Capítulo sem título 37

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Toothless needed to return to Valka's Mountain alone.
If Toothless ever acted on his hunger for dragons in the
village, Hiccup might become afraid of or sickened by
Toothless. If Hiccup discovered that Toothless' newfound
hunger was only reversible by Toothless being succeeded as
Alpha Dragon, Toothless might be forced to give up his Alpha
Toothless refused to part with his new leaderly title, his
new hunger, his new ability to hypnotize dragons. He would
rather part with his human on good terms. Valka's Mountain
would take him far away from Berk, curbing the chance of
conflict between his and the villagers' interests. Furthermore,
the vast buffet of dragons inhabiting the Mountain would be a
lifetime supply of food.
Early one morning, the Night Fury torpedoed over the
waters beyond Berk, streaking turbulence for a whole half mile
before cleaving into the clouds, breaking through the clouds into
iceberged lands of billowing mist. Toothless jetted over those
massive knives of ice, and he missiled through a forest of
leafless, barbecue-black trees then descended into the maw of
the Mountain.
The heart of the Mountain was lush and vertically vast, just
as Toothless remembered it. The internal sky teemed with flocks
of vibrant, speedy dragons. Towering mini-peninsulas and
columns of vegetation clashed peacefully. Placid waterfalls
pooled into a great basin as clear as a mirror over a thousand
feet below.
Such a beautiful haven; so many tasty dragons spiraling
about, Toothless thought. The sound of him licking his lips was
almost as slimily scrumptious as the sound of his spiny pink
cock being discharged from his external black sheath. His
leathery black balls squirmed and firmed up. This hive of
dragons and dragon nests would supply harvest till Toothless'
end of days. So long as he was Alpha (and he would never
forfeit that title), he could hypnotize the dragons, and they
would unquestionably feed themselves to the supreme Night
Fury's maw.
Skipping to the tip of a peninsula, the Night Fury fired up
the electric blue of its spine, then pumped out a heartfelt roar.
The Mountain pulsated, and the reverb circulated through the
veins and arteries of the Mountain. Then, a twister of flying
dragons formed, needling to the peninsula, encircling the Night
Fury. The dragons' eyes swirled, as though the sound of the
Alpha had hypnotized them. They shaped their necks into
sickles, brought their heads below Toothless' reverently. With
wide emerald eyes, Toothless whirled. So many dragons were
swearing fealty.
The Night Fury's belly hewed the area with a gurgly roar.
At first he looked flabbergasted; he'd introduced himself to
Valka's dragons in a leaderly way, but his belly divulged his
predatory schemes. When the gastric noise trembled the talons
of the crowd, a Monstrous Nightmare about Toothless' size (7'
tall and 26' long) threaded into the ring of the crowd. With a
bellow of flames, the pyro-dragon thrust his head using his
lanky neck at Toothless' feet.
Hypnotized dragons didn't discern between serving and
feeding an Alpha, so it seemed. Toothless was beyond grateful.
The Night Fury's mouth pooled with drool, and his eyes slitted,
like when he had been hypnotized by the Bewilderbeast. Being a
virgin to cannibalism, though, the Fury decided that he should
start at the Nightmare's tail for easier initiary swallows. He
stalked around the Nightmare, whose servient gaze followed
him unobtrusively, and then took a couple of nibbles at the
needly tip of the Nightmare's tail. With each nip, he seemed
more bewildered, as if each taste was from the fruit of a
knowledge tree.
Toothless' cock jumped fully out of its sheath. His whole
frame was activated. He took gulps with a speed akin to the
speed of his flight. His prey, jerked toward his toothless maw,
showed a flicker of panic, before a placidity came over him: a
self-reassurance that he was serving the greater good, the good
that was the sake of the Alpha. The Nightmare let his talons slip
from the grass and the base of his tail slip into the Fury's
Haunches, already. Toothless slicked his tongue over every
spicy spine, savoring the dragon's meaty curcumin taste, yet that
didn't keep him from drastically expanding his belly every
second. The glossy black belly pulsed bigger and rounder, and
his legs spread more with every gulp to brace against the weight
of his glorping food sac.
A glance back at the Night Fury and those girthy lips
sucking hard, packing away his hindpaws and tucking away his
sand-pink underbelly seemed to both thrill and ease the
Nightmare. A bugle of lust sounded from the 'Mare as the
Fury's throat muscles squeezed and milked his barbed cock.
Meanwhile, his great, scraggly wingspan was being condensed,
funneled down the Fury's throat with teasefully wet squelches.
As peristalsis humped the Nightmare's barbed cock down the
naturally lubed throat, he couldn't help but feel his loins pop
from the pressure. Just as the Fury's stomach strained the
'Mare's cock further with its mounting warmth, seed powered
out of the Nightmare's veiny shaft, quaking his brutally bluish
Dually arousing ... As pints of cum jetted and drummed
against Toothless' belly walls, the Fury's mouth stretched and
seared with a wonderful strain, equivalent to the strain of his
own pent up member hugging his bloated paunch. Just a few
more gulps ... Gargled groans came from his belly, which
floored the ground and refused entry to the last of the
Nightmare's neck, leaving the Nightmare's head poking out of
Toothless' maw. Snorting with labor from his nostrils, Toothless
shoved down on the Nightmare's galley-shaped snout, flailing
onto his flank to let his belly farther expand and inflate, in spite
of the deeply mewling protests of the fleshy sac. The Fury raked
the air with its claws in pain and pleasure, punctuating every
gulp. Finally, his belly stole the complete burden from his gullet.
Toothless panted shallowly, unable to recall such a warm
meal. The ring of hypnotized dragons couldn't pry their eyes
from the billowing bulge of his belly. The burbles of digestion
were hypnotic in themselves. The Night Fury slackened his jaw
lazily, hitched his craw back with a chin tuck, then let out a
long, weighty belch, lightening and deflating his gut. The
squishy-sounding release of belly pressure peaked the Fury's
arousal, and a spurt of cum laced his belly and the ground with
thick webs of strong Fury seed.
But after his release, his belly did not take a break.
Digestion cranked the heat of his belly higher, thwacking his
whole body with hot waves of pleasure. As the Monstrous
Nightmare's struggles dwindled in strength, the Night Fury
could feel the prey's power thumping stronger and prouder
through his own veins.
To top the lingering bliss of his last orgasm, Toothless'
digestive system suddenly sledged him with growth. A moan
started one pitch and ended half a key deeper. His snout
elongated and jaws grew more teeth, wickedly sharp, and
retractable like the others. Grim horns of black burst from
behind his ears and bladed macabre spines of black from his
back. The fingers of his wings stretched maliciously, so that the
wings came to resemble great, black venus flytrap jaws. The
body shape of Toothless matured, sharpening, forgetting its
Ruoooahw. Ruaaaahr!
The iron links and leather straps of Toothless'
harness—which he forgot he was even wearing—gave up
against the Night Fury's expanding muscles, whose bulk
pumped up from lightweight to middleweight. The harness
popped away, and his saddle was crushed by the horny Night
Fury in his twists and squirms of arousal.
Oozes of sticky precum squirted from his cock. Growing,
evolving, the Monstrous Night Fury surged from 7' tall and 26'
long to 9' tall and 33' long. The circle of hypnotized dragons
had to trot a few paces back to give the Monstrous Night Fury
room. The end of his growth was signaled by a lengthy glorp of
his gut for its last few seconds of deflation. Not only had his
belly completely purged its contents; the bigger, hungrier
Toothless licked his elongated muzzle with his belly growling
even louder than before. More dragon meals ... more dragons to
absorb ... he wanted more, more.
A Hideous Zippleback and an Armorwing (who were both
about Toothless' original size) entered the ring, the first dragon
in front of Toothless and the second behind him. Hypnosis
seemed to have informed the two that Toothless wanted more
than one more meal. The Night Fury spewed a gout of the
orange flames he had gained from the Nightmare with
excitement, and his slim pucker clenched open and closed,
beckoning the Armorwing toward it. Toothless' ass was as
hungry as his maw.
The Zippleback, a double-headed dragon, complacently
dipped his heads beneath Toothless' voracious grin. The
Monstrous Night Fury lunged and swallowed both
piranha-shaped heads in turn, stuffing his cheeks, radiating an
Alpha blue from the Nightmare spines of his back and tail in
content. As he sucked and pulled with his forepaws the
snake-lengthed, spotted necks down his throat, the Armorwing
poked the Monstrous Night Fury's tailhole with his snout a
couple of times, growing fond of the twitching vent's plush
flesh. The third time he did, the tailhole frisked his snout
forward, dragging the dragon's entire head into Toothless' cozy
Toothless' gullet and intestines burbled happily, and the
groaning Monstrous Night Fury humped and ground his belly
against the ground to the pulsating movements of his two meals.
Even with his squishy muscles tugging both dragons toward his
stomach, the greedy bastard wanted more. He wheeled onto his
back (and both of his prey flopped upside-down with him) so
that his rigid cock was exposed. The shaft ached for the same
attention his mouth and ass were getting. Forget that there was
no way his cock could reasonably fit a dragon inside—forget
The Monstrous Night Fury's whims drew a Deadly Nadder
about a sixth of his current size to his groin, and another Nadder
on the adjacent side. They bounced onto his belly, and both of
them began stuffing their frilled heads down his cock at once,
using their great batwings to pump themselves down his hungry
Three ways! Toothless' pleasure skyrocketed. The
Monstrous Night Fury could not even fire off his orgasm; the
smaller dragons plugged his cock, sending him reeling into a
pleasure that seared in his balls and chest. Every orifice
imagined by Toothless was stuffed and fed. The dragons within
wriggled deeper and humped their groins against his internal
flesh in arousal. Toothless tasted the Zippleback's cream pack
his throat and felt the gooey heat of his butt- and cock-meals'
climaxes layering over the heat of the moment that already
burned in his ass and cock.
Four tails squelched into the Night Fury from front and
groin: two dragons crammed into his abdomen, causing the
stomach to explode with size and bulges and pin him to the
ground; while the other two pulsed down into the then-engorged
base of the cock, before hammering down into the Fury's
ballsac. The Fury's black orbs blew up into giant balloons,
which warred with his megalith belly for space, the two factions
drumming and burgling against one another with dragonish
The war was already deescalating. The musk of the Fury in
heat pulled all the hypnotized dragons into a deeper state of lust,
for the Fury realized that his prey were already melting away
and being added to him, not just in his belly but in the tight
domes of his balls.
Stomach acids primed for absorbing dragons sluiced over
Zippleback and Armorwing, each tidal wave of gold digestive
juice softening their forms on the supple black outside of the
belly. As a result, liquid metals poured out of Toothless' neck,
underbelly and tail, coiling around them, constructing a custom
coat of polished ebon armor for the Night Fury. This armor
expanded with his growth, as muscles grumbled in expansion
about the forelegs, hindquarters, flanks ... Moaning lustfully
with a deepening, richening voice, Toothless squeezed his eyes
shut and pushed on the entity putting pressure between his
shoulder and neck. Something new was growing, needed to be
set free.
Explosively born, a second Monstrous Night Fury's head
gave breath. This second head shared a global network of
thought with the first but could think offline and act
independently. Head one huffed the Zippleback's green
fire-starting gas playfully, and the other head did the same and
got a couple of Zippleback fire-sparks. The new powers tasted
... refreshing.
Fresh musculature beefed up the amalgam Night Fury's
build. His middleweight muscles snarled and throbbed and
ballooned into heavyweight muscles, his whole convulsing with
newfound strength. This time Toothless grew dramatically;
previously 9' tall 33' long, he now muscled his way to 14' tall
and 50' long.
When Toothless abruptly flipped onto all fours (the action
expending close to zero energy with his evolved physical
strength), the hypnotized dragons cowered away from the
heavyweight Alpha, both intimidated by him and turned on by
the tantalizing musk from his nethers.
The gurgling heat of his nuts squeezed between his
haunches prompted him to glance back. A groan of
remembrance left him. While the doughy testes had shrunken
down to fit between his legs (kind of/sort of), his spiny pink
cock was now multiplying in size with every hard pulse. More
and more girth leapt out of its scaly sheath until the throbbing
penis prodded past the apex of his belly. It was a monster of a
cock, triple the size of the creature it had been before, thicker
than his haunches were less than an hour ago.
The amalgam Night Fury orgasmed, his tongue drooling
out of his mouth. Cum sprayed past his forelegs in gouts thicker
than ropes, his balls glugging like two great gurgling gullets.
They shrunk to become only half as firm. His claws shuddered
from being tarred over by the pudding-thick puddle of seed he
had made.
But his new cock wasn't enough. His new supernatural
output wasn't enough. What if the changes were temporary?
What if they were going to shrivel away like the bulges of his
meals? What if the humans came to stop him and rid him of
Alpha status, just as he had ridded the Bewilderbeast of his
Toothless had been holding back. Toothless had been
keeping so much of his original Night Fury form intact, held
back by the idea that he might reunite with his human again. It
was time to accept Hiccup as no more than a memory. Time to
embrace change, transcend the form of Night Fury. Synthesize
the skills and traits of every dragon in the Mountain. Transform
into a dragon beyond any Alpha of the past.
Two-headed, hyper-cocked, the Alpha dressed with the
forms of the dragons he had absorbed unleashed two
simultaneous roars. His spine flared with Alpha blue, and his
eyes suddenly leered the ring of dragons with bright beams of
the same hue. No longer were dragons one by one approaching
Toothless; the ring itself collapsed inward, and the spectrum of
dragon species marched toward the Alpha with dragon-hive
mentality, their only purpose now being to feed him and grow
A Hobblegrunt and a Changewing fell to his maws.
Rumblehorns, Grim Gnashers, Prickleboggles, Fireworms, even
a Stormcutter (the four-winged dragon Valka herself had)!
Several new species, along with ones he'd absorbed already,
lined up to serve his mouths, cock and ass. Two (sometimes
three) at a time packed themselves into either of his four
orifices. Subservient dragons packed his esophaguses and
intestines and cock, turning the Night Fury into a cargo ship of
dragons (which would no doubt end its voyage with only one
dragon, a fusion of dragons). Yet, his stomach had been
upgraded by previous meals—so much so that instead of
slapping the peninsula, it churned the deposited dragons away
into putty, then processed that putty into more mass and
draconic features for the Night Fury before his tummy could
even tickle the ground.
All the mentioned dragons and more broiled away in his
belly and balls. The influx of the power of absorbed beasts
roared a demand at his body: grow, grow, grow! 21' tall, 70'
long—28' tall, 104' long—35' tall, 130' long ... Heavyweight
muscles blimped yet again, becoming super-heavyweight
muscles riddled with firm, throbbing veins. Toothless, by
lashing his spike-growing tail in cyclones of power-craze,
crumbled layers from columns and peninsulas and rugged walls.
He roared. His vocal chords reached ocean depths. Dragons
rushing to cram themselves up his ass, cock and mouth were
suddenly flung away, but some dragons still clung to Toothless'
orifices, disoriented but not deterred from surrendering
themselves to the Alpha.
56' tall, 208' long ...
Toothless' growth exploded the ebon Armorwing armor off
his body. The metal, which had tried to expand with its owner,
simply couldn't keep pace with the dragon's ambitious
Squalp sqwap shwpapap shlop!
To the symphony of squelches from dragons wrestling
down Toothless' craw, down his cock, and up his butt,
Stormcutter wings of black erupted beneath his first wings,
making his four wings an X-shaped formation. The panting
dragon thought their growth was done, but another twinge of
muscles forced him to squeeze yet another two helpings of
wingspan out of both pairs of wings. In the process, he
subconsciously pushed out another two Night Fury heads of
lengthy necks, and both of these new heads piped out another
pair of horns and warped in appearance to the monsoon of
dragon DNA washing over his body.
70' tall, 260' long ...
Toothless had successfully multiplied his size ten times.
The peninsula yielded to the monstrous four-headed dragon's
weight, avalanching away beneath his huge paws. He
backpedaled from the rockslide of evaporating landmass as his
belly and cocks assimilated plethoras of dragon banquets. To
help him devour and gurgle away the congesting crowd, his
groin podded two new ballsacs then fired out two new pink
cocks, lengths that were the size of single-human vessels,
spewing ever-going fondues of precum. The sheets of his mere
pre now could pin humans to the ground as though they were
insects trapped by spiderwebs.
The great eldritch dragon launched from the cascading
peninsula. What remained of the landmass kept crumbling,
receding to the mountain walls. Meteoric chunks of debris
splashed into the great pool below, but the sound was dwarfed
by the sound of four wings wildly beating, by the mad sound of
the beating wings of the dragons cannonballing into him,
wriggling in a cultish way into his three moist cock-slits, four
mouths and cavernous tailhole.
With an oof, the eldritch dragon let out a belch of thunder
from one of his heads. The mountainous rumble of resonance
from the sound complemented the rumble of his following
spontaneous growth.
98' tall, 364' long ...
Each of Toothless' lower jaws split into two, creating
secondary maws for each to throat to double their capacity to
eat. Retractable razor teeth lanced out of gums like great
barricades, while newborn tongues flopped out of throaty
More, much more needed ... The eldritch Night Fury
ground his eight jaws in concentration, ordering dormant energy
to the tip of his tail. Mouths of four lashed out with sexual
grumbles from the sweet strain of the dragon as he imposed
change upon himself. Thickness gushed through his tail, scales
groaning and expanding. Another span of tail popped out,
flopping past the tail's winglike fans, and from this span of tail
bloomed the drooling maw of a dragon. This maw was a
conglomeration of styles from the hundreds of dragons
Toothless had added to himself, a ravenous black canvas of
assimilated dragon-thorns and horns. The tailmaw exhaled a
satisfied sigh with a grand voice, producing a stream of flames
that began blue and cooled into orange. The huge stream of fire
lapped at a grassy plateau, kindling a dance of flames across the
heart of the Mountain.
As the conflagration drew a quarter-ring round Toothless,
the dragon grunted lewdly, the sound in itself a behemoth of
dragons' voices pounding against each other. Blue energies
blazed about his metamorphosing frame as the eldritch Night
Fury clenched his teeth, squeezing out of his muscled posterior
yet another tail, a tail compiled of all the tasty dragons he had
not previously assigned the essence of to his frame. Bulkier than
his original tail, the new tail sprouted the tiny wings of
Monstrous Nightmares, Razorwhips, Gronckles, Hotburples and
so on, these ebon adaptations assisting the weighty limb in
staying aloft via their rigorous flaps. The tail like a landform
began to judder with impending additional change, and
sweeping down the elephantine scales, came patches of myriad
eyes of many absorbed dragons, blinking, their irises darting
about independently of any central mind, eyes retaining their
original appearance.
The fires arced into a third-a-ring as the last few dozen
dragons of the Mountain bussed into his cocks, mouths,
tailmaws and tailhole. Clearly, Valka's Mountain had not
sustained Toothless with a lifetime supply of food as he had
postulated. It had not even sustained him until noon-time.
Toothless lacked the patience to scavenge for the dragon-eggs
being consumed by flame. It was time to leave before he
outgrew the only way out: down. The alternative was bursting
his way out, but Toothless wasn't a romantic who denied that he
still had more growing to do before that was possible, so he
didn't waste his energy.
119' tall, 442' long ...
The dwarf mountain of a dragon—the scaly anomaly of
heads, cocks, and tails descended upon the basin of water near
the base of the mountain. His gargantuan shadow preceded
paws—giant paws of perfect soles and scales the size of the
shields of the vikings—cannonading against the surface of the
basin with a goliath sluggishness. A ruthless rumble of water
breaking ... great white sheets slapping and breaking over
towers of vegetation, and cliffsides and mountain walls heiring
the sight of two thunder-worthy tails bolting powerfully into the
The eldritch dragon passed through an underwater
underpass, poured out of a great cave-hole into the ocean. The
flavors and pulses of water dragons called him. Toothless swam
so far down into the depths, the ocean's surface stopped boiling
from his under-passing. Ruooah, ruoaa, ouurrah, ourooooa.
Four simultaneous bellows beckoned aquatic dragons to come,
to feed the Alpha.
Schools of Luminous Krayfin (turtle-like dragons the size
of small classrooms) greeted the eldritch Night Fury's great,
bubble-boiling jaws of eight. They field-tripped into the vast
viking halls that were his gullets, crowding and stretching
Toothless' throats. And Seashockers (electrical eel-like dragons
capable of echolocation) became attracted to the young pink
whales that were the eldritch dragon's dicks. It was as if the
cocks were lightning-rods, enforcing a magnetic pull on the
Both species filled his tailmaws and tailhole, too. And
Sliquifiers and Submarippers and Thunderdrums and Tide
Gliders joined them as voluntary tributes, congesting the
dragon's massive esophaguses with undying servitude. The
hypnotized dragons ranged anywhere from 3' to 80' long.
Growth came in pulses like echolocation. The eldritch
dragon's spherical belly shrank as choked groans came from his
dragon-inflated esophaguses. Toothless grew huge. Bigger.
Bigger. Bigger.
133' tall, 494' long ...
Contorting with pleasure and rumbling the very water
around him, the eldritch Night Fury stopped cackling as the
rewards of absorption hit him again. Giant gills vented open
below his ears, bubbling to life. Tail-fans on his tails
spontaneously grew, splashing into huge tail-fins that could
flatten most dragons into pancakes.
Toothless gained the bioluminescence of the Krayfin and
the Seashockers. His spine and his belly began to glow a
hypnotic blue beneath their waterproof black. The glow would
later go from completely dull to an intense blare of light,
depending on how much excess energy spendable for growth
and transformations he had.
As of now, the oceanic Night Fury pulsated a rich
neon-blue from his underbelly and his spine from an
overabundance of energy. He rumbled the ocean waters in
arousal, feeling the consciouses of hundreds of dragons big and
small pool into his still-swelling form.
147' tall, 546' long ...
Eel fins, turtle fins, dragon wings, eyes from absorbed
dragons mushrooming over his tails, his flanks, his necks,
trophies from dragon entrees joining the amalgamation of one
Toothless' leviathan shape quaked out with bubbling
flurries of growth. With every arousing jolt of energy absorbed,
arcs of electricity skipped along the vast canyon that was the
dragon, his reward for digesting schools of eel-dragons.
Yearning huffs shook the deeps as Toothless experienced
additional growth, flexing the claws of his paws, paws which
kept leaping up in size, as though someone kept cranking the
knob on a magnifying glass homed on them.
The oceanic waves of power crashing through every vessel
in his body ... it felt like pleasure was shipwrecking through
him every fucking second. The oceanic dragon began blanking
out from the tides of sensation as the dragons he was
assimilating brewed the ability of echolocation in all four of his
throats. His throbbing dicks—each of them far longer than
Berk's viking ships—needed to hump something, needed to be
serviced, needed now .
Because Toothless' senses had been heightened by the
absorbed dragons, his scales were very sensitive and sensed
slow objects gliding through the ocean's surface a quarter mile
above. Objects large enough to cock-fuck.
The flat field of blue furiously boiled and shook. Two
viking ships swung from side to side, powerless to the fit of the
sea. Words unknown left tiny figures, before saws of seaspray
ripped through each of the ships from the center outward.
Monstrous twin ... whales? No ... gargantuan black masses
reared up from the ocean over the fractions of the decimated
ships, towering over drowned men. Double sets of jaws flashed
open with toothy waterfalls. Necks of leviathan size craned up
behind them. Then, two more heads broke out of buffeting
Like some unsunken city of fable, so did the rest of
Toothless, and his great black wings, like the canvases of the
stars, breaking the sea into sea spray, ravaging the air like
furious rows. And when he rose out of the depths, flooding
down waterfalls from his flanks, the four-headed Night Fury
glared down on the whirling water. Where had the two slow
object shadows gone?
His mighty wingbeats of four shepherded and twisted ocean
air currents unto his body. His three ship-sized cocks dribbled
pre without end, throbbing with too much desire for
three-hundred dragons to contain, flogging the ocean with
downpours of prejizz. Letting loose some sonic screeches,
Toothless broadcasted his need to fuck over the sea, blurring the
air with eight fearsome cones of sound.
The oceanic Night Fury steered in a half-circle, saw a
far-off island and began to fly toward it because it looked big
enough not to collapse if he fucked it. An eerily ancient reply of
echolocation, from leagues down in the deep blue, stayed his
Colossal tusks harpooned out of the surface. Following
them was the blunted, fat face of the Bewilderbeast. His mouth,
belting out a warcry, was a giant sheet of pink putty. Snowy
porcupine quills with the fin of an undead fish jutting from the
top of them were his mane. Spikes engrossed the spine of his
juggernaut body, downplaying the horror of his flank- and
A titanic dragon Toothless' size!
A scaly white bearpaw was catapulted at Toothless' belly
of weak blue glow. Roaring four-fold, the four-headed Night
Fury lobbed himself away. His opponent in mid-pounce
delivered a roar of frost, spreading a hundreds-of-feet-long sheet
of eternal ice over the ocean where he presently landed. The
ice-chunk dipped to his weight, but stayed buoyant.
What the Bewilderbeast failed to do was cover his eyes and
ears from the hypnosis the new Alpha had inherited from his
predecessor. One howl of a hypnotic boom stunned the
Bewilderbeast. It didn't lay him down for the count, but it gave
Toothless the time he needed to descend on him, groin
flourished ...
Splaying punchily over the Bewilderbeast's porcupine
head, the oceanic Alpha sheathed one of his cocks in the
ice-dragon's mouth. He began pumping his groin, grinding his
tongue over that behemoth tongue with complete lustful
The ice-dragon bellowed like a great winter horn. The
horny Night Fury's cock twitched desperately. His orbs begged
him to blow his load now, to inflate his huge next meal with
cream filling. But rgh, his other two cocks didn't have any
mouth to fill, and Toothless wouldn't allow a drop of his fertile
seed to be wasted.
Toothless flashed telepathy to his two tailmaws. Eager to
serve, they latched their mouths around his two naked dicks.
They pogoed up and down those spiny shafts, suckling,
lathering, berating both cocks with stimulation. Only then did
Toothless bellow dominantly. He gave himself release. Levee
bursts of cum flooded from his ark-sized cocks. He was
humping the Bewilderbeast to his knees, draining his own
ballsacs into his prey's stomach and via tailmaws his own
Both of their bellies burgled with activity. Both of them
digested and absorbed the Night Fury's nutritious seed,
beginning to grow. But Toothless had drunk the more generous
helping of dragon milkshake, and he grinned down on the
former Alpha, who was only growing punier.
The victorious Night Fury moaned, humping the beast's
face, shooting thicker and thicker jets into the Bewilderbeast's
mouth with his growth. He kept growing, and his growth was
plentiful with every pulse. 182' tall, 676' long—210' tall, 780'
long—238' tall, 884' long.
Growth. Growth. Growth and more delicious growth.
The burgeoning Toothless left the ice-dragon in the dust
with his growth. His whopping growth-spurt had made him
about 25% bigger than the Bewilderbeast. Like a student who
skipped a grade every year of school, Toothless had had double
the gains of a former equal. Now the puny ice-dragon was
nothing but a snack for the superior Night Fury's big, hungry
Leaping up off of the Bewilderbeast, Toothless swiveled
with thrusts of his X-wings and then lifted his tail, grinning
devilishly back at the Bewilderbeast. The Bewilderbeast, whose
fat mouth was still drooling seed, could only gape in wonder, for
he was still floored by the ambrosial cum he had received. He
could not help but cower like a godfearing beast as the godly
dragon's tailhole plummeted down.
The slimy slurp of sound was huge. Toothless had sat his
ass on the Bewilderbeast's face diagonally, the dragon lewdly
bugling out of his myriad mouths. He vigorously flapped to
repeatedly rear-end the ice-dragon's frosty skull. With every
plunge, he claimed more of the ice-dragon. His previously semi
flaccid cocks were possessed to erect fully again, slapping
fervidly against the semi-bright blue of Toothless' black belly.
More dragon, more energy than Toothless could have
dreamed of having at Valka's Mountain ... was willfully falling
victim to his pucker. His tailhole expanded to be as wide as his
midsection. The Bewilderbeast trumpeted in bewildered
euphoria through Toothless' godly intestines as the oceanic
Night Fury sat, sat, sat deeper. The shroud of pink tailhole
claimed the ice-dragon's upper half while one of Toothless'
tailmaws sentiently latched onto the Bewilderbeast's thorny
cock-head, starting to leech the shaft of all of its sweet cream.
Whether the ice-dragon had orgasmed after Toothless
face-fucked him, Toothless wasn't sure, but he would have
whatever cream he could suck up. He was after all a growing
and tailhole.
Before Toothless' juicy pucker could smooch the
Bewilderbeast's groin, the ice-dragon's monolithic dick
convulsed, blowing up the gullet of the thirsty tail like a big
balloon. Bulges of rich protein pulsed down the bloated
anaconda that was the tail, swelling Toothless' belly with cum
he didn't hesitate to absorb.
Swell, swell, swell ...
266' tall, 888' long ...
Now nearly forty times his original size, Toothless pulled
his tail off satisfied. His ass was even bigger, slurping up the
smaller ass of the ice-dragon. A thump planted his butt right
down on the chunk of ice, and with an urf Toothless clamped his
myriad sets of teeth, clenching on his butt muscles to slurp the
last of that floppy tail inside.
Sitting with his frontal body erect, the four-headed Night
Fury laid forepaws over his ample sack of black belly. He had to
fully extend his forelegs to rub the top of the dragon-laden gut.
He panted happily, and after a couple of grumbles, he let out a
hearty belch. The after-meal burp, which for Toothless was soft,
was still enough to chip and fork cracks through the ice cliffs of
the coasts seven miles away.
Just the thrill of eating had excited his balls so much, they
each ballooned with another helping of cum to further
Toothless' growth, on top of his largest dragon prey yet. Size,
powers beyond this world ... he would have all of it, and he
would have it now.
He couldn't wait. He plunged both tailmaws over the two
cocks closest to his haunches, slurping streams'-worth of
dragonseed out of them every second. Every inch of the mega
dragon started to wobble, ululate deeply and explode with more
muscles, more mass. Before he could orgasm and spill precious
output from his center cock, he grit his teeth and snarled, the
bioluminescent blue of his belly becoming as bright as a star
from being overloaded with dragon energy. Suddenly, his belly
slightly dimmed, then a third tail pistoned out of him, thanks to
his selfmade milkshake and a pinch of the energy from the
ice-dragon. The tail formed a tailmaw, lunged at his free cock
and began milking it.
As the oceanic dragon gurgled away the Bewilderbeast, he
let out sea-encompassing belches of four maws. The thorny
shapes of mane, fin and tail on his belly bulge softened up. The
size of the endowed gut dwindled, and the belly itself became
doughier. Toothless hiccuped, and oofed excitedly, getting
butterflies because he was about to be hit both by the effects of
his self-sucking and dragon-digesting at once.
He sucked in his hot-glowing paunch, concentrating his
four minds on all the growth and changes he wanted. When it hit
him it rocked his body, startling his body so much, his vision
jumped higher and never fell back down. Some of the dough that
had been the Bewilderbeast had formed for the oceanic Night
Fury a new, second segment of body.
280' tall, 1300' long!
Behind his extended underbelly, a second pair of hindpaws
pistoled out of him, slime dribbling over them from a pair of
newborn hindlegs. These hindlegs were more ursine and burly
than his first pair, but they adapted enough to the rest of his
body's style so as not to appear out of place. To these
hindquarters, his tails and tailhole had also been relocated.
Underneath that tailhole— Rnnnnnngh~ —Toothless sprouted
another fat sheath from which another slimy, spiny cock of pink
flopped out. Rrr, did it firm up fast.
Toothless was a divine level of horny, but a problem
dawned in the corner of his mind. Now his three tails were far
away from his first three cocks, making the prospect of
self-sucking inconvenient. Toothless would no doubt be growing
more, and need to invest in the proper self-milking tools that
would leech on his loads.
The titanic dragon channeled some of the glow from his
belly, pinched pressure above his first pair of hinds, tightened
his muscles. He did it until he felt eight tentacles explode and
writhe out of his back, two for each of his four hindlegs. Each
tentacle yawned an orifice for gobbling down dragons
(toothless, tongueless they were) and for slurping the seed out of
Toothless' ballsacs.
Now, if Toothless could just grow two more cocks for his
second hindquarters ... He sucked in his belly again, then
released a snarly sigh. The pressure he put on himself gave him
another two thumps of growth (to 294' tall, 1365' long) , but he
had failed to muster enough energy to produce any new
dragonhoods. The blue glow of his belly petered out. Grumpily
Toothless got up off his butt then flapped into the air with
unbalanced wingbeats. Not only did he need more cocks; he
needed more wings to hold up the second segment of his body,
For that he needed more power, now . Halting to
lethargically hover, the Night Fury sent four of his tentacles to
his two loins to suck his four cocks. The gigantic nutsacs of the
shafts couldn't help but surrender lakes-worth of cum to the
vacuum force of his kraken-size tentacles. The bloated spheres
of cum jiggled, deflated, began to wither up. Belly rumbles
chorused across the sea. The dragon's lewd harrumphs reached
vocal tones as deep as seafloor volcanoes. Multiple tongues
flopped from his muzzle- and tail-mouths. Stretch, stretch,
stretch. The self-sucking dragon grew 43, 44, 45 times his
original size.
Not only did his second groin harvest enough cum to
convert into enough energy to send two dribbly cocks and two
bloated ballsacs flailing slimily from two newborn sheaths. The
force of the Night Fury's quadruple wail of pleasure sent
shockwaves across the sea, across neighboring seas. Every
dragon in the northern hemisphere shivered, hearing the
mesmeric song.
The first shrieks of response came from aquatic dragons,
coastal dragons. They flooded toward the Alpha, the Alpha of
the global hive. Streams of flapping wings poured into the
dragon's orifices, clustering into the esophageal highways,
nosediving through narrow cock-slits, venturing into the ropy
backroads of the rectum and intestines. Some of the dragons got
snarfed up by tailmaws and tentacles.
336' long, 1,560' long ...
Toothless' dozen balls and extended belly swelled into
dragon-digesting globes. The sheer amount of weight that
encumbered him caused his output of seed to grow, thus
speeding up his growth, thus growing his output again! The
speed of growth doubled, tripled, quadrupled, it kept going. It
was time for Toothless to get creative again.
420' tall, 1,950' long ...
Like a breakout of acne, horns and wings and eyes and
muzzles of absorbed dragons pimpled the stupendously huge
dragon. Sparks of blue energy vaulted over his hide. His
swelling muscles grew fucking huge. Insanely huge. Both the
sparks and the acne poofed away almost as suddenly as they
appeared, for the Night Fury gathered up his excess of power
and flung it at his second half.
He sprouted over his first pair of hindlegs another
X-shaped formation of four Stormcutter wings. That gave him
plenty of wingpower to keep his second segment aloft.
Tailmaws, tendrils, mouths lashing out at the hive-swarms
of food, hoarding so many dragons into his stomach and his
balls ...
But not just small dragons came. Red Deaths,
Leviathorgans, Doomfangs, they rose from the depths and
bayoneted into the sky toward the Night Fury. They were the
same size as him, maybe bigger. They purposely got themselves
caught in his mouths, tailmaws, ass and tentacles. A
Leviathorgan even managed to get sucked up one of Toothless'
tentacles. All the hundreds of feet of the godly appendage
bloated to be grotesquely engorged, bulging with leviathan
spikes and horns and muzzles.
Pulses of exponential growth made the four-headed
dragon's body seem to gallop. Hypnotized titanic dragons kept
sacrificing themselves to him, seven, eight, nine of them ...
Toothless grew without moderation whatsoever. His bubbly sea
of molten acids vaporized dragonkind into naught but growth
fuel. He grew an abominable fifth head—third maws for his
hungry heads—second maws for his hungry tails. Tiny wings,
horns and dragon muzzles were popping up over his hide like
the fucking dragonpox.
560'—700'—980'—1280' tall, 5850' long ...
Rrgh, not enough dragons. Toothless saw and sensed the
swarms thinning. Not only that. The presence of dragonkind in
the northern hemisphere, save his own, was nigh extinct.
Dragons weren't enough.
Then, his eyes lit up, reflecting a large volcano. He had
wanted to fuck it earlier, but now he had an even better idea.
Twin quadruple sets of wings detonated through the sky,
destroying ear-drums coastally with the sonic booms of his
wingbeats. Dragon Island enlarged in his eyes. He had once
defeated a Red Death there ... not that Toothless could
remember that.
Toothless' ego dwindled when he landed on the island's
shore and gazed up at the top of the volcano. The volcano rose
miles overhead, breaking past the 7,500-foot elevation mark.
The Night Fury's mouths watered, and his mega-penises filled
his tentacles faster. His next meal was gargantuan.
1,400'—1,575'—1,750' tall, 8,125' long ...
Ghostly twisters hacked away layers of giant dragon
skeletons on the coast when the Night Fury cut the sky with his
eight mega wings and ascended to the mouth of the volcano.
Toothless didn't peer down the hacksawed interior of the
volcano to see its contents, but he already sensed what was
inside: no dragons (he was sure he had eaten them all), but
plenty of tasty lava. Spicy.
Toothless grew another 350 feet, savoring the moment
before he made the mountain his. Salivating from all the
hundreds of maws pocking his hide along with those of his
heads, the dragon plunged down posterior-first, driving the
mouth of the volcano up his tailhole. Hrrnngh. Then, he
bounced on it, stretching his pucker even more. Hrroooahm ...
Again. Again. Again.
The highest seeable point of the volcano became wider and
wider as Toothless devoured the volcano with his ass,
rhythmically riding his quaking glutes farther down the
volcano's thickening girth as if the mountain were a dildo.
Except, dildos don't typically get digested into size and power
for apocalyptic dragons.
With every pump of his butt Toothless stuffed more of the
volcano into his gut. Digestive oceans of gold ate away the
dense minerals easy. His body was growing over hundreds of
feet every second. His swelling pucker (which could have
swallowed up several villages with a single contraction) was
swallowing up hundreds of feet of mountain with each
thunderous squelch, nuking the fuck out of Toothless with
2,800'—3,500'—4,900'—6,300' tall—his growth went
beyond count.
Pumping so much volcanic rock up his tailhole gave
Toothless the brightest, bluest glow of his tummy yet. Before
Toothless could break out with draconic-trait-acne again, he
pumped the overflowing power both upward and downward
through his body. A third segment joggled out of the gigantic
Night Fury. Three girthy, erect malehoods skipped out of his
third groin. Not to mention, each of his three tails suddenly split
into two, three, four, giving him more tails than most kitsune:
twelve. Meanwhile, tremendous energy pocketed in his chest;
seismic activity crackled inside his ribcage. Then, the pockets of
power popped, and deluges of draconic strength geysered
upward. His frontal body surged with growth and grew an upper
body. A torso was born. Batteries of power fired through it,
creating shoulders, arms, and then paws like hands.
Toothless was a taur.
Urrooooaaawwwwwwaaaaaaaaah ...
The taurdragon's butt was planted firmly on the island. His
belly was liquefying the volcano with passionate burbles,
converting the volcano into fuel, sucking up lava and converting
that into fuel too. All the while, his tailhole tried so adamantly to
stretch itself over the coast of the island in order to consume the
island whole. A third set of X-forming wings flowering out of his
back for his third segment after a delay ...
Toothless and his ass would trounce this roadblock. All
twelve tails lunged over the island with arcs the shape of
lowercase n then divebombed toward the ocean, drilling the
surface with counterclockwise splashes around Dragon Island.
They started sucking up the seemingly infinite blue, but the
thirsty tails, they wouldn't settle for simply a swig or two. They
sucked, they grew, they sucked and grew. They didn't stop.
They grew girthier, fatter, longer, thirstier.
So did Toothless. He was self-sucking, he was
ocean-dehydrating. The heterogenous mixture of growth fuel
was upsetting his tummy, sending nauseous waves of size-gain
through the striations of his super-muscled hide. Nothing could
protect the island against his deific tailhole ... the pucker
swelled, swelled, swelled to block the sky for miles. The gulps
of his star-shaped pink vent dwarfed the sound of thunder.
Darkness shrouded what remained of Dragon Island. He
swallowed so much mountain, his whole posterior dunked below
sea level, except ... his whole posterior was dry because his
thirsty tails had put the sea so many hundreds of meters below
sea level.
Hundreds of meters? Uh oh.
Toothless' eyes turned to dots as he saw how many miles
his watery pouch of belly stretched. His planetary thirst was
about to catch up with him. Stretch, stretch, streeeeetch! His
pucker jumped from extra small to extra extra extra large,
loosening so quickly. Then his butt plunged deep into the abyss
of the sea. Toothless' five heads burbled yelps into the murk,
releasing city-sized bubbles from his maws. Toothless' butt, in a
blink of time, engulfed the rest of the volcano, absorbing it
before you could three-count. Toothless suddenly met his true
capacity for growth.
The tremendous taurdragon tremored like a lab experiment
gone wrong. His paws burgeoned bigger to fill entire fields of
vision. His heads blasted out of the shrinking ocean, having
swelled hundreds upon hundreds of times bigger. It was as
though he were a kaiju who had been baptised in a radioactive
basin. A starry blue glow framed his body. His tails sponged up
the ocean's euphotic zone, dysphotic zone and aphotic zone,
glugging up water over 328,084' below the previous surface of
the ocean.
Toothless grew so much, the planet's surface started to
visibly curve. If Toothless stood, he could cross the planet as
though it were a ball field. But the taur Night Fury shook his
heads. Any dragon could walk the world. No dragon could
swallow the world whole, except Toothless.
The last of the planet's seawater made a pitifully
high-pitched slurp into Toothless' tailmaws. The tailmaws
received hiccups. The force of these hiccups decimated
droughted coasts, harbors, capes, villages. The tails inhaled
more water, evaporating it into size, so the hiccups only got
louder and worse, annihilating regions.
After their fits of catastrophic *hics* some of the enlarged
tails crooked into the mesosphere, then each of them rudely
belched, the typhoons of sound wiping the chain of islands
within which Berk rested clean off the surface of the planet,
turning it into a sheet of asteroids. Not that Toothless
remembered the Isle of Berk. Toothless didn't even remember
Hiccup. But he did have the hiccups ...
The aftershock of Toothless' hiccups sent a couple of
hiccups of growth through his body. The taur Night Fury was
scaled up to the size of the moon, mumbling moans to himself
the whole time.
Toothless wiggled his hungry pucker off of the dehydrated
seafloor then, with his triad of X-formation wings, launched
himself into outer space. Once out of orbit, the taurdragon
adjusted to zero gravity before righting himself to face the
oceanless planet, which was 13,240 km long. The central maw
of his central head grinned wide enough to potentially swallow a
fraction of the world's dense, magmatic core.
Instead, the taurdragon took a single chomp. No meteor
could have made a crater as big as that bite, but the bite didn't
really affect the planet's curve. Gulp, swell ... A little bit
bigger, Toothless narrowed his eyes. Was that a challenge? He
took another chomp, and another and another until he completed
the cycle of chomp, gulp, swell seven times. Toothless' last
chomp made the bite-mark of the planetary lollipop about half
the size of the moon.
Speaking of the moon ... one of the taur Night Fury's gazes
darted toward the silver body orbiting the planet. Lips were
licked. Jaws blinked forward then replaced the 1,800 km-long
moon with a tongue slurping over clamped teeth over a
quivering, spherical throat bulge.
An unburdening gulp shoved the great globe down the
godly slide of flesh to the front of his triple-length belly.
Oceans-worth of golden juice rose as if in applause, clapping
over the silver jawbreaker, cracking its sugary guts open. The
first third of the taur Night Fury's tummy seared with a sky-blue
warmth, the celestial candy dissolving into nothing but the godly
taurdragon's equivalent of a sugar rush, giving him a buzz of
plenty of energy for planet-milking.
Dozens of slimy tentacles catapulted into being. They
flailed eagerly through outer space before burrowing into the
planet, sucking up billions of servings of the daily value of the
heavy minerals a growing taurdragon needs. Vigorous pulses of
tentacular muscles masticated the dense layers of rock,
liquefying them into a molten sauce as they rumbled into his
body's traffic-controlled, constantly-rewiring network of
digestive tubes into his giga huge stomach. The molten sauce
sizzled hotter, thicker, then he was drinking up the planet's
magma core. Melting with pleasure (figuratively and literally),
Toothless heaped stimulation onto his shafts, which were
already mortaring out cum from being self-sucked, the shafts
enslaved to chains of orgasm.
Following suit, his dozen mawed tails jabbed into the
dehydrated globe, functioning as straws. Gulps sent radiant,
sac-like bulges of the planet's magma heart to the complex G.I.
tract then the burgeoning taurdragon's stomach, the planet
imploding, shriveling up, being surpassed in size by the
taurdragon, who was ascending into godhood.
The tremendous power burned through the insides of his
tentacles and tails like succulent ghost peppers. The dragon
groaned, kept sucking up the planet's insides, kept packing on
size. The world compressed into the size of a basketball
compared to him. Jaws of one of the taur Night Fury's five
heads snatched up the globe. The planet plugged the top of his
throat, hanging on to dear life. But it could not contest with the
god. Toothless focused the hydraulic power of the planet's
absorbed oceans into his jaws, sending the world rolling down
his gullet.
The bulge of the planet went bowling down into the taur
Night Fury's taur torso belly. The feeling of a fist invertedly hit
his belly walls. Toothless moaned, putting his claws over the
bulge then letting out a belch from his central head. It was
mighty enough to resound through space, defying physics.
Despite how average the bulge was, Toothless had never
swallowed something so filling.
A food coma came over him. It was as heavy as the
consciouses of the hundreds of thousands of dragons and
animals of his home-world. Tides of gold marred the world,
fissures stretching over its surface. The world shattered into
several fractions, which dissolved easily, further godifying
The five-headed taurdragon smelted every metal, harvested
every helping of rock and magma. And he hurtled in growth,
overshadowing the size that the 13,240 km-long planet had
been. Digestive juices stomped down the bulge of his torso
belly. The kicks of his gurgling tummy slammed size and mass
and neon blue energy throughout the taurdragon's galactic
Two of the taur Night Fury's heads ripped and replicated.
The sticky, slobbery births gave him twenty-one tongues
slapping the lower jaws of his seven lustfully panting heads.
Hydrants of cum bloated his self-sucking tentacles, which
preceded the replicating rips of twelve of his tails, which
doubled their number to twenty-four.
Toothless' rear decided that it was supporting too many
tails. It replicated as well, splitting the taur Night Fury's third
segment two ways. This formed a Y-shape whose three
pathways sprouted into even more gigantic segments, from
which more Stormcutter wings outstretched, along with other
monstrous dragon upgrades Toothless had grown time and
The taur Night Fury's rear segments continued to breed
themselves into more of themselves with lustful throbs of
mitosis. The dragon's segments stretched through outer space
like—to paint a visual comprehensible by the minds of
mortals—the roots of a tree through rich soil. Microscopic
muzzles, ears, paws and eyes from millions of dragons and
animals the taur Night Fury had absorbed from all over the
world peppered the horizontal, root-like network of his
ebon-scaled mass.
One torso tripled. His three torsos tripled. His nine torsos
tripled, and each of these torsos was five-headed. The Night
Fury was blooming even more heads and torsos. He was
branching out like a tree. The 'roots' of the tree-esque
amalgamation were laden with offshoots of scaly body
segments, which sprouted quaking shafts that breeded with
thirsty tentacles which milked the shafts to further grow the
galactic dragon god.
The tree-esque Night Fury steadily milked his dozens upon
dozens of hyper cocks, steadily packed on mass ... Already,
being twice the size of his home-world was a thing of the past.
He was swelling quickly to thrice the size. The dragon's
ambitions swelled even faster. The solar system's sun caught his
eye, wetting his mouths.
The X-wings of his abundance of segments sailed him
through the abyss, with such strength of his wingbeats,
Toothless easily crossed 144,840,960 km, reaching the endless
curve of yellows and golds and flaring oranges and reds and
dark reds and blacks.
Scorching-hot plasmas managed to heat up the god
dragon's hide. His scales began to lose consistency, melt and
ooze over him. Tailmaws and tentacles lamented with strange
alien groans as they saw the hot black sludge roll like tar down
the eldritch canyons of scale they had previously thought to be
Although Toothless was slowly turning into a molten
dragon—his whole body bubbling and liquefying—the
tree-esque sludge dragon refused to change course. When he got
within appendage's reach of the sun he burrowed tentacles and
tailmaws into its plasma sea. He docked the sun with a
monumental slowness, thrusting his dozens of hyper-cocks into
the star. Plasmas flared beautifully. He then dunked his heads
into the plasma to drink. Toothless had initially planned to
swallow the star whole, but he would need a few gulps before
that could happen.
Gulp, gulp, gulp ... every gulp gave growth. The star's life
force flickered. When the plasma entered his body, the red of the
star morphed into a harsh blue glow. The horny dragon plunged
his giga cocks into the sun, spraying plasma into the cosmos.
The giddy dragonhoods ejaculated planets'-worth of cum into
the star. The scaly skin on his moon-dwarfing ballsacs loosened,
then his legendary jets of cum were replaced by reverse flows of
his cock-slits, so that the mighty star's ambrosial fires began
draining into the tree-esque dragon's huge penises. Within a few
beats of his heart, his orbs became taut and doubled their size
with strong thumps of growth.
Flamethrowers of excess solar power roared out of
Toothless. Torsos replicated; segments replicated. Branches and
roots crept over the visually infinite curve of the sun. The
tree-esque dragon grew out of control. Full-blown dragon heads
erupted out of newborn tails, rather than tailmaws, and the
flame-panting heads bored into the sun to quench their thirst.
Alien shafts of neon blue sprang out of newborn tentacles, and
they bored into the sun, orgasming sweet dragon cream into the
sun, sweetening the meal for everyone, and then they began to
suck up plasma through their cock-slits. The tree-esque Night
Fury yearned for a central body to govern the rapidly growing
network of his body, and so he willed half of his hundreds of
heads and myriad torsos and segments and appendages, etcetera,
to fuse, smashing them together. The detonation changed them
into a single-torso, single-neck, single-headed, single-mawed,
single-body ruler of the network of branches and roots. And the
ruler-head beckoned a ferocious challenge to the sun, before
plunging into the sun to engorge on its viscous juice. Its thirst
was unmatched by any other appendage.
The star which was originally 700,000 km long guttered
weakly then pulled inward to be only 500,000 km long. The
tree-esque dragon moaned. Only more appendages surfaced to
pierce the dwindling star, purloining the star of every drop of
plasma. Slowly, Toothless outgrew the star. Then, he withdrew
all of his appendages, disengaging from the star. But this was
not his finale.
The Night Fury's ruler-jaws rocketed toward the star,
clamping over the bubbling stew of plasma. Toothless stretched
his jaws farther and farther until he engulfed half of the sun in
his jaws. Unhinging his jaws like a snake, Toothless took one
last gulp, sending the sun into his central belly, located in his
central torso.
In thousands of thousands of kilometers a stretch of
digestive sea, the sun decayed. The Night Fury's stomach
gurgled away the solar system's main source of energy. There
was a sick burbling, then a supernova of power exploded
through his abdomen, immolating every supernally expansive
wall of belly. The boom of bright blue bloated his belly
pregnantly. Toothless had forgotten to fix his tentacles to his
cocks, so when the pleasure hit him, his cocks erupted with
hoses of cum, painting the solar system with his cum as he
whirled in utter rapture.
More growth, more appendages. The planets struck by his
cum-jets detonated into sprays of asteroids, which would be
fertilized with his dragonseed and heir many dragons, who
would grow to adulthood quickly, relative to the slow god's
sense of time altered by his sheer mass.
Not only that. Roars came after these bursts of cum, with
such sheer strength, they ripped through the fabric of the
universe; and from the myriad rips in it came flooding dozens,
hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, trillions, and more of
dragons. Dragons from all over the multiverse heeded the
Universal Alpha's call.
So it was—dragons of alternate universes flooded from
many rips in the solar system and some rips farther out in the
galaxy. So it was—they flooded into the Universal Alpha
Toothless. So it was—dragons born of destroyed, fertilized
planets of the solar system matured into adulthood and heeded
his call too, and flooded into the Universal Alpha Toothless. So
it was—devouring all planets and celestial bodies and black
holes in his path, the Universal Alpha Toothless spread through
the solar system like a dragonish tree, and then through the
galaxy like a dragonish woodland, and then through the cluster
like a dragonish forest, and then through the supercluster like
uncountable chains of dragonish forests.
So it was that Toothless, Universal Alpha, dragon of
seemingly infinite design, of the traits of dragons, animals,
planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies, clusters, superclusters,
and everything else of the universe, came to outgrow the
And so it was—swelling paws and muscles found the
invisible boundaries that were the blacker than black void
beyond the edges of the universe. They found them when the
dragon erupting with growth suddenly felt more and more
cramped and boxed in. His body had no choice but to grow
inwardly to encompass every available empty space left in the
universe. When there was no space left the strain felt to be the
death of him. He could not take it!
Grow, grow, grow!
The invisible boundaries of the universe burst away like the
seams of a too-tiny jerkin. He grew and grew into the void. He
grew and grew into the rips his roars had ripped into the
universe. And so it was that Toothless, Night Fury, Universal
Alpha, and dragon god began growing into neighboring
universes of the multiverse.

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