Chapter 12

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Selena's POV
It's been three days since Nathan threw up. He's feeling a lot better. Charlotte aced the Math test and Trent knows the entire pledge of allegiance by heart. Daphne now knows the entire alphabet and nine new words. Zedd and I are fine, but not the best we've ever been. I'm now four months pregnant, and about to find out the sex of my baby. Zedd's coming and so are my parents and Zedd's. This hasn't happened before but their friends now. Oh and by Zedd's parents I even mean his real Mom, Helda, and Heidi. He's driving me this afternoon.
We're at the doctor's and she's about to tell us the sex. I squeezed Zedd's hand. "It's a...boy!" The doctor announced. I knew it. Helda and Heidi hugged, Zedd's Dad and mine shook hands and my Mom hugged me. Zedd and I looked at each other. Another son.
After everyone went home, it was time to tell the kids. We sat them all down. "Ok kids, I found out you're going to have another little brother." I announced. Nathan and Trent high-fived but Charlotte and Daphne frowned. "What's wrong? I thought you were excited to have another sibling." I asked. "That's when we thought we were getting a sister. We can't give a boy a makeover." Charlotte explained. "How about, you pick his name." I suggested. They looked excited and surprised. "Really?" Charlotte exclaimed. I nodded. "It's so hard for me to think of names anyway." I said. They jumped up and down and fled to their rooms. Zedd came in. I was thinking that we name him Igor, after my Dad." Zedd suggested. "Too late, Charlotte and Daphne are coming up with his name." I said. "Ok, I'll go and suggest Igor to them." Zedd joked. I giggled. "Nice try Zaslavski." I told him.

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