Chapter 5- Eragon

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Eragon heard the sound of wings flapping before his eyes awoke. He had dreamt the same dream as he had been for the past two months.
The King of the North is coming. You will need our help. Come to the place where it is hidden.
The instructions had been given by a mystic voice in a dark void. He had shared it with Saphira as well as the wisest of the Eldunari, but to no avail. In his vision, he stood in a dark void. His body was paralyzed, but his mind was allowed to run free and explore the space. A distinct female voice would speak those lines, allowing them to echo around the invisible walls. Eragon pushed aside the vague thoughts and walked to the balcony, parallel to Arya's. There, he saw Saphira. Her scales shone in light from the setting sun. A warm summer breeze spread across the city. Eragon marvelled at the power of elven magic.
Again? Saphira questioned. Eragon nodded as he massaged his temples.
How is Firen? Saphira stayed silent. Rather, she let her feelings flow into Eragon's subconscious. A happiness and a feeling of affection second only to her bond with Eragon flooded his mind. He saw hues of green and blue and images of the world from the vantage point of the sun. He saw Saphira and Firen race into the clouds as they exchanged images, sounds and feelings of the past seven years. It was not uncommon for dragons to take on more than one mate, but from what Eragon saw, both dragons had kept to themselves, in the hope of reuniting one day. The images stopped as Eragon smiled at Saphira.
I am happy that you are happy.
Thank you little one.
Come. There is someone I would like to visit. Eragon leaped over the stone bannister onto his saddle as Saphira descended.

Sloan sat underneath the tree. He had not aged very much since Eragon had seen him seven years prior, but his soul was worn, and full of pain. He sat under the cover of a shady tree as he carved a piece of wood. Two elves stood nearby him keeping watch, but other than that, he was unnoticed. Eragon approached, quietly greeting the elves so as to not reveal his presence. Eragon watched him with slanted eyes for awhile before he advanced.
"Laer is that you? Come. Have a look at what I have made. I think you will like it." The revelation had caught Eragon by surprise. How could Sloan know Laer? Moreover, why did Laer seem to have spent a considerable amount of time with Sloan? Where was the gruffness that had made him so unlikable all those years ago. Eragon stayed silent for a moment longer as Sloan said "Laer? Come! I made it for you!" Eragon had seen all he had to. Quiet as an elf, he worded a spell to restore Sloan's vision into both eyes. He departed, nodding to the elves and thanking them for their work over the past seven years. Sloan caught a glimpse of Eragon as he left and they made eye contact. Exchanging brief, knowing nods they averted their gaze.

Is it done?
Yes. He has changed, and there is no reason why he has not earned his sight.
You have done a righteous thing.
Thank you, Saphira. They journeyed in silence, embracing Ellesmera.
Finally, Saphira said Arya wishes to dine with us tonight in her private chambers. Will we go?
Of course. They walked in silence to Tiadari hall, finally reaching the entrance. There, groups of elves were crowded around tables dining together, in healthy conversation and camaraderie. To Eragon's surprise, his entrance went noticed. During his training here with Oromis and Glaedr, his presence was often met with a facade of respect and mutterings of his incompetence. Even after the agaetí blödhren, with his appearance changing to reflect a hybrid of human and elf, he was never fully accepted. However, the elves now regarded him with a new-found respect, and whilst he would never truly be one of them, he had managed to forge bonds of friendship with many of them. They turned their heads towards him, halting their conversations and touched their fingers to their lips. They uttered words and phrases of praise to Saphira as well, commending her on her beauty. Finally, he reached Arya's chamber. He knocked and entered, finding Arya at her study desk in deep thought. She turned to find Eragon and Saphira looking at her. Standing, she greeted them and beckoned Eragon to the dining table.
"Saphira, if it pleases you, Firen has hunted game and waits for you at the Crags of Tel'naeír.
Thank you, my Queen. Saphira blinked her eyes twice at Eragon before diving off the balcony, heading north.
"Is Ellesmera to your liking?" she said turning towards Eragon.
"It grows more beautiful every time I see it." he remarked. She smiled a knowing smile at him. He had recognized it for it was a smile she reserved for only the most special of occasions. They dined on steamed vegetables, berries and a mild cider, talking about anything under the sun. Eragon had explained the new species of life he had discovered at Vroengard, and updated her on the Riders.
"There are now fifteen qualified Riders and another sixty under training. I have never seen such acceptance amongst the four races in my twenty and two years, that is unless there is weapons training. Teams of Riders and divided into five containing fully fledged Riders and trainees. Each team has a flag bearer and the aim is to capture all five flags. The longest games can go for weeks. Spells are allowed so long as they are not to kill, but swords are kept sharp to simulate an actual fight." Eragon continued recounting his training regimes of endurance, spellcasting but also what Oromis and Glaedr had taught them about nature and the world around them. He stressed the importance of being responsible with the privileges of being Rider and dragon, and admonished those who had pushed the limits of acceptable practices. In turn, Arya told him how the elves, before departing for Du Weldenvarden after the war, had mended the land from its barren state after the war. They had sung grass fields into life, trees into fruition and recalled the wildlife back.
"I saw that our decision to keep to ourselves had unsettled you slightly. However you must understand Eragon, that-"
"What was required from your race during the war had never occurred before. The elves had chosen to leave their homes, something that has never been done, in order to aid the rest of Alagaesia. Albeit, Galbatorix would have been able to wear down the defenses, but nonetheless, it was an act that helped sway the war in our favor. I could see no reason why you would have not wanted to return home." Arya breathed, relieved that Eragon had accepted her decision. They continued talking until the moon shone overhead, and the cloudless skies revealed a plethora of constellations. When they had finished their meal, Arya walked to a wooden cabinet and had chosen a small glass bottle, with inscriptions in the ancient language carved on its front.
"Do you remember this fine beverage, Eragon?" She turned, smiling, showing him the bottle.
"How could I forget," replied Eragon. The bottle of Faelnirv was of the highest quality. Eragon could tell Arya had been saving it for a special occasion as it had been left completely untouched. The thought pleased him. Gracefully, she poured two healthy volumes into two glass goblets. She carried them out to her balcony and silently ushered Eragon out. They sat on her cushioned chairs and embraced the night, admiring each constellation and continuing to exchange stories from the past.
"The Urgal, Yazhgra , upon his arrival desired to test his skills against myself. He had his own sword of Urgal make, an impractical blade, crafted with the intent of mass slaughter, rather than a sword fight. I had told him I was more than happy to spar, so long as he allowed Faedir to grow, so that we may fight as Riders do. He would have none of it. I had to stop Saphira before she devoured him."
Arya laughed, "What did you do after that?"
Eragon shrugged. "I fought him as he desired, warning him that I would bear no responsibility for damages to his sword."
"Did you win?"
Eragon winked at her, "We exchanged heavy blows, and I knew he would not last a drawn out affair, but I had realised that it would do me no good to diminish the confidence of my students. I let him mark my waist before breaking his sword." There would have been a time where Arya would have dismissed Eragon's reasoning as an excuse, but this time, she fully believed his story.

"You have done well Eragon."
"After all these years, I would have thought you would've thought more highly of my sword fighting skills."
"That's not what I meant," Arya said, taking a long sip of the faelnirv. He held her gaze for the longest time before breaking it to admire the city once more.
"Thank you, Arya-Shurutgal. Your words are kind, and I take them to heart." They sat in silence again gazing at the full moon. Forest wolves could be heard relaying messages from mountain to mountain, but other than that, all was silent.
"My council have been advising me to take a mate, or as you humans call it, a 'husband'."
Eragon kept his demeanor still, so as to not betray his inner thoughts.
"I thought elves do not practice marriage." He kept his tone even.
"That is true, but the lineage of kings and queens have always shared the throne, unless parted by death. It is our way."
"What have you told them?"
"To find me a mate worthy of the throne or to leave me to my own devices." Eragon smiled, then he began to laugh. He had never appreciated Arya's sense of humor until his return. She had always seemed stoic and reserved. He could tell that she was rarely this comfortable around people. Eragon considered himself lucky. Draining the last sips of the faelnirv, a warmth settled in Eragon's stomach as the world began to spin. Hues of different light spectrums thundered across his vision as he enticed the euphoria to consume him. Then, all was dark.

The King of the North is coming. You will need our help. Come to the place where it is hidden.
The King of the North is coming. You will need our help. Come to the place where it is hidden.
The King of the North is coming. You will need our help. Come to the place where it is hidden.
The voices grew louder in his mind as he struggled to shut them out. His head began to spin and throb as his body stood paralyzed. Finally, in a wail of anguish he managed to utter the word "Slytha". He felt his body go limp as he heard Arya's muffled cries calling out to him.

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