Chapter 51

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Selena's POV
The doorbell rang. They're here! I ran to the door and swung it open. Vanessa and James walked in, seven kids looking up at me. "Hello Maddy, Charlize, Darren, and Lucia. I'm sorry but I song know the rest of your names." I said, embarrassed. James chuckled. "It's fine Selena. It's been a while." James said. "Yeah, almost four whole years." I said. I led everyone in, and I helped Vanessa who's belly was ginormous. "Kids! Come down!" I yelled and my children ran down. "Oh! Charlotte! Trent! Daphne! Nathan!" Vanessa exclaimed as she saw the kids. "And this is Reese." I said as I held Reese. "What a name." James said. "Charlotte and Daphne picked it out. And if this baby's a girl, Nathan and Trent get to pick out the name." I said. "That's so sweet!" Vanessa exclaimed. "Well, you know Maddy, Lucia, Charlize, and Darren. This is Edward," Vanessa said pointing to a small bit with brown hair and blue eyes. "This is Jonathan." Vanessa said pointing to another boy with brown hair and green eyes. "And the twins Tiana and Pandora." Vanessa said. The twins were identical with blonde hair and brown eyes. So cute! Charlotte started talking with Charlize and Maddy. Daphne and Lucia stated laughing, Trent and Darren were holding action figures and Nathan, Edward, and Jonathan began playing. Even Reese and the twins became acquainted. "The kids seem to get along perfectly." Vanessa said. I nodded. James pointed to my stomach. "When are you due?" He asked. "October." I replied. "This is going to be our last child. I'm going to miss being pregnant." Vanessa said very emotionally. "This is our last too. I love being pregnant. The glow, being able to eat whatever you want, and obviously getting our husbands to do anything we want." I laughed but then realized I just called Zedd my husband. "Why is this your last?" Vanessa asked as she rubbed her stomach. "Because, raising five kids is hard enough for me and having a really busy job isn't helping either. Plus, Zedd has his gigs all the time and well, I still have a baby to look after." I said. "I understand. Having seven kids is ridiculous. Vanessa quit her job and Dave comes over all the time to help out. Plus our oldest is nine. We have pretty young kids." James explained. Vanessa pouted. "I think a big family is a happy family." "We do have a big family! I just can't handle all the kids. It's very hard for me!" I protested. James got up. "I'll go check on the twins and Reese." He walked away and it was silent for a bit. Then, Vanessa's eyes bugged out and water splashed on the floor. Holy shit! I immediately grabbed my car keys and brought Vanessa to my car. I started driving. "Where are we going!" Vanessa exclaimed. "The hospital! Your in labor!" I yelled back. "What about James? This is our last baby. I need him here." Vanessa said. "Already taken care of." I said and dialed James's number. "Where are you guys?" James asked. "In the car. Vanessa's water just broke and we're on our way to the hospital!" I said rapidly. "Which?" James demanded. "St. Bernard. It's ten minutes away! Meet us there." I told him and hung up. Vanessa held her stomach and screamed. Blood dripped on the floor. "A contraction! A bad one too!" Vanessa yelled. Swear started to bead on her forehead. Then, almost immediately she had another. "They're fifty seconds apart!" Vanessa yelled and gripped into the door handle. Luckily, I drove up to the hospital and led her to the front desk. "My friend is in labor help us! Her contraction are fifty seconds apart!" I said quickly. The nurse nodded and three doctors ran up to us. "Dr. Manchester." Vanessa said. A doctor approached us and led her to a private room. "Ok Vanessa, you're ten centimeters. You need to push." He said. "But my husband." Vanessa said. "You need to push now." He said firmly. Vanessa started sweating but she pushed anyway. And pushed and pushed. It was twenty minutes later that James and their new baby boy came into the world.

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