49: Minghao Said Yes

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Junhui stood in front of the small, elegant jewelry store, his heart racing as he stared through the window at the shimmering rings displayed inside. He had been considering Seungcheol's advice about getting married to Minghao for days now, and the thought had become something he couldn't shake. The idea of spending the rest of his life with Minghao, making their relationship official, and declaring to the world that Minghao was his forever—it felt right. More than right, it felt like the natural next step.

But with that realization came the anxiety. What if Minghao wasn't ready? What if this was too soon? The uncertainty gnawed at Junhui, but Seungcheol's words kept echoing in his mind: *If Minghao makes you happy, then that's all that matters.*

With a deep breath, Junhui pushed open the door and stepped inside the store. The soft chime of the bell above the door made him feel like he was entering another world—one filled with possibilities, hope, and a bit of fear. The saleswoman greeted him with a warm smile, sensing his nervousness but saying nothing to acknowledge it.

"Good morning, sir. How can I help you today?" she asked, her voice soothing.

Junhui hesitated for only a moment before he spoke. "I'm looking for an engagement ring," he said, his voice steady despite the pounding in his chest. "Something unique, something that... that says it's forever."

The saleswoman's eyes lit up, and she gestured for Junhui to follow her to a counter where she began to display a selection of rings. "Do you have any particular style in mind?" she asked, carefully laying out a variety of designs—some simple and classic, others elaborate and ornate.

Junhui's eyes scanned the rings, each one more beautiful than the last, but none of them seemed to capture what he felt for Minghao. It wasn't just about the beauty of the ring; it was about the meaning behind it. It had to represent everything they had been through together—the challenges, the love, the trust, and the passion. It had to be a symbol of the life they were building together.

As he examined the rings, one in particular caught his eye. It was a platinum band with a solitaire diamond, simple but elegant, with a delicate engraving of intertwining vines running along the band. There was something timeless about it, something that felt like it belonged to them.

"This one," Junhui said, pointing to the ring. "It's perfect."

The saleswoman smiled as she carefully picked up the ring, placing it in a small velvet box. "A beautiful choice," she said. "Would you like to have it engraved?"

Junhui nodded, thinking for a moment before deciding on the words. "Can you engrave it with '永远的爱'? It means 'eternal love' in Chinese."

"Of course," she replied, taking note of the request. "It will be ready for you in just a few moments."

As he waited, Junhui's mind raced with thoughts of how he would propose. He knew it had to be special, something that Minghao would never forget. He pictured the two of them back in the garden, the place where they had shared so many intimate moments. It was peaceful, private, and the perfect spot to ask the most important question of his life.

When the ring was ready, Junhui took the box, feeling its weight in his hand, and thanked the saleswoman before leaving the store. He walked down the street, the ring safely tucked away in his pocket, but his thoughts were on Minghao. He imagined the look in Minghao's eyes when he saw the ring, the moment when he would ask him to be his forever, and the joy he hoped would follow.

As Junhui walked back toward the place where Minghao was waiting, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. For the first time in days, the anxiety had faded, replaced by a certainty that this was the right decision. Seungcheol had been right—Minghao made him happy, and he wanted to make sure Minghao knew just how much he was loved.

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