52: Conquest of Shadows

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Seokmin, who was busy decorating the cake with Jihoon, chimed in, "Speaking of love languages, has anyone seen the lovebirds today? Junhui has been practically glowing, and Minghao can't stop smiling. It's almost nauseating."

"Oh, trust me, I noticed," Jihoon added dryly, though there was a hint of a smile on his face. "But it's nice to see them happy. They deserve this."

Wonwoo, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up, "And who would've thought our resident ice prince, Minghao, would end up being the one who melted Junhui's heart?"

Mingyu grinned, "You're just mad because you lost the bet on who would get married next."

"Shut up, pup," Wonwoo shot back, though his eyes sparkled with amusement. "Tops shouldn't talk too much, you know?"

"Well, you like it in bed, don't you?" Mingyu teased, only to earn a light slap from Wonwoo.

"I never knew Mingyu is the loud one in bed. I always thought only Joshua practices some nice vocals in bed," Seokmin chimed in, causing Joshua to cover his mouth in embarrassment.

"How did my child end up as a bottom, huh? Shua, I always thought you'd be a top!" Seungcheol sighed dramatically.

"Are you saying bottoms are bad?" Jeonghan glared at Seungcheol, who immediately gulped.

Seungcheol raised his hands in surrender, "No, no! I'm just... surprised, that's all. Joshua was always so—"

Jeonghan cut him off with a smirk, "So what? Quiet? Well, guess what, Cheol? Still waters run deep."

Seokmin chuckled, "More like, run loud if you ask me."

Joshua's face flushed as he tried to change the subject. "Can we please not talk about my... vocals?"

Jeonghan couldn't resist adding, "Oh, Shua, don't be shy. We're just proud of you for embracing your... talents."

Wonwoo, unable to resist the teasing, leaned in and whispered loudly enough for everyone to hear, "I bet Seokmin's just jealous that you and Mingyu are having all the fun."

Seokmin rolled his eyes, but there was a grin on his face. "I'm perfectly content, thank you very much. But if you need any pointers, Mingyu, I'm always here."

Mingyu shot back with a wink, "Thanks, Seokmin, but I think Wonwoo's happy with my performance just the way it is."

Seungcheol, still recovering from Jeonghan's glare, muttered under his breath, "I really should stop letting you all watch those dramas. They're turning you into monsters."

Jeonghan heard him, of course, and flashed a sweet yet devilish smile. "Oh, darling, you have no idea. The real drama hasn't even started yet. Wait till we get inside our room tonight."

"Mother is kinda scary ngl," Jihoon said.

As the teasing continued, Seungcheol found himself cornered by Jeonghan, who had a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So, Seungcheol, when are you going to admit that you're actually looking forward to this wedding more than anyone else?"

Seungcheol sighed, feigning exasperation. "Angel, can you at least give me a break for five minutes?"

"Not a chance," Jeonghan replied, grinning as he patted Seungcheol's back. "But seriously, you're happy for them, right?"

Seungcheol's expression softened, and he nodded. "Yeah, I am. They've been through a lot, and they deserve this happiness."

Jeonghan smiled, satisfied with the answer. "Good. Now, let's make sure this wedding is perfect for them."

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