36: He's Mine, Yulan

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Seungcheol and Jeonghan were sitting on the balcony of their penthouse, the city lights of Seoul twinkling beneath them like a bed of stars. It was late, and the cool night air was soothing after the intense events of the past few days. Jeonghan noticed the pensive expression on Seungcheol's face, one that suggested something deeper was weighing on his mind.

"Cheol," Jeonghan said softly, reaching out to take his hand. "What's bothering you? You've been lost in thought ever since Junhui left for China."

Seungcheol sighed, leaning back in his chair. "It's something I've been keeping to myself for a long time, Angel. It's about Junhui."

Jeonghan raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Junhui? What about him? He seems like he's been with us forever, but you never really talk about how you met him."

Seungcheol looked down at their intertwined hands, his thumb gently tracing circles on Jeonghan's skin. "It's a complicated story. Junhui isn't just anyone, Angel. He's actually from the royal family of China."

Jeonghan's eyes widened in surprise. "Royal family? You mean... like actual royalty?"

Seungcheol nodded slowly. "Yes. His full name is Wen Junhui, and he's a direct descendant of one of the oldest and most prestigious royal lineages in China. The Wen family used to hold immense power, but when Jun was young, their influence started to wane. There was a crisis—internal conflicts, power struggles, you name it. His family was torn apart by betrayal."

Jeonghan listened intently, leaning closer as Seungcheol continued.

"During that time, one of Jun's relatives, someone who was hungry for power, decided that the best way to secure their position was to eliminate Jun, who was seen as a potential threat. They hired a group of ruthless mafias to carry out the deed." Seungcheol's voice grew darker as he recalled the events. "They ambushed Jun one night. He was just a boy, scared and alone. But by some twist of fate, I happened to be in China at that exact moment. I was there to negotiate with the Wang family, trying to establish ties with their organization. It was pure coincidence that I came across Jun that night."

Jeonghan's heart clenched at the thought of a young Junhui, frightened and in danger. "You saved him?"

Seungcheol nodded. "Yes. I couldn't just stand by and watch a kid be killed, no matter who he was. I fought off the men who were after him, and when I realized who he was, I knew I couldn't leave him there. His life in China was over; he had no one left to protect him. So I brought him back to Korea with me."

Jeonghan was silent for a moment, processing the gravity of what Seungcheol had just revealed. "Does Junhui know?"

Seungcheol nodded. "He knows everything. But we've never talked about it in detail. It's a part of his past that he's buried deep down, focusing instead on becoming a valuable member of the Midnight Gang. But with him going back to China now... I'm worried, Angel. There's so much history there, so much pain. I'm afraid it might drag him back into something we can't protect him from."

Jeonghan squeezed Seungcheol's hand, his eyes filled with understanding and concern. "Junhui's strong, Cheol. And he has us. He knows we're here for him, no matter what happens. But... what do you think he's really after in China? Do you think it has to do with his past?"

Seungcheol sighed, a heavy weight settling in his chest. "I'm not sure. He didn't tell me the real reason he wanted to go, but I have a feeling it's something personal. Something he feels he needs to handle on his own. But I'm worried, Angel. There are forces in China that could be waiting for him. And if his past comes back to haunt him..."

Jeonghan leaned forward, cupping Seungcheol's face in his hands. "Then we'll be there for him, Cheol. Just like you were there for him before. Whatever happens, we won't let him face it alone."

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