45: Happy Birthday

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Smut ahead!

After the whirlwind of the exhibition, Junhui and Minghao finally made their way back to the comfort of their home. The excitement and energy of the night lingered in the air, but as they stepped inside, a sense of calm and intimacy settled over them. Minghao had planned everything perfectly, and as soon as they walked through the door, Junhui was greeted by the warm, savory aroma of his favorite dishes.

The living room was softly lit, casting a golden glow over the table that was elegantly set for two. Minghao had gone all out, preparing a feast of Junhui's favorite foods, each dish carefully crafted with love and attention. Junhui's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight. "You did all this... for me?" he asked, turning to Minghao with a look of pure adoration.

"Of course," Minghao replied with a shy smile. "It's your birthday. I wanted to do something special for you."

Junhui's heart swelled with emotion as he wrapped his arms around Minghao, pulling him into a tender embrace. "You've already made this the best birthday I've ever had," he murmured into Minghao's ear, his voice filled with sincerity. "Thank you."

They settled down at the table, the atmosphere between them light and joyful. As they ate, they reminisced about the night, laughing together as they recalled the reactions of the guests at the exhibition. Junhui couldn't stop praising Minghao's talent, and Minghao couldn't stop blushing at the compliments. It was a perfect moment, just the two of them, savoring the food and each other's company.

After dinner, they moved to the couch, their laughter still echoing in the room. The conversation flowed effortlessly, a mix of playful banter and meaningful exchanges that made them feel even closer. Junhui reached over to brush a stray lock of hair from Minghao's face, his fingers lingering on his cheek. Minghao looked at him, his eyes softening as he took in Junhui's expression.

Without a word, their lips met in a gentle kiss, a quiet acknowledgment of the love they shared. But as the kiss deepened, the tenderness gave way to something more passionate. Minghao's hand slid up to cup Junhui's face, pulling him closer as their mouths moved together in a dance of desire. Junhui responded eagerly, his fingers threading through Minghao's hair as he angled his head to deepen the kiss even further.

The heat between them intensified, and soon they were lost in each other, the world outside fading away. Junhui shifted, pulling Minghao onto his lap as their kiss grew more urgent, more heated. Minghao's hands roamed over Junhui's chest, his touch igniting sparks of electricity wherever it landed. Junhui's breath hitched as Minghao's lips trailed down his neck, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

Their bodies pressed together, hearts racing in unison as they gave in to the overwhelming desire that had been building between them all night. Junhui's hands wandered down to Minghao's waist, pulling him even closer as their kiss became more desperate, more consuming. The room seemed to grow warmer, the air around them thick with the intensity of their connection.

Minghao could feel Junhui's heartbeat pounding against his chest, matching the rhythm of his own. He broke the kiss just long enough to catch his breath, their foreheads resting together as they both struggled to steady themselves. "Jun," Minghao whispered, his voice husky with emotion, "I love you."

Junhui's response was immediate, his voice low and fervent. "I love you too, Hao. More than anything."

With that, they dove back into the kiss, their movements becoming more feverish as they gave in to the desire that had been simmering all evening. The taste of Junhui's lips, the feel of his body against his, the way Junhui whispered his name in that breathless, needy tone—it was all too much, and yet not nearly enough.

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