28: The Night We Met, Again

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As the music thumped through the club and the lights flickered in sync, Joshua, lost in the haze of alcohol and the rhythm, didn't realize when he had drifted away from Seungcheol and Jeonghan. The sea of dancing bodies surrounded him, and he found himself swaying alone, his movements less coordinated than before. The warmth of his friends' presence was gone, and it took him a moment to notice just how isolated he had become.

Suddenly, a pair of hands brushed against his waist, pulling him closer from behind. At first, Joshua thought it might have been Jeonghan playing a prank on him, but the touch was rough, forceful. The breath on his neck wasn't familiar—it was hot and heavy, reeking of alcohol. Panic started to rise in Joshua's chest as he felt the hands move lower, groping him inappropriately.

"Hey—stop!" Joshua tried to push the stranger away, but his intoxicated state made him weaker, and his protests were swallowed by the loud music. The man's grip tightened, and before Joshua could react, he was being dragged toward a dark corner of the club, away from the crowd.

Fear gripped him as the reality of the situation dawned. He was alone, cornered, and no one could see what was happening in the dimly lit area. The man, his face shadowed and his expression leering, pinned Joshua against the wall, his hands roaming aggressively. Joshua's heart pounded in his chest, and he struggled, but it was no use. He was overpowered, and the man was intent on having his way.

"Please, stop... Someone, help me!" Joshua's voice cracked as he cried out, his vision blurring with tears. He felt utterly helpless, fear paralyzing him as he tried to squirm out of the man's grasp.

Just when it seemed like there was no escape, a familiar voice rang out, sharp and filled with anger. "Get your hands off my husband, now!"

The man barely had time to react before he was yanked backward by a forceful grip. Joshua collapsed to the ground, trembling, as the assailant was shoved away. When Joshua looked up, his eyes widened in shock—it was Seokmin.

Seokmin's face was a mixture of fury and protectiveness as he positioned himself between Joshua and the assailant. "You fucking dare to touch what's mine?" he snarled, his voice low and dangerous.

The man, now caught off guard and realizing he was outmatched, stumbled backward, trying to justify his actions. "I didn't mean—he was just—"

But Seokmin wasn't listening. He took a step forward, his fists clenched. "You're going to leave, and you're never going to come near him again. And if you, then I'll make sure you don't get to see the sunrise ever again, understand?"

The man, now fully intimidated, muttered a few incoherent words before bolting into the crowd, disappearing into the throng of people.

Joshua, still on the floor, was shaking uncontrollably, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The terror of what almost happened gripped him, leaving him too stunned to move. Seokmin quickly knelt beside him, his expression softening as he reached out to touch Joshua's arm.

"Joshua, it's okay. You're safe now," Seokmin said gently, his voice filled with concern. He helped Joshua to his feet, his hands steady and comforting.

Just then, Seungcheol and Jeonghan appeared, their faces pale with worry. They had been frantically searching for Joshua, and the sight of him in Seokmin's arms, clearly distressed, sent their hearts plummeting.

"Joshuji!" Jeonghan cried out, rushing forward to pull Joshua into his embrace. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Joshua clung to Jeonghan, the adrenaline slowly leaving his body as he broke down in tears. "I—I didn't see you, and then... and then that guy..."

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