Untitled Part 35

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The World of Bakugan is, once more, celebrating a holiday.
Amazing how they had the very same holidays as the humans. So similar, in fact, that it was nearly as if they had completely ripped off the holydays of the smaller, much weaker creatures. From Valentines' with gifts of flowers and chocolates to the Halloween with carved pumpkins and the youngsters running around in costumes and getting free candy by going from door to door.
They even had New Years, with parades to celebrate and firework shows, some of it actually the work of some Pyrus Bakugan who used their own special skills to produce explosions of colored fire to celebrate the day when a new year starts as they bid farewell to the previous one.
However, there is one last holyday celebrated before New Years', right?
And that was the celebration that was currently happening on the World of Bakugan at this very moment.
"Here's your card, sir." The cashier said as she returned the credit card to Helios, who grabbed it in between his fingers as he carried the bags of items he just purchased. "Have a Merry Christmas."
"Yeah, you too." Helios said as he now had everything he needed, and so he made his way out of the store and into the street.
All around, there was a blanket of snow covering everything. No surprise, considering the time of the year. Seasons went pretty much the same in the Bakugan World as they were on the human one. It was no surprise there was snow covering everything, painting the streets in white in contrast with the usual grey and black of the roads and sidewalks.
It certainly went along with all of the decorations all around.
Blinking lights were all over the street, with their changing, flashing colors casting a festive look at the city. And there was the whole lot of depictions of Santus Claulisun, which was the Bakugan World's version of Santa Claus, with his traditional red and white hat, and ridding his sleight pulled by his entrusted crew of Bakugan on their mission to deliver all presents of the world in a single night.
That was what Christmas was all about. The celebration of Santus' selfless acts of giving to everyone without expecting anything in return. And that was why everyone traded gifts during that time of the year.
And the Christmas cheer was everywhere you looked. Be it on a store all decorated and with posters announcing a special Christmas sale to a Bakugan dressed up in a Santus' costume and asking for donations for the less fortunate (also a common sight on that time of the year, when you celebrate generosity).
And, of course, there were the Bakugans. All of them going around with their business. Some of them making some last minute purchases on this Christmas Eve, as Helios just did. Some of them were on their way for a gathering to take part on a party to celebrate the Christmas with their close ones, again as Helios currently was. And some were just spending their time on the city, just spending some time out there before it was actually time to go and celebrate with their loved ones.
That is, when you had some loved one to celebrate with, like Helios was very lucky to have.
Helios looked at a certain guy who looked like he was angry at the world. Looked like a candidate to "suffering from holyday depression", considering how down he seemed. Seriously, the guy practically leaked negativity out of his pores. Had a bad break up before the holyday?
Well, Helios knew that this would not be happening to him. Not with how in love he and his dear Drago were. Drago had been very busy since that big promotion back in February, but he still took time to be with Helios as much as he could. Like he did this Christmas. Drago managed to get all of his work done and he would be at home in time for their own personal little party, as soon as he was done getting rid of Leonidas and his suited goons who were trying to drag him to a night on a club.
Helios knew that because he had received a message form Drago on his phone twenty minutes ago, putting him in pair of everything and promising to be in there for their special night.
Helios would be ready for him. He already had everything he needed for their night together, including the most important of all...
Meanwhile, the gloomy guy seemed to have shifted from just being grumpy to actually act grumpy, and he started harassing a family, only for the father to chase the guy off after he nearly made the little girl cry.
The mother was already on damage control. In no time, the little girl was smiling again, and she said rather loudly how much she loved her Mama and Papa. And they both clearly loved her back. They held hands with her and walked down the street, all of them seeming to be only happy for just be able to be with each other on this Christmas.
All of the while, Helios looked at that happy family. From the moment the father chased the grumpy guy away to the moment they passed by him, barely paying attention to the dragon-like Bakugan as they were too focused on themselves and on how happy they were.
The father, the mother, and their little laughing daughter.
Helios looked at them go for a while, before turning back and resuming to walk.
Yeah, Christmas was full of happy families like those. Families who truly loved and supported each other through good and bad moments. Helios knew this. He had known it since he was a little hatchling.
Just as he knew how his own family was not one of those.
His father was a drunk, deadbeat bastard who would rather spend all time watching television than to give any attention to his family. His mother was a whore who would take money and spend it on beauty treatments for her scales and on some guys that she cheated on her husband with.
Neither of them gave much of an attention to Helios, except when it was to remember him how much of a disappointment and an inconvenience he was to both of them, and how neither of them ever wanted him.
Neither of them had ever wanted children, and having one caused the two nothing but trouble.
They made sure to let Helios know that.
Every. Single. Day.
As a result, Helios was never too keen on Christmas, with all of its propaganda about gifts being trade by happy family members, and cartoons that showed happy children opening presents under their trees while their parents watched them with smiles on their faces.
Christmas was, after all, a holyday for the family. And Helios was among those who didn't had a family worth celebrating any holyday with.
To think that now Helios was celebrating Christmas, like one of those people he used to consider complete idiots for taking part on all of those ridiculous traditions. And all it took to change his mind was finding the love of his life.
After finding Drago, celebrating Christmas (and a lot more holydays, by that matter) all of sudden didn't seemed so silly. Helios even started celebrating his own birthday!
Yeah, he didn't celebrated birthday, because his parents never prepared parties or even gave him gifts for any of them. That was how little they cared about him.
In fact, it was Drago who gave him the first birthday present he ever received on his life. It was a new watch.
Helios actually cried when he received that. Seriously, he bawled like a baby. Drago had to hold and comfort him, as he had suddenly started crying for no apparent reason.
"Is just a watch!" Drago said back on the day, "Man, if I knew I would have bought you something else!"
Yes, Drago certainly made his life better simply by being in it. That much Helios could say for sure. It was thanks to him that Helios now truly knew what was like to have someone who actually cared about him. He was the one who made holydays feel special for the first time on his life.
It was all thanks to that amazing dragonoid. Not thanks to that pair of pieces of garbage who were his parents. They never did anything good for him on their lives.
Save when they died and left all that money they hoarded for themselves for him, since he was the only relative and, consequently, the only heir.
Helios groaned, shaking his head as he tried to force all of those thoughts out of his mind. Thinking about his trashy parents did nothing more than putting him on a bad mood. They were dead and buried, and there was no point on thinking too much about either of them. They were not worth it. They never were.
Helios much rather think about what he had planned for tonight. Think on how he would soon be with his dear Drago again. How they would, once more, be celebrating a holiday together, only the two of them. Like they had done since they had officially started dating and became a couple. That was one of the reasons why Helios pretty much loved most holidays now.
Everything did got better when you were sharing it with someone special. Even holidays. Helios would gladly attest that holidays got better whenever you celebrated them with your loved one.
And Helios wanted to spend his holiday with Drago.
So, he rushed as much as he could, and he even took it off flying, all so he could arrive at home as fast as possible, so he could spend this Christmas Eve with his beloved dragonoid.
It would be one that neither of them would ever forget.
In a matter of minutes, Helios arrived at their building, landing in front of the entrance and rushing inside. He sad a quick "merry Christmas" to the doorman and to the old lady who lived in the third floor before he made his way up the stairs.
He was in a real rush to get home, as he wanted to be there as soon as possible. He was so anxious for the night he would spend with his dear Drago that he could not help himself but want to be home as fast as possible. He passed by a few more of his neighbors, who wished him a "merry Christmas", which Helios answered quickly and without reducing his speed. Some even asked him where was the fire.
In my loins was the answer Helios wanted to say. However, he was more elegant than that. besides, some of his neighbors were with kids, and this was just not the kind of thing you said within a child's earshot.
So Helios only continued up the stairs, and he then rushed indirection to their door. He opened it and then he was on their house.
He found a place nicely decorated for the Christmas holiday. With mistletoe hanging on every door, statuettes with Christmas themes all around, and with a Christmas tree so big that one would wonder how it even passed through the door on the first place.
And, by the tree, was no other than Drago, who was just putting out a little more decoration on the already overly-decorated tree. He turned his head as soon as he heard someone coming, and he opened a smile as soon as he saw who it was.
"Merry Christmas, honey." Drago said, and Helios relaxed.
"Merry Christmas..." Helios said back to him, "Guess I still haven't beaten you, have I?"
"Sorry, hun." Drago said with a smirk. "No one can beat me when it comes to Christmas."
That much Helios knew to be truth. After all, from all the holidays, Christmas was probably Drago's favorite.
He always started preparing for Christmas still in November, and he always got everything ready. Christmas decorations started on December 1st, and they stayed all the way to the first days of January. All through December, it was possible to hear Christmas carols being sang in the voice of his beloved boyfriend, who was definitely not a singer.
Yes, Drago certainly loved Christmas. That much Helios knew. And he was sure that, with what he had planned, Drago would love Christmas even more.
"So, can I get a Christmas kiss?" Helios said, pointing at the mistletoe hanging right above his head. Drago smiled at him, and put down the box he was holding and walked to Helios. He put his arms around Helios' neck, pulling him close into a deep kiss.
Their lips pressed together, and they moaned on each other's mouths, and soon, their tongues were dancing over each other's lips and touching each other. That kiss was certainly getting heated pretty fast.
That was why they had to break it, before it went a bit too far. They were still in the entrance door, after all, and they could not just start making those kinds of things on the hallway. They didn't needed another neighbor walking in on them while they were in the middle of it.
It did happened, even though they had the top floor of the house all for themselves. You'd be surprised at how many Bakugan of their building came to see them. Those two were actually pretty popular.
"Oh, Helios..." Drago said, "I've been thinking of you all day. I'm so glad I could get out of the office and come to see you."
"You always do." Helios said, "I've been thinking of you all day too, babe. You have no idea..."
They kissed again, this time a brief one, as they don't want to fall into temptation of starting things too soon. Now that they both were home, they had plenty of time for it.
They closed the door as they walked inside, begrudgingly separating, but accepting it, as they knew they would be able to continue it later on.
With them both inside, they went to take a shower and change their clothes. Drago was still wearing his suit, after all. Once they have bathed, both of them put on sweat pants and the new Christmas sweaters Drago bought for them both. They were more like pullovers, baggy and feeling a bit hot, but Helios was not one to complain. Not when Drago looked so happy seeing Helios with that ugly red and green thing that he picked for him himself.
From there, they proceeded to have a nice Christmas together. It started with a delicious Christmas dinner they were having. Most people would have turkey or even ham for Christmas. Drago and Helios? They had Chinese food. They loved the Kung Pao Chicken way more than any fancy turkey, and definitely more than ham.
They could just sit together on the couch and cuddle as they watched their favorite Christmas movies. They actually had a selection of three movies to watch: a romance, a comedy and an action, all of them nice Christmas movies.
That was pretty much their tradition for Christmas at this point, Chinese food with Christmas movies. They did it for the past three years, and they really liked this. They certainly looked at home as they cuddled on the couch on their sweatpants and ugly sweaters, eating the food from their little plastic boxes with chopsticks as they looked at the screen, occasionally taking the eyes of it for a moment to make out and stare googly-eyes are each other.
By the time the last movie finished and the credits rolled in, they were barely watching now. They were too busy making out again, the packages of Chinese food forgotten on the table as they continued to make out as if they were newlyweds. They broke the kiss, and Drago looked at the side, seeing the clock on the wall, which now marked exactly midnight.
"Aaand, it's officially Christmas." Drago said with a smile, before turning to look at his lover again. "Merry Christmas, darling."
"Merry Christmas, babe." Helios said, and he knew what came next:
Exchanging presents.
Drago soon was giving Helios a neatly wrapped box, what the other dragon-like Bakugan was soon opening, while Drago looked at him giddily as he expected for his reaction. And he was not disappointed.
"No way!" Helios said as he saw what his gift was. It was a very fancy leather jacket with red dragons emblazoned on the front, on the shoulders and around the forearms. With special openings on the back to fit the wings and even a hoodie to pull over the head, with holes on the back to easily fit the horns.
"It is a Darkulius jacket!" Helios said, his eyes shining as he looked at the jacket of the famous line. It was one of the latest models, said to be exclusive.
"And it is custom made! Right on my size!" He said, checking the jacket and knowing immediately it would fit him like a glove. "How did you got this?"
"Last month we started making business with the company that manufactures the Darkulius line" Drago said, "I was in charge of their deal. I got to know some of the guys who deal with making the jackets. I was able to turn in a personal request for a custom made one for some person I knew. Had to wait because they had a lot of other request for those, but they got it ready on time for Christmas."
"Awesome!" Helios said, looking at it, "Wait, how did you got my measures?"
Drago looked at him with a sly smirk.
"I've live together with you for the past three years, and I slept with you more times than I could possibly count. I know every single one of your measures."
Helios smirked back at his boyfriend. Yeah, now that did felt like a stupid question.
"I love it." Helios said, "Thanks, hun." He leaned over and kissed Drago on the lips, what Drago gladly returned.
"You're welcome." Drago said as they broke the kiss. "Now, am I going to get my gift?"
"Oh, you will get it." Helios said to him with a smirk. "Later."
Drago looked at his boyfriend for a few seconds, before saying:
"Helios, tell me you didn't forgot to buy me a gift for Christmas."
"I didn't." Helios said, "I'm just waiting to give it to you."
"Really? You're waiting to give it to me?" Drago said, "You are not just pretending to be waiting and then you will rush to some twenty-four hour store as soon as I fall asleep to buy me a super-last minute gift?"
"No, I'm not doing it again, don't worry." Helios reassured him, "I'm not stupid enough to make that mistake twice."
This seemed to tranquilize Drago, who smiled at his boyfriend.
"Now, since we already did the dinner, the movies and the gift-exchanging..." Helios said, looking at his boyfriend with a familiar glint on his eyes. "What about we go to the bedroom and do the final part of our Christmas celebration?"
Drago smiled at him.
"You can count me in... but you better give me my present as soon as we're done."
Oh, I will. Helios thought, as he took Drago on is arms and carried him to the bedroom, stopping to make out sloppily with him each time they were under a mistletoe. How he loved the fact that Drago hanged them everywhere. And they didn't needed to wait it to actually be Christmas to use them.
Oh, how much they made out in the past month...
And now, they were about to do much more than just making out.
They soon arrived on to their bedroom, where Helios' bags were currently on the bed, waiting for them.
"Yours' is the red one." Helios said, "Let's turn around once we're ready."
Drago understood, and soon each one picked their respective bags.
Drago took one look inside, and he was delightedly surprised. And not surprised at all at the same time.
Of course. Was all Drago could think as he saw what Helios had gotten, and he was already looking forward to him. He proceeded to remove his clothes and then put what was on the bag while, behind him, Helios did the same exact thing. They both should have taken around three or four minutes to get ready.
"Ready?" Helios asked.
"Ready." Drago confirmed.
"Alright. Three. Two. One."
And, with this, they both turned to each other at the same time. They took a few moments to look at each other, and to immediately love what they were currently seeing.
Helios had ditched all of his clothing in favor of a red and white jockstrap, and a black and red harness that matches nearly perfectly his scales. He was wearing a collar around his neck with a bell, a pair of black boots with garter belts, and a white and red hat on top of his head. He looked like a naughty version of Santus. The kind who would not hesitate into punishing anyone who had been naughty.
For Drago, Helios chose some interesting outfit. Drago also wore a jockstrap and harness, but brown ones. He also wore a collar as well, but with more bells. He also wore leather belts on his arms and legs, all filed with bells that jiggled with each movement he made. Finally, Drago was currently wearing a bridle on his face, fitted neatly around his muzzle and with the long leather reins hanging from it, just waiting for someone to grab onto them and use them to pull hard at the dragonoid.
Drago looked ready to join the team of Bakungans that pulled Santus' sleight.
And Helios really loved that sight.
"Well, if it isn't the star of my sledge team." Helios said, "I have to say, you did a pretty good job tonight, my dear Rudolfus."
"Oh, did I?" Drago said, trying his best to sound innocent and shy as he got into the character. "I really did my best this year, Santus..."
"Of course you did." Helios said to him, walking to the dragonoid. "You do every year. And, like every year, you deserve a reward. So, what would you like, my dear?"
Helios gently caressed Drago's face.
"Ask me anything."
"Anything?" Drago said, still in character. "Well, there is one thing... if you wouldn't mind, Santus..."
"Come on, my dear." Helios said to him, gently cupping Drago's chin and approaching his face form him before whispering:
"Tell me."
He used that sultry tune that he saved only for when he and Drago were in the bedroom. The one that made Drago shiver with desire. Drago had grown used to this kind of tune, and he knew it meant pleasure was just a few minutes away. This one that made him melt and caused his cock to react instantly, and it started to get hard inside of the pouch of his brown jockstrap, immediately causing it to start tenting.
"I-I..." Drago moaned, feeling the jockstrap he wore getting tighter by the second. "I... I'd like to... suck your dick..."
Helios smirked as wide as a shark.
"Well, well, well. It seems that my little Rudolfus is a naughty little Bakugan, ain't he?" Helios said, still in that sultry tune that made Drago weak on the knees.
"Well, I said you could have anything, didn't I?" Helios said, grabbing the reins of Drago's bridle and pulling onto them. Drago didn't resisted, and allowed himself to be steered like an animal in direction to the bed.
"Kneel." Helios said, and Drago obeyed immediately, and now he was kneeling before Helios, who was sitting on the bed, with his legs spread, flashing Drago with his jockstrap's bulge.
Drago eyed it, taking noticed of the cartoonish depiction of Santus on the front of the jockstrap, cleverly made by using the use of the color white on the red background of the underwear's pouch. However, that was not as interesting as the prize that was hiding behind the pouch...
"You want this, don't you, my darling?" Helios said, pulling the reins to force Drago to look in his direction. "Bet you've been thinking about it during our entire travel across the Bakugan World to deliver presents, didn't you?"
"Y-yes, Santus..." Drago said, maintaining that innocent voice and trying his best to look bashful and ashamed of his own actions. "I've been thinking of it all night. I can't help it. Sorry."
"What a naughty little thing." Helios said. "But, a hard worker who deserves some reward."
With this said, Helios slipped a hand inside of his underwear's pouch. Drago thought they were going to go straight to the good stuff. But, he was surprised when Helios pulled a small piece of mistletoe from inside his jockstrap, and held it right above his crotch.
"You know the rules, darling." Helios said with a smirk. "If you're under the mistletoe, you gotta kiss."
Yes, that was more like what Helios would want to do on a moment like that. He was such a tease sometimes. They both were.
Not questioning, and just going along with it, Drago leaned forward, puckering his lips as he aimed just on the center of that bulge. His lips connected with it, and he could feel the soft, but stretchy, fabric against his lips, as he gave that bulge a solid-five second kiss.
"Good boy..." Helios said, liking very much what he just saw. "Do it again. This time better."
Drago complied, leaning forward again, and placing another, longer kiss on Helios' bulge. This time he even moaned a little bit, to add something special to the little action, as if he was actually kissing Helios on the mouth.
"That's good... keep going."
And so Drago did. He continued to plant kisses on that bulge. Sometimes they were regular kisses. Sometimes they were long, sensual kisses. Sometimes they were quick pecks. Sometimes it looked as if Drago actually wanted to make out with that dick, but he could not because there was a jockstrap pouch on the way.
As he did, the bulge on the jockstrap became bigger and bigger, as the cock behind it became harder with each kiss.
Helios soon thought it was too tight on that little pouch. He reached out, hooked a finger on the waistband of the jockstrap and just pulled the pouch down. His half-hard cock flopped around, nearly slapping Drago right in the snout and nearly making him pull out. Helios couldn't help but chuckle at this little scene.
However, neither of them focused on it for too long. Helios waved the mistletoe right in front of Drago's face as he backed away a bit, to call the dragonoid's attention. He then held it over is hardening cock, smirking down at Drago. There was no need for anything to be said.
Drago had a smile of his own as he leaned forward and started to kiss the member.
Much like he kissed the bulge of the jockstrap before, he kissed the member. He kissed the balls. He kissed the body of the cock. Most of all, he gave a special attention as he kissed the head of the member, making sure to give his longest and more passionate kisses to that specific part of the cock, nearly making out with it as Helios watching with an approvingly look from up as he held the mistletoe in place.
Soon, Helios had been work to full hardness, and it was throbbing each time that Drago kissed it.
Drago, after a few minutes, started to focus all of his attention on the head. He used his two hands to hold the cock in place, as he gave kiss after kiss to it. Each kiss was longer, wetter and
more passionate than the last. Dragon made out with Helios' cock, while his own cock was hard and throbbing inside of his brown jockstrap.
"That's it, darling..." Helios said, murring as he gripped the reins connected to Drago's bridle harder and harder. "Show me how much you love Santus' dong. Show me how much you crave it... How much you... hunger for it."
Drago then felt a thug. The bridle on his face was being pull forward. He immediately knew that Helios was pulling on the reins. Drago did not resisted. He didn't had any reason to resist. He allowed himself to be pull forward by the force on the reins, in direction to Helios' crotch.
Drago was kissing the very tip of Helios' cock at the moment and, as a result, he saw himself reflexively opening his mouth to allow the head of the member to enter his mouth, followed by the rest of the cock, as Helios continued to pull him forward by the reins with a strong grip. He pulled and pulled, until Drago's snout was literally pressed on Helios' pubic scales.
Drago could smell Helios' musk as he breathed in and out through his nose, taking in all of the delicious scent of his lover, which served to make his cock throb even harder inside his jockstrap.
Helios was also enjoying himself, and he murred and growled in pleasure as his cock throbbed inside Drago's mouth. And the red dragonoid had already started sucking and licking gently on the cock currently occupying his maw, like a good little slut.
After a few more seconds, Helios loosened his grip on the reins, letting Drago have some slack. The dragonoid pulled back as much as he could, but was stopped sort when Helios' grip tightened again, and he started pulling him back, forcing Drago to take on more of the cock back into his mouth.
Then he would give him some slack to pull back, and then tighten and pull him back into his cock again.
Over and over, each time he pulled a little harder, making Drago start gagging on his cock. However, there was no way that Drago could ever complain.
He loved when Helios was rough. As long as he didn't went too rough.
Luckily, their years together helped them both find the perfect balance of roughness that they both enjoyed.
And they were not at their limit yet.
Grunting, Helios stood up. He dropped the mistletoe, as he no longer needed it, and just held onto the reins. He pulled at them, tugging hard into the leather straps, and making Drago's muzzle be drag over his cock, until his snout collided with Helios' crotch. After pulling, he would slack them, allowing Drago to pull back, only for another tug to pull him back into Helios' cock once more.
Helios totally stopped being gentle, as he was now fucking Drago's face while he pulled on those reins, making sure to send his cock hard and deep into Drago's poor mouth. Fucking it as if he was breeding a fertile female.
"That's it..." Helios said, hissing through the pleasure as he fucked Drago's mouth, pulling those reins harder and harder. "Suck on that cock, Rudolpfus. Suck on it as if it is a candy cane. You want my cum? You want the milk of Santus? The milk of your master? Then work for it!"
Drago couldn't help but moan around that cock, and he did exactly as Helios' asked of him. He sucked on that cock as hard as he could, running his tongue all over it. He could feel each throb of the cock inside of his mouth. He continuously swallowed to keep himself form gagging when the cock went deep into his mouth and throat, and also to keep the pre and drool working on his mouth from leaking more than they already were.
All the while, Drago was masturbating his cock. He had pulled it out from his underwear on the moment that Helios started being rough with him. There was just no way Drago cold resist. He continued to do the part of Rudolfus and diligently suck "Santus"' cock while he masturbated. The whole taboo of the kind of roleplay they were doing, putting a depraved and perverted twist into an otherwise pure and innocent thing, was proving to be too much for poor Drago, who could no longer hold himself back.
He moaned around that cock as he masturbated. He allowed himself to be take and to lose complete control, to the point where he was almost a mere toy to Helios to use and play with as much as he wanted. This feeling of surrender only added to the pleasure and elation that Drago felt, and made his hand travel even faster up and down his own cock, which throbbed and leaked pre as Drago continued to have his mouth fucked by his boyfriend.
"That's it, you naughty sleight-puller! Suck on the dick of your master! Suck this dick so you can get your reward! You really do want Santus' milk, don't you? Then suck on that dick! Suck on it so you can get your tasty milk! Suck on it you slut! Suck on it hard!"
Helios' hips were pretty much a blur as he fucked Drago's mouth, pulling hard on his reins as if he wasn't taking as much of his dick as he possibly could already. All the while Drago became completely passive, rolling his eyes and moaning around that cock as his own hand went up and down on his dick as fast as Helios' hips went on his mouth.
At least until they were pulled out of his cock by a tail that suddenly wrapped around his wrist.
"No, Rudolfus!" Helios said, "Bad Bakugan! No touching yourself without Santus' permission!"
Drago growled around the cock on his mouth, and Helios could not help but smirk wider, as he just continued fucking Drago's mouth. Oh, how the loved when he would make Drago squirm like that. He could totally see why Drago loved doing that so much...
Which was why he should have predicted that, by taking away Drago's orgasm, he would be inducing Drago to act up again.
Freeing his hand from Helios' cock, Drago now used both of his hands to pull himself off Helios' cock. It was hard, with Helios trying to pull him back through his reins.
"Hey! I didn't told you to stop!" Helios said, as Drago pulled out of his cock just when he was about to blow.
"Oh, sorry, Santus." Drago said, his voice taking in a mischievous tune as he talked to the other Bakugan, a smirk on his lips.
"I guess I'm a bad Bakugan, ain't it?" He said, puckering his pre and drool-covered lips and putting a single finger on them.
"Oh, you certainly are." Helios said as he felt his cock throbbing hard in between his legs, shooting small spurts of pre as he panted and growled. "You just caused Santus to have blue balls!"
"Oohh, that's bad!" Drago said, once more resuming his innocence interpretation as he looked up at Helios. "I guess I'm a really naughty Bakugan, ain't I? Will Santus punish me for it?"
Shit, Drago was such a tease!
Well, this time Helios couldn't even be too angry at him for wanting to tease, once Helios was, technically, the one who started it. Still, this habit of Drago of teasing and tormenting him could be really infuriating. Especially when Drago actually went as far as to blue-ball him.
Infuriating and exciting.
"Oh, Santus will punish you." Helios said as he looked down at Drago. "I'll be punishing you alright..."
The way Helios said that sent shivers up and down Drago's spine. Goosebumps that were something between sheer arousal and genuine fear. He was actually a little worried about what Helios would be doing to him next...
"Get on the bed." Helios ordered, "All fours, tail up with that tailhole of yours' facing me."
Drago didn't objected at all. He simply did as Helios ordered of him, climbing on the bed on all fours. He raised his tail, revealing his fleshy ring of flesh hidden among his scales. The jockstrap allowing a clear and unimpeded view of Drago's ass, much to Helios' delight and convenience.
Drago jumped a bit and let out a yelp as he felt a sudden impact on his right ass-cheek.
"Ohhh, is Santus going to spank me for being a naughty Bakugan?" Drago said, looking over his shoulder, and seeing Helios face as he looked back at him.
"Maybe..." Helios said with a smirk, and Drago knew that Helios actually had different plans.
Helios then placed his index and middle fingers into his mouth and started sucking on them, slobbering all over them and coating them on a generous layer of saliva. He then pulled his fingers out of his mouth, and moved them in direction to Drago's tailhole.
The dragonoid' pucker instinctively clenched in anticipation to what he knew was coming next. He could feel the two moist digits dancing around his rim, teasing him with their feel and making him shiver all over at the anticipation for the inevitable result in sight.
A result that was taking too long to come.
One minute. Two minutes. Five...
"H-Hey!" Drago said, looking over his shoulder again. "Quit teasing!"
His answer was another smack right on his other cheek, this one hard enough to make Drago let out a feminine squeal.
"You have no right to demand no teasing, you slut!" Helios said to him, and Drago was only able to lower his head as his face burned with a blush. Between his legs, his cock was throbbing with each beat of his hear.
"P-please..." Drago whimpered, and then Helios' smirk widened.
"That's more like it..."
With this, Helios started fingering Drago, forcing one of his digits inside and twisting it around, making Drago moan loudly as that finger entered him. He then moaned even louder when Helios inserted the second finger and used it as well, scissoring his fingers and hooking them over to touch all parts of Drago's ass, making the dragonoid let out moans that were more and more feminine.
Drago practically squealed like a little girl when Helios finally started rubbing his prostate.
From there on, that room was filled with squeals as Helios focused all of his attention on that spot, which's location he had long memorized on his heart, punishing and tormenting it in all possible ways with his fingers. Soon, Drago was pushing back, sending his ass back as he rocked back and forth, as if he wanted to have more of those fingers into his ass. His cock leaked pre like a fountain, as he was closer and closer to his orgasm. Just a few more touches...
Then, Helios pulled his fingers out.
Drago nearly screamed in frustration as he felt his orgasm being, once more, taken away from him. Behind him, Helios smirked.
"It sucks, doesn't it?" He asked the dragonoid. "And not on a good way."
Drago was panting and whimpering. He started moving one of his hands to his crotch, ready to start masturbating, but he his hand was bat away by a whip to Helios' tail.
"Nah nah!" Helios said, and he once more slapped Drago's butt. "Bad Bakugan!"
"Oh, come on!" Drago said, and he was spanked again.
"This is your punishment, my naughty little Rudolfus." Helios said to Drago. "You just take it like a good little slut. Santus is not done with you yet."
True to his word, Helios was not even close to done with Drago.
Soon, he was inserting his fingers back, and he would twist and hook his fingers all around. He would find Drago's prostate and press right into it, rub it and even pinch it with his fingers. That would send Drago in a frenzy, making him literally squeal of pleasure as he was worked up by Helios until he was right on the verge of orgasm... only for Helios to pull back and let him fall back, and then once more insert his fingers inside and start tormenting Drago once more.
Again and again, Helios repeated this maddening cycle on Drago, making him gasp, squeal, moan and whine as he was worked to the edge and then denied going over it right when he was about to cross. Helios showed that he was a master teaser after the years they have been together, and all the sex they had during that time.
Minutes dragged, and Drago grew more and more desperate as they did. His cock was leaking pre like a fountain, soaking the bed beneath him. His balls felt like they were actually changing color and becoming blue from being work to the very limit of orgasm only to be deny it. He was shaking and panting, as whines and whimpers escaped his throat as Helios continued to tease and torment him endlessly.
As Helios once more removed his finger, Drago was squealing like a pig as he is shaking hard. Helios smirks as he sees this reaction from his boyfriend.
"Had enough, slut?" Helios asked with the biggest shit-eating grin of the world. Shakenly, Drago raised his head, looking over his shoulder back at him. Need and desperation written all over his face, as well as in his voice as he spoke:
"H-Helios... I-I can't... N-no more... P-please... Please!"
All roleplay had been completely ditch at this point. All there was left was the need. Need that Helios himself shared with Drago, as teasing him had worked wonders to keep his own cock hard and leaking between his legs.
Helios had really grown impatient with this, and was glad that he finally got his boyfriend to start begging to him like a good little slut.
"Alright then." Helios said, as he reached out and grabbed, once more, the reins of the bridle, pulling onto them hard and making Drago's head be pulled back, causing him to squeal in surprise.
Helios kept an iron grip on the reins, pulling them back hard to keep Drago literally on a short leash, as he started to climb on the bed as well.
Helios and Drago both moved into the bed, as the dragonoid made space for his boyfriend to climb on. Now, Helios was behind Drago on his knees, using his free hand to hold Drago's tail up, while his hard cock pointed right to Drago's tailhole.
Drago let out another moan as he felt the tip of his boyfriend's cock touching his tailhole, which clenched in reflex to the touch. Not that it would be stopping Helios in any way, or that Drago wanted to stop him anyways.
Helios didn't even bothered to give Drago any words of warnings. There was no need to any of that at this stage where things were. He simply went for it.
He just pushed in. Actually, he thrusted in. His spear-tipped cock easily went past that slick pucker, loosened by the several minutes of finger-fucking, and into the waiting tailhole. Drago's eyes rolled on his sockets as he was once more penetrate, this time by a real cock, and his cock immediately throbbed, spurting a huge shot of pre out.
Helios hilted on him with no problem, and he immediately started pounding.
At this state of things, with how horny and pent up they were, there was no romance in there. There was just a form of animalistic need, which was still lace with genuine affection from both of them. Affection which didn't stopped Helios from pulling on those reins as hard as he could to force Drago to heel back to meet with each one of his hard thrusts, what Drago did with the utmost pleasure and satisfaction.
Back and forth they went, with Helios' crotch smacking hard on Drago's buttocks, filling the bedroom with that familiar *plap-plap-plap* sound that so many times filled it before, accompanying the symphony of moans, squeals, hisses and growls.
Drago was letting out feminine sounds of pleasure as he was fucked raw by his boyfriend, his tongue lolled out of his mouth and his eyes lost in a daze of pure pleasure as he was bred like there was no tomorrow, as if this Christmas night was the last night of either of their lives.
Drago grunted and hissed, growling in pleasure as he too panted. He fucked Drago the way they both enjoyed, hard and raw, without any stop or rest. One of his hands held onto the reins and continued to thug on them hard, while his other arm had wrapped around Drago's tail with his hand grasping the base hard and using it as a leverage to be able to go even harder on his boyfriend's tailhole. He is angling his cock so each thrust he makes is one jab right into Drago's prostate, causing Drago to squeal louder and louder the more Helios fucked him.
At this rate, neither of them would last much longer. It was good, however, as neither of them wanted to wait more time before having their orgasms. They have delayed it for long enough for just one night.
Helios fucked unimpeded, and Drago pushed back to meet with his thrusts independent of the reins pulling him to do the same thing. They both wanted to have release. They both wanted to peak. They both wanted to consummate their passion and feel the sweet bliss of being with the one they truly loved the most on this whole Bakugan World.
Drago was the first one to orgasm. He let out the loudest, neediest, more girlish squeal he could possibly let out (and Helios knew that because he already made Drago squeal A LOT) as he orgasmed. His cock flared as he cummed on the bed, staining the mattress with his pearly white cum once more.
Helios continued fucking as he felt Drago's cock clenching around his cock, and he was not far behind. Only a few more thrusts and Helios reached his own orgasm.
Where Drago squealed, Helios let out a proper dragon roar as he reached his orgasm, pulling on the reins so hard he caused Drago to arch his back a lot back, but Drago didn't minded it at all, so far gone as he was into his own orgasm. An orgasm that got even stronger when he felt his tailhole being fill to the brim with his boyfriend's cum.
They both got lost into their own little world of pleasure, before it finally subsided. Then, the two, breathless and spent, landed on the bed.
Drago was practically squash on the bed under the weight of his boyfriend, as they both recovered their breath after such a lovemaking session.
"That was... intense..." Helios said, as Drago panted beneath him.
"Yeah... It... it was..." Drago said, breathless. "Hall of fame?"
"Top ten, for sure." Helios confirmed.
A few more moments of silence followed this, and Drago said:
"You have put up a couple pounds."
Helios blinked, and looked down at his boyfriend.
"And you were loud." Drago added, to what Helios had an answer:
"Well, you were pretty loud yourself, miss."
All Drago said in return was:
"Think the neighbors will complain?"
"Nah, don't worry about it." Helios said in dismissal. "All of our neighbors are out to have Christmas with their friends and families. They won't be back until early in the morning. Some of them are even out of state to celebrate."
"You sure?" Drago asked, and Helios said.
"Yeah... I mean... I think? I'm sure one of them said something about leaving the state for a few days because of Christmas..."
Drago could only sigh. He only hoped that they wouldn't have some neighbor coming in to complain about them being too loud during sex again. And he definitely hoped none of them was receiving kids at home...
"We worried about this in the morning." Drago said. "Right now I'd just like to cuddle and sleep."
He was getting ready to go into a deep slumber until late in the morning, when he would be woke up by his hornball of a boyfriend and they would have a morning sex before breakfast. However, it seemed that Helios had other plans.
"Before that..." Helios said, reaching out for one of the bags he brought, one that he left on their nightstand. "I'd like to give you this..."
Drago looked over as Helios showed him the box. It was golden and red, with a beautiful pink ribbon on top.
"Oh, you actually remembered buying my Christmas gift!" Drago said to him. "That's nice, I won't have to make you sleep on the couch for the next week."
"Yeah..." Helios said. "And I'd like to see you open it."
"I'll do it tomorrow." Drago said, turning his head and once more getting ready to sleep. However, he was interrupted when Helios got off him (removing his cock from his tailhole and making the cum spurt out in the process) and pulled Drago up, so that now both of them were on a sitting position.
"Helios?" Drago said, looking over to his boyfriend, and seeing that he had a serious expression on his face as he looked back at him.
"Drago, I really need you to open your present now." He said in a seriousness Drago found rare. That was when the dragonoid knew he was serious.
Drago looked at the box, which Helios was holding for him with both hands.
It seemed that this was truly important, for Helios to insist on it like that.
So, Drago reached with his hand, grabbed the top of the box, and just pulled it up, removing the lid of the box.
The inside of the box was line with red cetin. Including the cushion where laid a single object: a golden and silver ring with a red and a black diamonds on the top.
Drago took a few seconds to grasp what was that ring, and what was the meaning of it. When he did, he dropped the box's lid as he gasped and used both of his hands to cover his muzzle.
"H-Helios..." Drago managed to choke out when he recovered, "T-this is...?"
Drago looked into Helios' eyes, and the other dragon-like Bakugan looked back at him with tenderness on his eyes.
"Drago... I remember when we first crossed paths years ago..." Helios said to him. "From the moment we met each other, we hated each other's guts. Seriously, I don't think I ever disliked anyone other than my own parents that much in my life. I wanted nothing more than to punch your stupid face whenever I saw you."
A brief silence followed those words, and Helios continued:
"And I thought I would keep hating you for the rest of both our lives... then, I hit rock bottom. All of my 'friends' from back then did nothing to help me. But you did. Even with how much we disliked each other, you offered me a helping hand. You helped me get back on my feet again, and to put my life back in together. From there, things got better, and it was all because of it."
"You saved me, Drago." Helios said, "You saved me and showed me more than what I had back on the day. On that day you, of all Bakugan, offered me a light on my darkest time, it was the day when my life turned out for the better. I became a different Bakugan, a better Bakugan, all thanks to you."
"I owe you everything, Drago. Which is why I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
He reached out to Drago's face, gently touching it and running his finger's over Drago's features.
"I still don't know if I actually can make you the happiest Bakugan of our world. But, by the mother light, I'm sure willing to spend the rest of my life trying."
Drago continued looking at Helios, his eyes getting moistier by the seconds, waiting of the question he knew would be popped:
"Drago... will you marry me?"
And, of course, Drago's answer was:
"Yes!" He practically squealed, throwing himself a Helios and nearly knocking them both down on the bed as he pulled Helios in one of the tightest hugs the dark dragon-like Bakugan ever received on his life (which wasn't meant to actually suffocate him to death).
From there, Helios placed the engagement ring on Drago's finger, then Drago, with tears on his eyes, kissed Helios, and Helios kissed him back with a love that he had never felt for anyone other on his life before.
"I love you, Helios..." Drago said, as he leaned his head on his boyfriend... no, on his fiancé's shoulder.
"I love you too, Drago." Helios said, hugging him gently.
"Merry Christmas."

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