Chapter 17- The Flight

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Plans to accommodate the possibility of having to leave Vroengard had already been developed and practiced profusely. Eragon and Saphira had made it a point to drill into the minds of every dragon and Rider what to do should Vroengard prove to no longer be suitable to inhabit. Trainee dragon-riders would be divided into groups of four, each led by a qualified rider. They would take the formation of a 'V', similar to that of a flock of geese. The groups would then rotate every half hour in order to allow for rest, as well as maintaining a high resistance against the wind. Within the hour, all belongings had been packed and the Eldunari secure. Samuel and Jura would be leading the thunder of dragonriders, along with their trainees, Ismail, Ned and Robb.
He pondered the task ahead of them, seeking to assess the strengths and weaknesses of his three subordinates. Ismail, a rider hailing from Surda was obedient and could carry out orders to the tee. Arvax, his dragon, was likewise. Ned and Robb were brothers from Daret, each bonded to dragon's who too were kin. The four of them were able to communicate and think on their feet, whilst usually being unable to comply with rules, instructions and regulations given to them.
The three of them still had much to learn, but Samuel was sure that in due course, they would make fine dragon-riders.
"Fly fast and keep your eyes open should anything attempt to blind-side us." Samuel said to the group. And with that, seventy-five riders soared into the air in a rainbow of colour and a tornado of gust.

The vast body of water lay before them, calmly cascading and overlapping over each other. Rock tips protruded from the water, leaving the impression of sharp mountain peaks buried under the vast expanse of water. The wind generated from the dragon wings disrupted the serenity of the ocean, parting waters, and causing a ripple effect. Silent Speaking had occurred between the dragons and their Riders.
We will reach Ellesmera in a few days. Remember who you are and what your creed is. You are Riders. Everything you say and do will be scrutinized and taken to heart. These words came from Valdr, one of the oldest Eldunari.
Much of the journey consisted of many of the younger Riders and their dragons pondering the vast expanse before them. It had been years ago, when they made the trek to Vroengard, and this was their first taste of the world since then. Many relished the chance to make their mark on the world before them.

Ava and her dragon Avrael, flew, reserving themselves from the cacophony of voices and eager tones of their dragon-Rider counterparts. Ava had was a child at the time of Galbatorix's reign. She had witnessed the destruction he had caused and been present at the siege of Uru'baen all those years ago. Avrael had hatched for her during the fifth cycle of eggs being ferried by the elven ambassadors. Their bond had come at the right time, for Avrael had spent far too long in her shell and Ava had been left an orphan due to the wrath of Galbatorix. Her parents had been spies for the Varden, within the ranks of Galbatorix's army. They had relayed supply routes and battle plans to the Varden in secret. In many respects, they were an unsung, integral part of the Varden's long war against the Empire. Ava's life changed one night when soldiers entered her house at midnight. Her parents were tied, beaten and dragged to Galbatorix's castle. Her parents had prepared her for such a time like this, but she could still see their faces in her dreams....

Ava. Run. Her mother mouths to her as she hides under a cabinet. The soldiers are bounding her parents by their wrists. Her father is bleeding from the temple and face. Blood is pouring out of his head at an alarming rate. Tears stream down Ava's face as she struggles to hide her gasps. The soldiers are searching for her. She holds her breath. A pair of feet are standing right in front of her. Today is the day she dies. Commotion from the ground level of the house brings the soldier's attention elsewhere. The last sounds of her parents being dragged off to Galbatorix's chambers fade into the distance.

Memories of being left on the street, scouring for food amongst the other orphan children had hardened her. She had learnt not to trust easily, and to always be on guard. During the ferrying of the eggs, an elven ambassador had insisted that the diplomatic party make a trip down the Dogs Alley, where the orphans slept. By chance, she had arrived just as they were leaving, and obligatorily touched each of the three eggs. The final egg, a pure white, marble looking stone, hatched. She was protected by the elves, brought to Ellesmera and shipped to Vroengard, where she had impressed on Eragon and Saphira.

Avarel sensed her discomfort. His parents too had died at the hands of Galbatorix. They flew in quiet solace while the chattering of voices washed over their stoic facades.

Ava's dark brown eyes peered across the horizon. Something was waiting for them. Something sinister.
Samuel, Yazhgra, Laetri. Do you feel it?
Yes, Ava. About a hundred leagues in front and to our left flank.
What should we do?
Jura spoke: Halt.
Immediately, the entire party stopped, suspended in the air.
Draw your swords and guard your minds. They are here.

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