at controlling it. It was the source of all Power. She touched the foreign force battling them. It was a void of black, spinning, whirling and hurling. Her fingers lusted to shred the void, to turn it into nothing. Containing her hunger to cause pain was exhausting. Avrael was beginning to fade in her mind. Then it happened. Ava delved her fingers into the void and began her work. She started slowly, chipping away at dark thoughts and dark deeds. Her excitement shocked her. Her hands began tearing away at the layers shielding their foe from them. She could see dark marks etching onto her skin. She absorbed the Power. The attack began to rescind as their foe felt her presence. It withdrew before she could consume it whole. The darkness faded and the world came back into vision. She tugged her tunic sleeves down over the burning marks on her skin.
I almost lost control.

But you didn't did you little one.
Yes. But that could have gone much worse, very quickly. 

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