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Winter. That time of year when everything just seems to... stop. Plants stop growing, the sun often stops shining, and the whole world just seems to be... blanketed in this fine, white snow. It's also a time when everyone seems to be kind of... gloomy, like they're in some kind of dark haze, waiting to see the light. Especially this year, since we got more snow than we had ever gotten in the past and had more days off from school than I can even recall. Needless to say, most people were eager for this winter to be over and done with. In fact, it seemed like everyone was just waiting for spring to come.

Everyone, that is.... except me. Because for some reason, I always loved the winter. For me, winter was always just a time to... relax, and not have to worry about anything. I know that may seem a bit odd, but that's always how it felt to me. With all of the holidays, snow, and even the occasional snow day, it always felt like the world was.... at peace whenever winter arrived. To me, winter felt calm, quiet, and peaceful, and that was just how I liked it.

Unfortunately, few people seemed to agree with me. "Ugh, I am so sick of this weather!" complained my friend Will as we were leaving school. "I wish it could just be over already!"

I smiled to myself. Unlike me, Will disliked cold weather, so it was only natural for him to be upset about how long this winter was. But that wasn't the only difference between us. In fact, quite a few people wondered why we were even friends with each other, since we were so different from each other. Will was outgoing, adventurous, and was pretty good at taking things as they came. He could also be a little reckless, but he was still a great person to be around. I, on the other hand, was quiet, reserved, and mostly kept to myself. I was never one for adventure, preferring to live a calm and simple life. "Personally, I'm enjoying this weather" I responded. "I don't know why, but.... it just makes me feel... safe, like I don't have to worry about anything."

Will grinned. "You always did like the feeling of safety, Andrew" he said. "I've never really been interested in playing on the safe side, though. I'd rather be out exploring, doing things that I've never done and going places I've never gone before. That's one reason I want this winter to end so badly, because I can't really do any of that very well if there's snow everywhere.

"Well... that's actually one of the reasons that I like the winter so much." I said. "No one really expects me to to get a job, or go out with anybody, or anything like that. I can just... focus on what I want to do, instead of what other people want from me." I sighed. "I wish I could be more like you, Will."

"More like me?" said Will "What do you mean?"

"Well, you're always willing to... get out there." I said. "You know, do something with your life. Nothing ever seems to faze you. I just... I wish I could get out of my comfort zone a bit more."

"Well... I might be able to help you" said Will. "Hey, why don't we get together and do something tomorrow? It might help you break away from your normal routine. Maybe I could even help you get out there some more."

I smiled. "That's a good idea" I said. "Anyway, I have to get home. I have a ton of homework to get through."

"Alright, then" said Will, turning to walk away. "See you tomorrow!"

I watched Will walk away, then turned to begin my own walk home. As I was walking, I began thinking about everything that I had done with my life. The truth was, I had never really put myself out there, or done anything really... noteworthy with myself. I tried to get involved with events or things around town, but nothing I did ever seemed to work out for me. I would mess something up, and then I would be back home, with nothing more than a sense of regret and guilt. I guess that I just... had trouble getting outside my comfort zone. For a while, I was wondering if anything would ever change for me.

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