11: Minghao's Stay

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Minghao had settled into a routine over the following days. Each morning, he would head to the hospital, his heart heavy with the weight of worry and uncertainty. Yulan's injuries, though gradually healing, still left her weak and pale, her usual vibrancy dimmed. He spent hours by her bedside, holding her hand, trying to bring some comfort to her despite the gnawing questions that plagued him.

Every time Minghao arrived, Yulan would greet him with a tired smile, her eyes softening with gratitude. Yet, something about her seemed distant, as if she was carrying a burden she couldn't share. Minghao noticed the way she would sometimes stare out the window, lost in thought, her fingers absently tracing the edges of her bandages. She was recovering physically, but emotionally, something was amiss.

Lin, Yulan's loyal secretary, was always nearby, ensuring Yulan's needs were met with meticulous care. But whenever Minghao tried to ask Lin about what had happened, the man would give a polite but vague response, diverting the conversation to Yulan's progress or the hospital's facilities. It was infuriating. Minghao felt like he was being kept in the dark, like there was a wall around Yulan that he couldn't penetrate.

One afternoon, as Minghao sat beside Yulan, reading aloud from one of her favorite poetry books, he decided he couldn't stay silent any longer. The words of the poem, usually comforting, felt hollow in his mouth, overshadowed by the questions that burned in his mind.

He closed the book gently, placing it on the table beside her bed. Yulan, who had been resting her eyes, opened them slowly and turned to him, her gaze questioning.

"Minghao?" Her voice was soft, tinged with concern. "Is something wrong?"

Minghao hesitated, not wanting to upset her, but he knew he couldn't keep ignoring the truth. "Yulan," he began, choosing his words carefully, "I'm really glad to see you getting better. But... I can't help but worry. You've been through something terrible, and no one will tell me what happened. I feel like I'm in the dark, and it's eating away at me."

Yulan's expression tightened slightly, her eyes flickering with something Minghao couldn't quite place. She looked away, staring at the bouquet of flowers on the windowsill. "Minghao, please... It's not something you need to worry about. I'm safe now, and that's what matters."

"But it does matter to me," Minghao pressed gently. "I'm your boyfriend. I care about you, and I want to know what happened. Why won't you or Lin tell me anything?"

Yulan sighed, her shoulders slumping as she turned back to him. "It's complicated, Hao. There are things... things you're better off not knowing. I don't want you to get involved in something that could put you in danger."

Minghao felt a pang of frustration. "I'm already involved, Yulan. You're in the hospital, and I'm here, worried sick about you. I deserve to know the truth."

Yulan reached out, taking his hand in hers. Her grip was weak, but there was an urgency in her touch. "Please, Hao. Trust me on this. I'm trying to protect you. The less you know, the safer you'll be. Can you do that for me? Can you trust me?"

Minghao looked into her eyes, seeing the fear and determination there. He wanted to push further, to demand answers, but something in her gaze made him pause. Yulan was hiding something, something big, but she was also genuinely trying to keep him safe. It tore at him, the conflict between wanting to protect her and wanting to understand the truth.

After a long silence, Minghao finally nodded, albeit reluctantly. "I trust you, Yulan. But if there's ever a time when you feel you can talk to me, please don't shut me out. I'm here for you, no matter what."

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