27: Late Night Talks

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Junhui boarded the flight back to Korea with a heavy heart. The thought of leaving Minghao behind, especially after their recent encounter, gnawed at him. His mind raced with a mix of anger, frustration, and unresolved obsession.

As the plane ascended, Junhui leaned back in his seat, trying to push the thoughts aside. But no matter how hard he tried, the idea of Minghao being so deeply entangled with Yulan kept resurfacing, fueling his anger. The clips he had of Yulan's infidelities felt like a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode.

The flight was long, giving Jun too much time to dwell on everything. He replayed the scenes in his head, from the day he first saw Minghao on the streets of Italy to the moment he reluctantly packed his bags to leave. Each memory only strengthened his resolve. He couldn't let Yulan have Minghao, not when he knew the truth about her.

By the time the plane touched down in Seoul, Junhui's mind was made up. Seungcheol's call had forced his hand, but it also gave him the time he needed to plan his next move. He was determined to expose Yulan for who she truly was, no matter the cost. Minghao needed to see the truth, and Junhui was the only one who could make him see it.

Junhui's return to Seoul was far from welcoming. The moment he stepped off the plane, he was greeted by a cold, overcast sky that mirrored his mood. The drive back to the mansion felt longer than usual, each minute dragging as he imagined Minghao still with Yulan, blissfully unaware of the betrayal that lurked in the shadows.

When Junhui finally arrived at the mansion, the atmosphere inside was tense. Seungcheol had called an emergency meeting with the core members of the Midnight gang. Jun knew it was serious—Seungcheol wouldn't have pulled him back otherwise.

He entered the meeting room, where Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Jihoon, and Joshua were already gathered. The weight of the situation was clear on their faces. Joshua, looking more haggard than usual, was seated next to Jeonghan, who seemed to be keeping a protective eye on him.

"Jun," Seungcheol said, his voice heavy with the burden of leadership, "we need to talk."

Junhui took a seat, his mind still half in Italy. "What's going on? Why did you call me back?"

Jeonghan glanced at Joshua, who looked down, guilt written all over his face. "Joshua has something to tell you," Jeonghan began. "Something about Seokmin and the reason he's been distant."

Joshua's voice was shaky as he started. "Jun, I know you're dealing with your own issues right now, but Seokmin... he left me." The room fell silent, the gravity of the admission hanging in the air. "He received a letter, full of lies, telling him that I was responsible for Lee Jisoo's death. He believed it and... he walked out."

Junhui clenched his fists, anger simmering just beneath the surface. "Who sent the letter?"

"We don't know yet," Seungcheol answered. "But whoever it was, they knew exactly how to hurt Joshua, and by extension, us."

Junhui's thoughts raced. The betrayal of someone close felt all too familiar. He had seen that kind of manipulation before—in Yulan. His anger shifted, sharpening his focus. The person behind Seokmin's departure had to be exposed, just as Yulan's lies needed to be brought to light.

"What do you need from me?" Junhui asked, his voice low and determined.

Seungcheol exchanged a glance with Jeonghan. "We need you here, Jun. We need you to help us find out who's behind this and deal with the fallout. Joshua and Seokmin... they're not the only ones at risk."

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