50: Let's Make This Official

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Smut Ahead!

Junhui's smile was different this time—soft and genuine, not the usual sly, cat-like grin that Minghao had grown used to. It was the kind of smile that made Minghao's knees feel weak, the kind that sent shivers down his spine. "You look so beautiful, Star," Junhui murmured, his voice tender and filled with adoration. Minghao bit down on his bottom lip, trying to stifle the needy whine threatening to escape. But when Junhui's fingers traced up his thigh and his face nuzzled into Minghao's neck, the sensation was almost too much to bear. "You're the most beautiful boyfriend I could ever ask for."

Minghao's resolve crumbled when Junhui's lips found his, the kiss soft and sweet, yet enough to set his entire body on fire. Junhui's hands slid around Minghao's waist, holding him close, his thumbs rubbing gentle circles into his hip bones. Minghao, feeling the warmth of Junhui's embrace, shifted to wrap his arms around Junhui's neck, pulling him closer as their lips melded together. "You're so cute," Junhui whispered against Minghao's lips, his voice full of affection. One of his hands drifted lower, giving Minghao's rear a playful squeeze, finally coaxing a soft moan from him. Junhui chuckled, the sound vibrating against Minghao's lips. "Even your moan is adorable."

But something wasn't quite right. Junhui's touch was too soft, too gentle—nothing like their usual fiery encounters. The confusion simmering in Minghao's mind began to bubble to the surface. This wasn't how things normally went. Junhui was always the one in control, the one who led with intensity and dominance. This wasn't him, and it wasn't what Minghao was used to. Frustration started to build as Minghao pulled back, his eyes narrowing slightly as he studied Junhui.

Without a word, Minghao pushed Junhui down onto the couch, a low growl escaping his lips. "Can you hurry the fuck up? I don't have all day," Minghao demanded, his voice edged with impatience.

But instead of responding with the same intensity, Junhui simply smirked, his hand lazily drifting up Minghao's thigh, while the other rested on his ass. "What's the rush, star?" Junhui's tone was teasing, almost playful. "If you want to do it, then do it."

Minghao blinked, momentarily thrown off by Junhui's response. This wasn't what he expected—Junhui was always the one taking the lead, so why was he suddenly backing down now? But Junhui's laid-back demeanor only fueled Minghao's determination. "You're so annoying, Wen Junhui," Minghao muttered, his frustration tinged with affection as he began tugging at Junhui's jeans and boxers, pulling them off to reveal his half-hard length.

With a determined glint in his eye, Minghao gave Junhui's shaft a few teasing sucks and kisses, savoring the way Junhui's breath hitched in his throat. Then, without wasting any more time, Minghao grabbed the bottle of lube from the table stand next to the couch, pouring a generous amount onto his hand before coating Junhui's length with the cold liquid.

Junhui bit back a moan as Minghao's hand worked the lube over his shaft, his breath coming out in short, ragged gasps. He watched with hooded eyes as Minghao prepared himself, the sight of his boyfriend's slender fingers working with precise, practiced movements sending a fresh wave of desire coursing through him. "You're so cute, star," Junhui whispered, his hand reaching up to pat Minghao's hair affectionately.

Minghao tried to suppress the blush that threatened to creep up his cheeks as he shimmied out of his booty shorts, leaving the stockings in place. He started slow, lowering himself onto Junhui's length with a soft, shaky breath as he adjusted to the pressure. He began to bounce, finding a steady rhythm that sent sparks of pleasure shooting through his body.

Junhui's teasing facade began to crack as he watched Minghao ride him, his breath hitching each time Minghao's body came down to meet his base. His hands gripped Minghao's thin hips, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as he fought to keep control. "Fuck," Minghao cursed under his breath, his voice strained as he bit down on his bottom lip. His back arched as he leaned forward, his hands gripping Junhui's shoulders for support. This was different—this was new. But as he settled into the rhythm, Minghao realized that taking the lead had its own thrill. Maybe there was something to be said about being in control.

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