17: Yulan's Victory

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Yulan reclined on the plush velvet sofa in her Dublin hideout, a rare smile playing on her lips as she savored the victory she had so meticulously crafted. The room was dimly lit, the heavy curtains drawn to block out the outside world, creating an atmosphere of quiet triumph. Minghao was in the adjoining room, resting after the long day, unaware of the web of deceit that had ensnared him.

She had played her cards well, planting just enough doubt in Minghao's mind to turn him against Junhui. It hadn't been easy; Minghao's loyalty and affection for her had always been steadfast, but he had also been drawn to Junhui in ways Yulan found infuriating. But now, Yulan had succeeded in driving a wedge between them, using the very things Junhui had done for Minghao as evidence of his so-called obsession.

The memory of Minghao's wide, innocent eyes as she spun her tale replayed in Yulan's mind, and she chuckled softly. It had been almost too easy to convince him that Junhui was dangerous, a manipulator who wanted to control every aspect of his life. She had fed his insecurities, subtly reminding him of all the strange occurrences since they had met Junhui—the mysterious purchases of his paintings, the constant presence of the man wherever Minghao went, the overly generous gestures that seemed too good to be true.

"Junhui wants to keep us apart," Yulan had whispered to Minghao, her voice soft and full of concern. "He's obsessed with you, Hao. He'll stop at nothing to have you all to himself, even if it means destroying what we have."

Minghao had looked at her with such trust, such belief in her words, that it had almost made Yulan feel a twinge of guilt. Almost. But the satisfaction of knowing she had outmaneuvered Junhui was far too sweet.

For so long, Junhui had been a thorn in her side, meddling in affairs that didn't concern him, trying to keep tabs on her every move. But now, Yulan had turned Minghao into a shield, a weapon she could use to keep Junhui at bay. As long as Minghao believed Junhui was a threat, he would stay close to her, right where she wanted him.

Yulan's smile widened as she considered the next steps in her plan. Junhui was formidable, yes, but he was also predictable in his obsession with Minghao. He would come for him—she was certain of that. But by then, it would be too late. Minghao would be too deeply entrenched in her lies, too far gone to see the truth.

The thought of Junhui's rage when he realized how thoroughly she had played him filled Yulan with a dark satisfaction. He had always prided himself on being in control, on being the one pulling the strings. But this time, Yulan was the one holding all the cards.

She stood up, smoothing down her dress as she moved toward the window, peeking out through the heavy curtains at the rainy Dublin streets below. The city was her refuge for now, but it was also the battleground where she would finish what she had started.

Yulan knew Junhui wouldn't give up easily. He was too possessive, too determined to have Minghao for himself. But she was ready for him. The pieces were already in place, the trap set. Junhui could come after Minghao all he wanted—he would find nothing but disappointment and loss.

As she turned back to the room, Yulan's eyes fell on the door leading to where Minghao slept. He was the key to everything, the linchpin in her plans. As long as she kept him under her influence, she was untouchable. And for now, that was more than enough.

With a satisfied sigh, Yulan walked over to the door, her hand resting on the knob. She opened it quietly, peeking in to see Minghao sleeping peacefully, unaware of the chaos that had been set in motion around him.

Yulan whispered softly, almost to herself, "Sleep well, Hao. You're safe with me. No one will come between us now."

She closed the door gently, retreating back into the shadows, confident that she had won this round. Junhui may have been obsessed, but Yulan was the master manipulator—and she was just getting started.

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