jealousy jealousy

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The hospital's fluorescent lights flicker as I sit in the waiting room, my nerves dancing like butterflies in my stomach. It's almost eleven at night, and the world beyond these walls feels distant and muted. My phone buzzes incessantly beside me—Cecily. I grab it, answering with a breathless, "Cecily!"

"Harper! I'm at the hospital!" Cecily's voice comes through, laced with excitement and a hint of panic.

"I know! Charlie and I are on our way. How are you holding up?" I can practically see her wringing her hands, pacing in the delivery room.

"They just moved me to a labor room. It's happening, Harper! I really need you here!"

"I'm glad Noah is with you, right?" I glance at Charlie, waiting to hear him order us another round of coffee before we head into this whirlwind.

"He is, but—oh God!" There's a crash, and I hear a muffled shout. "It's Kayla! She won't leave me alone!"

"Your sister-in-law? What is she doing?" I murmur, biting my lip as I picture the scene.

"Ugh! She keeps telling me to breathe, but it's just annoying. I don't need her buzzing around, I need you!"

Just then, a loud voice cuts through. "Cecily! You really need to save the drama for later. There's no time to play the diva here!" It's Kayla, bossy as ever, her tone overly confident and condescending.

"Ugh, she's awful!" Cecily wails. "I can't do this with her!"

"Cecily, I swear, I'm on my way! Charlie, let's hurry!" I glance back at my husband, who's frowning at his phone, seemingly engrossed. "Charlie!"

He looks up, alarmed. "What's wrong?"

"Cecily's in labor, and Kayla is harassing her. We need to go, now!"

"Got it." He quickly stands and grabs my hand, leading the way through the maze of hospital corridors.

As we reach the labor ward, I see the tension on Cecily's face through the glass window of the delivery room. "Cecily!" I yell, waving. "We're here!"

She looks relieved but then rolls her eyes. "Kayla's making it worse! Get her out of my room, please!"

"Hey, I'm on that!" I assure her as we enter the room, meeting the exact scene of chaos I'd imagined.

"Cecily, focus!" Kayla snaps, glancing over her shoulder with a haughty look. "You need to take this seriously. I don't want to have to tell Noah how you go to pieces."

"Kayla," I step forward, "this is not your moment. Can you—"

Suddenly, a nurse strides in, her authority palpable. "Alright, Kayla, you need to step out. We don't need extra drama in here." She gestures firmly towards the door.

"Yes! Thank you!" Cecily cries, smiling now. Amidst the stress of labor, I can see the weight lifting from her shoulders.

Kayla huffs but slinks out, muttering something under her breath. I can feel my shoulders relax too.

"There we go, just us girls," I say, slipping into the chair beside Cecily's bed. "You got this!"

"I—oh who am I kidding?" She says, her breath hitching again. "I feel like I can't breathe."

"Just breathe how you want to. Listen to your body. Tell me what you need, and I'll get it for you," I say, resting my hand over hers.

"Can you get me ice chips?" she gasps. "Then hold my hand like you mean it!"

I chuckle lightly and squeeze her hand tighter. "Ice chips coming right up!" I dart out to find the nurse stationed at the desk.

As I fill my arms with supplies, i remember to text Zoe. "Hey, how are things going with the little kiddos?"

"They're okay! Just hold on!" She replies.

I reply with a thumbs up, multitasking my way through motherhood. Taylor and Nico will be fine with Zoe—thank goodness she's so great with them. "Cecily is in labor, Kayla is being a pain, and Noah is doing the best he can."

"Sounds like a normal Tuesday," Zoe laughs.

Returning with ice chips and a smile, I find Cecily in deep focus, her brows furrowed as she breathes through another contraction.

"Here we go!" I announce, placing the ice chips into her eager hands.

"Thanks, Harper!" she gasps, then leans her head back against the pillow. "I think I'm ready to meet Katie."

And in that moment, with the sound of Cecily's breaths filling the tiny room and the excitement gnawing at me, the world feels beautifully chaotic. Everything else fades away, and all I need to do is be here for my best friend, as she embarks on the most extraordinary adventure of her life.

"Let's do this!" I whisper, squeezing her hand again as the next contraction hits her, ready to support her in every way I can.

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