are you f-ing kidding me. two girls in labor!

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 Cecily just got married to her husband Noah and is pregnant as well. She's in labor, and of course, Charlie and I are by her side.

As Cecily pushes, I suddenly feel a sharp pain and realize I'm in labor too. I get whisked away to a room, and Cecily delivers a healthy baby boy, Leo. A few hours later, I give birth to Taylor and Nicholas. It's chaotic, but also incredibly special, as our children will be close in age and cousins.

Demi is so confused by all the commotion and keeps asking, "what happening with Auntie Cece?" Charlie's parents insisted that Charlie and I get a whole wing to ourselves, but Demi wants to be close to Cecily and Noah's family, so we decide to have our rooms next door to each other.

Charlie and I enter our new room, and he asks, "You okay, babe?"

I respond, "Yeah, just in shock. I can't believe we just had twins!"

Charlie smiles and hugs me, "I know, but we're in this together. And look at Demi, she's going to be the best big sister."

I nod in agreement, "I know, and it's so sweet that Cecily and Noah's son Leo will be so close in age to our kids."

Charlie asks, "Should we go visit them?"

I reply, "In a bit, let's give them some space and get settled in first."

Demi comes running into the room and jumps on the bed, "Mommy, mommy! Can I see the babies now?"

I laugh, "In a bit, sweetie. Let mommy and daddy rest for a bit first."

Charlie and I spend the next few days getting to know our twins and watching Demi bond with her new siblings. It's chaotic, but also incredibly special, as our children will be close in age and cousins.

As the days go by, we establish a routine, with Cecily and Noah's family visiting often. Demi is smitten with her new cousins, and we often find her trying to help take care of them.

One day, as we're all sitting in the living room, Demi looks up at me and asks, "Mommy, will me, Taylor, and Nicholas always be best friends?"

I smile and reply, "I hope so, sweetie. I hope you'll always be close and support each other."

Charlie adds, "Just like your Aunt Cecily and I."

Demi nods and smiles, "I love Aunt Cece and Uncle Noah."

Cecily, who's been listening, chimes in, "I love you too, Demi. And I can't wait to watch our children grow up together."

We all smile and nod in agreement, knowing that our children will have a special bond that will last a lifetime.

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