6: Gifts & Treats

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In the dimly lit back room of an upscale art gallery in the heart of the city, Jihyun sat across from Zhang Yulan, an enigmatic figure whose reputation extended far beyond the world of art. To the public, Yulan was a renowned art collector and patron, but within the shadows, she was known as a formidable name in smuggling and trafficking.

Yulan's piercing eyes studied Jihyun with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. Her elegant fingers tapped rhythmically on the table, a silent testament to her patience and power.

"What brings you here, Jihyun?" Yulan's voice was smooth, almost melodic, but there was an underlying edge that hinted at the steel beneath her refined exterior.

Jihyun leaned forward, his expression serious. "We have a problem that I believe you can help us with. The truce between the Midnight gang and the Amber gang is fragile, and recent events have strained it further. We need to secure our operations and ensure that no external threats can exploit this weakness."

Yulan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on."

"There's a new alliance forming between some of the smaller gangs. They're aiming to disrupt the balance of power in the city. If they succeed, it won't just be our gangs at risk, but your operations as well," Jihyun explained, his tone measured.

Yulan's eyes narrowed slightly. "And what do you propose?"

"We need your resources and connections to keep tabs on these smaller gangs. If we can identify their leaders and plans, we can neutralize the threat before it escalates," Jihyun said. "In return, we'll ensure that your interests in the city remain protected."

Yulan's lips curled into a small, calculating smile. "Interesting. And what guarantee do I have that this truce between the Midnight and Amber gangs will hold? Internal strife can be just as dangerous."

Jihyun met her gaze steadily. "We've taken steps to strengthen the truce. Regular meetings, a joint task force... But we need more time to solidify it. Your assistance will give us that time."

Yulan leaned back, considering his words. "Very well. I'll have my people keep an eye on the situation. But remember, Jihyun, my involvement comes with a price. I expect your cooperation on certain matters in the future."

Jihyun nodded, understanding the unspoken implications. "Agreed. We'll do what needs to be done to maintain the peace."

As Jihyun left the gallery, the weight of his conversation with Yulan lingered in his mind. Aligning with someone as powerful and dangerous as Yulan was a risky move, but it was a necessary one to safeguard the fragile truce and protect their interests.

Meanwhile, Yulan watched him go, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Little do they know," she murmured to herself, her voice barely above a whisper. This was the perfect opportunity to stab Seungcheol and his gang in the back, to finally get rid of the thorn that Midnight gang had become in her side.

She had no intention of helping them. Instead, she would feed them just enough to keep them complacent, all while preparing her own strike. When the time came, the betrayal would be swift and brutal. Seungcheol would never see it coming, and the Midnight gang would fall just as easily as any other in her path.

Her fingers returned to their rhythmic tapping, her mind already plotting her next move. Yulan was not just a player in this game; she was the master, and soon, everyone would know it.


Minghao paced back and forth in his studio, his mind racing as he replayed the events of the day. He still couldn't believe it—every single one of his paintings had been sold, and at double the price. It was a dream come true, yet something about the entire situation left him unsettled. Who would buy all of his work at such a high price, and why? He felt a gnawing need to share this with Yulan, to hear her perspective, to find some clarity in the confusion.

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