37: Runaway Groom

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Yulan returned to their apartment, her heart heavy with a storm of emotions. As soon as she stepped inside, the weight of everything came crashing down, and she couldn't hold back her tears any longer. She collapsed onto the couch, burying her face in her hands as she sobbed uncontrollably.

Minghao, hearing her distress, rushed over. "Yulan, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with concern as he knelt beside her. He reached out to touch her, but Yulan shook her head, unable to speak through the torrent of emotions overwhelming her.

"I'm sorry," she finally managed to whisper between sobs, though she kept the true cause of her anguish hidden deep within. She couldn't bring herself to tell Minghao about what she'd seen, about the kiss between him and Jun. The betrayal she felt was too raw, too painful, and she feared what it would mean for them.

Minghao wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as she cried, his own heart aching at the sight of her in such pain. "It's okay, Yulan. Whatever it is, we'll get through it together," he whispered, trying to comfort her, though he had no idea of the storm brewing beneath her tears.

But as Yulan cried in his arms, Minghao's mind was elsewhere, still tangled in the confusion that Lucas's words had only deepened. He had always thought of himself as straight, yet the kiss with Jun had felt undeniable, like something he could no longer ignore. The contrast between Yulan's tearful vulnerability and the lingering memory of Jun's lips left Minghao feeling more conflicted than ever.


The grand ballroom was nothing short of opulent, a lavish display of wealth and power that was typical of Yulan's influence. Every inch of the space was adorned with intricate floral arrangements, their fragrant scents mingling with the soft glow of golden chandeliers that hung above. The marble floors gleamed under the light, reflecting the grandeur of the occasion. The guests, dressed in the most exquisite attire, added to the air of sophistication and splendor. Their whispered conversations and laughter filled the room, a hum of anticipation that seemed to vibrate through the very walls.

At the altar, Minghao stood rigid, his expression a mix of nerves and forced composure. His heart was pounding, but it wasn't just the typical wedding jitters. His mind kept drifting, not to the vows he was about to make, but to the strange man who had been haunting his thoughts ever since their encounter at the art exhibition. He tried to push the image of Junhui's intense gaze out of his mind, but it lingered, unsettling him more than he cared to admit.

Beside him, Yulan was the picture of elegance and poise. She radiated confidence in her designer wedding gown, her every move measured and graceful. She had been Minghao's patron, his supporter, and now she was about to become his wife. But as beautiful as she looked, there was a growing unease in Minghao's chest, a feeling that something wasn't right.

Noticing his distracted state, Yulan squeezed his hand gently, her voice low and soothing. "Minghao, this is our day. Focus on us, on the future we're about to build together."

Minghao forced a smile, nodding slightly. "You're right. I'm just... overwhelmed by everything, I suppose."

The officiant began to speak, signaling the start of the ceremony. Minghao took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. But just as he opened his mouth to begin his vows, the grand doors of the ballroom flew open with a thunderous crash that echoed through the room, startling everyone.

All heads turned toward the entrance, and a collective gasp rippled through the crowd. Standing there, framed by the light from the hallway, was Junhui, flanked by a group of men dressed in sharp, dark suits. The contrast between the warmth of the ballroom and the cold, menacing aura that Junhui brought with him was stark, and it sent a chill down Minghao's spine.

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