7: My Gang Needs Me

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In a dark corner of the city, Zhang Yulan watched as her plans unfolded. She knew that aligning with the gangs was a risk, but it was one she was willing to take. The balance of power was shifting, and she intended to be on the winning side.

As she sipped her wine, a smile played on her lips. The game was far from over, and she was ready for whatever came next. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: the city would never be the same again.

The soft knock on the door of Zhang Yulan's opulent study interrupted her thoughts. She glanced up from her desk, curiosity piqued. Few dared to disturb her without prior notice.

"Enter," she called out, her voice calm but commanding.

The door creaked open, revealing a figure shrouded in the dim light. As the visitor stepped forward, Yulan's eyes widened slightly in recognition. It was Rubina, the former leader of the Amber gang, a figure thought to be incapacitated or even dead after her brutal ousting.

Rubina's appearance was striking. Her face bore the marks of her recent struggles, but her eyes were sharp and filled with a fiery determination. She moved with a calculated grace, her presence both commanding and unsettling.

"Rubina," Yulan said, leaning back in her chair. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Rubina's lips curled into a small, cold smile. "I've come to seek your assistance, Yulan. I believe we have a common interest in disrupting the current balance of power in the city."

Yulan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on."

Rubina took a seat opposite Yulan, her posture exuding confidence despite her recent hardships. "The Amber gang has betrayed me, and the Midnight gang has shown its weakness. Both need to be dismantled for us to truly control the city."

Yulan listened intently, her mind already working through the implications of Rubina's words. "And what exactly are you proposing?"

"A partnership," Rubina said, her eyes glittering with malice. "You have the resources and the connections. I have the knowledge and the desire for revenge. Together, we can destroy both gangs and seize control."

Yulan considered her carefully, weighing the risks and benefits. Aligning with Rubina could indeed provide a unique advantage, but it was also a gamble. "And what makes you think I would want to take such a risk?"

Rubina leaned forward, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Because with both the Amber and Midnight gangs out of the way, you could expand your operations without interference. The city would be ours to divide and conquer."

Yulan's eyes narrowed, the potential of Rubina's offer becoming clear. "You're suggesting a complete overhaul of the power structure."

"Precisely," Rubina confirmed. "And once we have control, we can ensure that no one dares to challenge us again."


Minghao stood under the awning of his studio, the rain pouring down in relentless sheets. The evening had taken on a melancholic hue, the streets glistening under the dim streetlights. He glanced up at the sky, his thoughts wandering as he realized he was stranded without an umbrella. The last few people in the area hurried by, their umbrellas shielding them from the downpour. Minghao sighed, resigning himself to a long, wet walk home.

Suddenly, a sleek, black car pulled up to the curb in front of him. The window slid down smoothly, revealing a man with sharp features and a commanding presence. Minghao recognized him immediately—Junhui, the enigmatic figure who had caught his eye at the art exhibition. There was something about the man that was both intriguing and unsettling.

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