Capítulo sem título 33

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There was a time when Bakugans lived a much more primitive life. A time when their hierarchy was define by strength and they fought each other relentlessly, with the stronger imposing their will over the weaker and ruling by might and fear.
Such times are a long gone past.
Today, the Bakugan lived a much more civilized life. Some say that they learned it from the humans. However, those are only legends, once no human has had contact with the Bakugan World in many generations. Some even question of those small creatures called "humans" ever even existed as something more than just a figment of the imagination.
They were a popular topic on children's shows, though.
Nowadays, Bakugan lived civilized lives, as they had politics, businesses and culture. They lived by laws enforced by a police force, rather than only obeying the stronger without any way of resisting. They had commercial lines, with goods and services traded for money in place of the strong simply coming and taking whatever they want. They had many jobs that could be perform by both the weak and the strong, each one playing an important role on the society of modern Bakugan.
Their society really could truly be call "civilized". By human standards, at least
Naturally, by having jobs, this meant that there needed to be a proper education to perform such jobs. So, it was no surprise that there were schools on the Bakugan world. Places where the younger Bakugans went to learn everything they could about their world, their past and themselves, so they would be able to look at the future with strong minds and help build a better tomorrow for themselves and all of their society.
Pre-schools for the baby Bakugan. Elementary school for the children. High school for the teenagers. And, of course, colleges to help on the advanced formation of the young adults.
Such a shining example was the Volcano Pride University, the best college around that part of the world of Pyrria. A place where bakugan from all types cold learn nearly all subjects that they needed to know to engage in nearly any type of profession they could be dreaming of pursuing. Scientists, medics, chemists, biologists, fashion designers, musicians, artists, movie directors, chefs, only to mention a few of the many professions that the VPU could teach it's students to perform.
They were very thorough with their work, teaching their students to the best of their abilities, and making sure to form the best professionals to be let out on the market to perform the most varied types of jobs. They put their everything in teaching and caring for their students, from the day they arrived there to the day they graduated and were ready to go out on the world.
Speaking of which...
Everyone clapped wildly as the last student of the architecture course got his diploma. Jackal Hynoid made his way out of the stage while he waved to everyone. The canine-like Bakugan seemed to be on top of the world. Probably happy that he managed to pass the final exams and get his degree? Who knew? The people were not there to judge. Well, maybe some were.
"And now..." Leonidas, the dragon-like dean of VPU, spoke to the mic to the crowd gathered in there to watch the honors and graduations. "We will start announcing this year's graduates of
the administration course. Starting with our two who not only scored as top of their class, but also reached the highest score ever seem for this specific course. Please, receive with a round of applause our honored students, the Verspirrian brothers, Salamander 'Drago' Dragonoid and Viper Helios!"
The crowd erupted in applause as the two bakugans made their way to the stage. They were dressed with the same black clothing as the rest of the graduates, and they both received their diplomas right from the hands of the dean, also receiving a strong and energetic handshake from the man who helped them so many times during the course of their studies on the university.
The two didn't made any speeches. They would let the class rep do that. However, they did waved their diplomas in the air.
"We did it, Dad!" Helios said loudly. "We graduated!"
They were talking to a certain bakugan who was sitting among the crowd. He was bigger than the average Bakugan. He was so big that he needed two chairs where most other bakugans only needed one. He was not fat, he was only massive, standing nearly twice as tall as Drago, Helios and even Leonidas. His clothes were big to match, and even the watch on his wrist would be too big for any other Bakugan to use. He had purple and black scales and red eyes, which were on the verge of breaking into tears as he clapped wildly his two boys, who waved their diplomas while looking at him.
Seeing his two sons graduate as the top of their class.
Few things would make Dharaknoid Verspirrian happier than that. His hands were hurting from clapping so hard, but he didn't cared. If it was for his two boys, his two prides and joys, he would clap until both his hands exploded.
"I'M SO PROUD!!!" Dharak cried out with his powerful voice as he pulled both of them on a tight hug. He was no longer holding back his tears, as those joyful drops ran down his face as he pulled the two close to himself. "I'm so proud of my two boys!"
He said as he continued to hug both of them as tight as he could. Considering how big and muscular he was, it meant he was hugging both of them pretty tight.
Maybe a little too tight.
"Dad..." Drago said, his voice a little strained. "Too tight... can't breathe..."
"Lungs crushed..." Helios said, with a much more strained, choked and dramatic voice than Drago "Vision darkening... Grandma, is that you?"
Dharak still held them close for a few more seconds, before letting them both go. Helios took a very dramatic intake of air. The darker dragon has always had a penchant for the dramatic. No wonder he was part of drama club on VPU. While Drago, the more diplomatic of the two, became captain of the debate team. Both of them received extra honors for those things, which only did to add the pride Dharak felt of his two boys.
Dharak couldn't help but pull them closer once more, and giving each one a kiss on the cheek.
"DAD!" Both of them said, blushing as Dharak kisses them like when they were both hatchlings. Dharak, on his end, just laughed. His laugh as strong and booming as his voice, and it drew a few looks from the nearby bakugans.
However, no one looked at them for too long. Now that the graduation ceremony has ended, and all of the bakugan received their diploma, they were all going their way. Most of them had special plans to celebrate now that they have graduated.
Some were planning to go to parties with the rest of their friends and classmates. Some were going with their families, as they will be making something special for today, like going to a great restaurant or visiting another family member to celebrate in great style.
Helios and Drago? They were both going with their dad.
Just as they were on their way to their car, they stopped when meeting one of their teachers. Helios and Drago seemed only happy to talk to this teacher about how much proud he was of their performance on the course and on how they managed to score the greatest points on the final exams of the history of the VPU's administration course. He mentioned how smart and competent the two were, and how they would have a great future on the company they were both scouted to.
He even told Dharak how proud he should be of his two sons.
Well, duh!
Dharak knew that already. That was why he let out the waterworks back there! He knew very well how proud he was supposed to be of his two boys. After all, the two have grown into smart and strong men.
Amazing men.
Handsome men...
That day was one of celebration for the Verspirrian family. With a visit to their favorite places all over town, a fancy lunch on the best restaurant of the city, and a whole day going to anywhere his two boys wanted. All of it paid with Dharak's money, as to give the best afternoon and evening that he could to his two boys to celebrate their graduation.
It ended with a visit to the movies, to see the movie that the boys had both been dying to see, and that Dharak enjoyed as much as them. He was so glad that the boys had picked up his taste for movies, and didn't grew up to like that garbage artistic movies that some of their teachers seemed to love so much.
After this, they went back home. Even so, the celebration didn't stopped. Dharak, being the skilled cook that he was, had a special dinner prepared for his two boys. The one that easily won over the food they had at that restaurant ten to one, on the opinion of those two.
And, as it was natural to who just finished a stage of their life and was about to start a new one, they were talking about the future.
"Think they will place both of us in the same department?" Helios asked, to what Drago shrugged.
"Maybe, but I don't think so." Drago said to his brother. "We'll both be starting as members of a certain department. But, I think that they will place us in different departments, seeing that both you and I chose different specializations during the course of out course. Besides, seeing that both of us want to become department managers, and there can only be one on each department, I think it will be best if they place us on different departments. But, we can certainly still work together if they put our departments together in a project."
"Well, look forward to it." Helios said, "Just to be clear, if it does happen, I will be the manager of department managers. I'm not imposing, I'm just saying how it will be."
"Really?" Drago asked his brother, and Helios looked back at him.
"Yeah, really." Helios confirmed. "You know that, even though you have this 'natural born leader' with everyone else, you are a big pushover when it comes to your big brother." Helios said as he punched Drago playfully on the arm.
"Am not!" Drago said looking at him, and Helios only laughed as he continued to tease Drago. They were both fully grow now. Both of them already with jobs lined up, as they were both headhunted by one of the biggest companies out there to be part of their elite teams of employees. Yet, in a moment like that, they still behaved just like as when they were young boys.
Hoping that they would be able to maintain more professionalism on their future workplace.
As they continued at this, Dharak looked at the two of them. He was barely even looking at their food, as he was too busy looking at his two boys, and thinking how much they had grown since they were just those small hatchlings.
Dharak was still amazing how the two have grown up to remind him so much of himself. Especially when they were not relate to him by blood.
Yes. They were not his biological sons, but they were his sons.
Dharak still reminded on how he ended up in charge of raising those two boys, one at a time.
First it was Helios, who came to him by pure chance. Literally, the boy just chose to break into his house over trying another house into the neighborhood. Dharak had been surprised for coming down in the middle of the night for a swing of two a.m. beer, and come face to face with a skinny five-year-old dragonoid with tattered clothes and a dirty face rummaging through his fridge and scarfing down whatever he could reach with his tiny hands.
After a long and tense moment between the little hatchling and the adult wearing only a jockstrap, Dharak got the little guy to sit down and tell him what he was doing there (after putting a pair of pants, of course). The little guy wasn't very helpful, and he only said his name and where he lived. This was enough for Dharak.
As he took the boy back to his home, Dharak could not help but how dirty the boy looked, as if he hadn't showered or had his clothes washed in days. Also, there was the fact that he was really skinny. Much skinnier than a hatchling was supposed to be. Dharak had the impression he would be able to count the boy's ribs if he removed his dirty shirt.
Dharak imagined how the boy ended like that.
Until he meet his parents.
Never before on his life, Dharak met a more dreadful pair. He just had to be around them for two minutes to know that they didn't loved their son. Like, at all. They didn't worried about him in the slightest. Actually, they even acted as if the boy was a nuisance to them. They didn't washed his clothes, didn't played with him, didn't gave him anything. Heck, they didn't even bothered to feed him properly!
"Kids are tough, and they don't need fancy food. One peperoni sandwich for breakfast is enough to keep them going the whole day." Was what Helios' father said when Dharak asked if the boy had been eating well.
Dharak was completely and utterly appalled by what he heard and saw.
No wonder the boy ran away!
After that, Dharak refused to allow the boy to stay with those two. He was not safe on that house. He took Helios all the way back to his home (with absolutely no protest from Helios' parents), and gave him food and offered him a bed on the guest bedroom.
The following days were a mess, as Dharak contacted a friend on CPS and had the whole situation investigated. Helios only had those two as family, and no one of their friends was interested in taking care of the boy.
Long story short, Dharak has decided to take Helios in and raise him rather than let the boy end up in some orphanage.
So, Dharak now had a little skinny boy to look after. That alone should be enough, right?
Well, the universe seemed to think otherwise.
Just a few days later, there was a fire on a house very far from his neighborhood. The house of someone he knew.
Naga had been his friend for many years, and he also knew his wife personally. Their house caught on fire due to an electrical malfunction, and Naga and his wife both were not able to escape the flames.
The news came as a shock to Dharak, who could not believe that two of his oldest friends were gone, just like that. However, the greater shock came after that.
As it turns out, Naga and his wife had a son, who was currently four. Little Salamander Dragonoid, whom everyone called "Drago", and they left instructions on their will, saying that, if anything happened to them, the custody of their son should go to their most trusted friend in the world: Dharak.
And that was how, in the span of just one month, Dharak went from being a carefree bachelor to the father of two boys.
Needless to the say, that carried on some serious changes to Dharak's lifestyle.
First of all, he had to stop receiving "intimate guests" on his house every night. Neither he could "go out hunting" during the night as well, as he could not leave two little children alone at night. He had to focus his attention on taking care of the two little bags of scales he was now responsible for.
Also, he had to, for the first time in five years, get himself a stable job. He had been able to support himself with part-time jobs here and there, but that would not do to sustain a family of three. Dharak needed a stable job to support himself and the boys, otherwise he would immediately have both of them removed from his care.
And, of course, there was the fact that neither of the boys actually seemed to like him very much.
Helios had been distrustful of him from day one. He didn't bothered talking to Dharak, and mostly he would not even look directly at him, and act as if he didn't even noticed the presence of the adult. A psychiatrist said that Helios had developed an overall mistrust towards adults due to the neglect he suffered from his own parents.
Then there was Drago, who seemed to be afraid of him. Dharak was a Darkus Bakugan. As such, it was sometimes expect he would cause feelings of uneasiness and mistrust on Bakugan of other types, because to the unique aura that Darkus cast around themselves. So, Drago was really afraid of this strange dragon whom he never saw before and who gave off such an off-putting aura. Also, they said that he was probably still traumatized due to having survived the fire that took the lives of both his parents.
Not only that, but it seemed that there was enmity within the boys as well, as Helios seemed to be taking to bullying his new little brother!
It was hard.
There were moments when Dharak considered if he had actually made the wrong choice in trying to raise those two. What did he even knew about raising children? Maybe he should just have let them be take by someone who actually knew what they were doing, and who could truly give those two a better life than he could ever hope to give them.
However, something made Dharak want to persevere.
It was hard to earn the trust of those two little hatchlings, and at one moment Helios told him right to his face that he would never see him or "that stupid little runt" as family, that he didn't needed them or anyone else.
However, with time, with kindness and patience that Dharak never thought he could have, and with a lot of luck, he was able to be a good father for the two.
And he did it against all odds, we might add.
Seriously, you have no idea how many fights and discussions he has had with the two growing boys, some of which nearly became physical (not strange in a world of powerful creatures like the Bakugan who spend many past generations solving their differences through conflict). However, they were able to go through every problem and difference they encountered and, at the end, even though they had previously said mean words to each other, which they would never truly mean for real, each one of those fights only served to strengthen their bond as a family.
With each trouble and crisis they overcome together, they grew closer and stronger together. To the point where they formed a bond so strong that nothing and no one would ever be able to break them apart.
And there they were now. Drago and Helios fully grow, graduated with honors, ready to start their new jobs on one of the greatest companies out there in two months, and ready to start out a future of success and happiness for the two of them.
It seemed like it was yesterday when Drago was asking Dharak to read him a sleep story timidly, while Helios laid on his own bed trying to look like he was not interested in knowing if the knight was going to rescue the princess or not.
It seemed like it was yesterday, and yet it seemed so long ago.
Helios was still teasing Drago, who eventually started pushing his brother back. That was when he noticed the way Dharak was looking at the two of them.
"Dad?" Drago asked, "Something wrong?"
"Hm?" Dharak said, as Drago looked at him, and now so did Helios. "Oh, nothing boys. Nothing at all. Just... thinking."
Dharak sighed.
"I still can't believe how you two have grown so much." Dharak said to the two. "I still remember the time I had to enter on the ball pool to go after both of you because you were refusing to get out even though the staff told it was closing time. And then I found out one of you had popped on the bottom of the pool."
Drago cast a glance at Helios as Dharak said the last part.
"What?" Helios said, "I told you it was already there!"
Dharak couldn't help but laugh at the embarrassing memory. It was funny in hindsight, although it didn't seemed when Dharak was made to clean it himself by the staff...
"I just can't believe how much you two have grown." Dharak said to the two. "And how strong you two have become."
"Well, you can believe it, old man." Helios said to the man who raised him since he was five. "Just take a look at us! We are independent, we are smart, we are competent, we have the motivation to take over the world, and we are rip!" Helios made a pose as he said the last phrase, showing off his muscles as he did, and letting his father admire the volume of his arms.
"Bet you wish you were strong like that, huh, Drago?" Helios asked Drago, "You're still skinnier than me!" He said and he laughed, and Drago didn't even bothered to come up with an answer to that.
"Yes, you both have grow a lot..." Dharak admitted to the two of them.
"You are definitely not hatchlings anymore... what is good, otherwise the sounds I hear at night would be all the more unsettling."
Drago and Helios looked at him.
Dharak looked at the two.
"Oh... so you two never really noticed, huh?" Dharak said very casually.
"Noticed what?" Helios asked, "What you babbling on about, old man?"
Helios called him "old man", but it was all in good sport. It certainly lacked the bite and poison it had back when Helios was a hatchling who saw on Dharak just another adult who would ignore him and put him out of the house whenever he thought Helios was getting on his way or annoying him.
"About how the walls of our house are not very thick." Dharak said to the two of them. "Especially the ones upstairs."
The two looked at him with confused expressions, it was obvious that they were still not getting it, so Dharak decided to just cut it and say it.
"I know you two are boyfriends." Dharak said to the two of them. "I can hear you having sex from my room."
Saying those words shocked the two dragons, who took around ten seconds to come to terms with what they had just heard from the mouth of their adoptive father. And a few more seconds for them to properly panic about what he said.
And, as Dharak expected, the two flustered dragons started to make all kinds of excuses. Drago said they were "just having some intense wrestling session", and Dharak said it was "just him hearing his computer too loud", but none of that was fooling Dharak.
"Boys, just save it, okay?" Dharak said to the two, cutting them when they were on the middle of their next excuse.
"In the first place, you two are not as good as hiding it as you two think." He said to the two, "I notice when you two are flirting with each other at the dinner table. You might think you are slick, but I can notice it. Like when you two rub your legs on the other's under the table, or when you two wrap your tails around each other when you think I'm not looking. And, Drago, don't you think I didn't noticed the way you were making love to your strawberry popsicle while you gave Helios bedroom eyes."
This shut the two up, and they only looked mortified as they looked at their father, before Helios turned to Drago.
"I told you he was going to notice you giving that popsicle a blowjob, you moron!"
Drago looked back at him, his expression still one of shock for what they just heard from their father's mouth. Dharak also looked at Helios.
"Oh, and you thought you were being discrete when you were groping and pinching Drago's ass every time I turned my head." Dharak said to Helios Viper, "I saw it, and I also saw how you would lean over the Drago and whisper something on his earhole while you groped his crotch under the table."
It was Helios' turn to blush and look down in shame.
"That not to mention the time you two excused yourselves to go to the restroom at the same time and only came back twenty minutes later." Dharak said to the two. "Both of you looking sweaty and pretty winded. I have to say, you two are quite brave for doing it in a public place. Just hope you have been careful to not let anyone hear or see you."
The two had nothing to say in return, and they could only look down. A pregnant silence followed, as neither of them felt like there was anything to say. Actually, they nearly seemed worried.
"Hey, don't be like that boys." Dharak said to the two. "I'm not mad at either of you."
They both looked up.
"Y-you're not?" Drago asked him, and Helios asked:
"Like, you are not disgusted at us?"
"Of course not!" Dharak said, "Why would I ever be?"
He was sincere as he spoke that, and he was smiling at the two.
"Boys, you are talking to a guy who had his first group sex when he was fifteen!" Dharak said, "I'm a gay man who have tried pretty much all possible kinks that a man can try. That is, all that would not land me in jail."
He looked at the two.
"Besides, I can't really blame you for falling for each other. You both have grown up together, after all." He said, "Not to mention you two are hot as fuck!"
Once more, the two were shocked.
"W-wha..." Drago said, seeming like he was trying to take a grip at this. Helios, on the other hand:
"D-Dad! What the fuck!?"
Dharak then spoke:
"Oh, don't give me that now, you pair of naughty hatchlings."
He was smirking as he said that, looking at the two.
"I told you, you are not as good at hiding things as you think. I noticed the looks you've both been giving me." Dharak explained to the two. "I have been on the gay scene for years before you came into my life. I can tell when someone desires me. I noticed all of your hungry looks as you are looking at me. Especially when you take glimpses of my ass. Not the mention the many times that you two 'accidentally' walked into the bathroom while I was on the shower. Oh, and I also noticed how you two peek through the keyhole when I'm changing."
If their faces had got any hotter from their blushes, they would have burst into flames.
He noticed!? But, they thought they were being so careful not to be caught...
Were they really that bad at hiding things and being subtle?
"And, before you two can get the wrong idea, I'm not mad or disgusted at you at all." Dharak said to the two. "Yes, we are a family. We are in all senses of the word, except biological. And, as a family composed by adult males without a single drop of blood relating one to another, there is no reason why we cannot feel attracted to each other."
He spoke about it with a casualness that honestly shocked the two younger dragons.
"What I want to say is..." Dharak looked at the two. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with you two dating. At least, I am never going to judge you or hold it against you in any way."
"Likewise, there is nothing wrong with either of you desiring me." Dharak explained to the two. "No hard feelings or anything held against you as well. Can't really blame you for this. After all, I have been told may times how handsome and attractive I am."
He winked at the two as he spoke that and, once more, the two could not help but blush.
Yes. Dharah was an attractive man. They both had started to notice it around the time they started to awaken sexually. He was their dad, and he was a hot and desirable man. With sculpted muscles, a handsome face, and a perfect bubble-butt that fit very nicely on the jeans and shorts he liked to wear when he was working out on the morning.
"What leads me to this moment." Dharak said, once more catching the attention of the two and making them both pay him their undivided attention.
"Boys, you have both become strong adults." Dharak said to the two, as he stood from his chair. "And, once more, I cannot put into words how proud I am of both of you."
"Which is why, I'm showing it through my actions." Dharak said to the two, and they looked at him, seeming a bit confused.
"I'm having sex with both of you tonight." Dharak concluded.
The two could only stare at the older Bakugan with blank expressions for a few moments.
"You heard me." Dharak said to the two. "Tonight, I'll be having sex with the two of you. And it will be in whatever way you want me to."
The two continued to look at him. Their expressions made it clear that neither of them could actually believe that Dharak was actually offering this to the two.
"Are you serious?" Helios was the one who answered, as he seemed in just as much disbelief as Drago, as they could only sit there with those dumb-folded expressions as they looked at the man who practically raised them both since they were little skinny hatchlings, and who was now saying that he would have sex with the two of them.
Not that they didn't wanted it. They did. They both did. However, to hear it straight from his mouth... it nearly seemed too good to be true.
"As serious as I can be." Dharak said to the two of them. "You see, that's how proud I am of the men you two have grown to be. Think of this as my way of showing my pride for the two of you. Not to mention, since you two started having sex in your bedroom, I have started hearing it and I'd been lying if I said I had not masturbated multiple times while listening and wishing I could be part of it."
He was still smirking at the two.
"So, there it is." Dharak concluded, looking at the two. "Tonight, as to celebrate your graduation, you two will have me. I'll do anything you ask of me, and I'll follow each and everyone one of your commands to the best of my capacities. You want a blowjob, I'll give you one. You want a handjob, I'll do it. You want to be rimmed, I'll gladly put my tongue as deep in
your tailhole as I can. You want to take a piss, then I'll open my mouth and drink your urine, if either of you feel like it. And, of course, if you two want some nice and tight hole to fuck, I'll gladly turn around, bend over and raise my tail just to you. Make no mistake, I may be bigger than you both, but I assure I've got the tightest ass either of you have ever fucked. Well, save for each other's, of course."
Dharak opened his arms, as if to put himself on display for the two.
"Tonight, I am yours. Use me as you like."
Drago and Helios looked at him with wide eyes, and then they looked at each other.
Drago was still in shock. Helios, on his end, soon had a smirk on his face.
"Oh, is that so?" Helios asked, turning to look at Dharak.
"So, what does this means exactly, old man?" Helios looked at him. "That you are our slave now?"
Dharak looked at Helios, a smirk of his own on his face.
"You want me to be your slave?"
Helios chuckled.
"Not gonna lie, the idea does has its allure."
"H-Helios?" Drago asked, looking at his brother/boyfriend, and Helios looked back at him.
"Y-you mean that... w-we are really going to...?"
"Are you kidding? Of course we are!" Helios said to Drago. "Come on! He is literally offering himself to us! I don't know you, but I'm taking on the offer. You can either join me or stand back and masturbate as you watch."
Drago looked at Helios, and then at Dharak. The man who he spent years calling "dad" looked back at him with a calm, and seductive, smile.
"Like I said, I'm yours." Dharak said to Drago, "I'll gladly serve both of you tonight. Only if you want, of course."
Drago wanted. He truly, really wanted. He loved Helios. He loved his adoptive brother in all ways a Bakugan could love another. However, there was no denying that he, like Helios, desired Dharak. He loved him as his father, and desired him as a man.
"Don't be a wuss now, Drago." Helios whispered to Drago's ear. "Join me. Let's make this old man our bitch."
This was pretty much all it took.
What? Drago might be a mature and righteous adult. However, he still let himself be guide by his lower head sometimes.
Perhaps it was Helios' influence on him...
After Drago confirmed that he was in, then Dharak and Helios both smirked, as they now knew that they were in for a memorable night.
"Alright then." Helios said, "So, let's not waste time in getting this celebration started, yes? Let's go upstairs."
"As you wish." Dharak said, and soon, he was going upstairs with the boys following right behind him. Once more, Helios and Drago had their eyes on their father's butt. Those jeans Dharak wore hugged his hips pretty nicely. It served to make his bubble-butt stand out the more, and look even more desirable to the two younger Bakugan.
Drago could not help but stare at it as it swayed with each step Dharak took, the older Bakugan's tail doing nothing to hide how nice his butt looked.
"Tonight, we make it ours." Helios said to his brother as they both walked upstairs behind Dharak. He didn't whispered it, instead saying it loud enough for Dharak to hear. This made Dharak smirk as he looked over his shoulder at the two of them. He even winked at the two, as he now purposely swayed his hips more.
"Fucking old man." Helios said with a smirk. He and Drago were starting to get hot under the collar. And tight on the pants.
Dharak then took the turn to the bedroom the two boys have shared for over twenty years now. However, he stopped when Helios spoke to him.
"Wrong direction, old man." Helios said to him. "We are going that way." He was gesturing to the other end of the hallway. To Dharak's room.
Dharak didn't complained, and just went along with them.
Now, Dharak was never the richest guy, but he was well off. His bedroom, however, was certainly a nice sight.
It was not the bedroom of a millionaire, but it was certainly a nice one. Way bigger than the one the boys shared. With a king-sized bed with a canopy on top and everything, making it look like the bed of a king. And two big closets inside, one of which contained all of Dharak's clothes and shoes, and the other one which had always been locked for as long as Helios and Drago could remember.
"I never liked you hogging the biggest room of the house for yourself." Helios walked, as he walked to the bed and sat on it. He invited Drago to come and sit by his side, and the Dragonoid did so. They were both looking at Dharak.
"So?" Dharak asked them, "What can I do for you, my boys?"
This prompted an answer from Helios.
"Now listen here, slut..." He said, and this caused Dharak to look at him with a raised eyebrow, and Drago to look in surprise at his brother.
"First of all, you will know your place in here. You will not call us 'boys'. You will refer to us as 'sir' or 'master', is that clear to you?"
Dharak looked at him for a moment, and smirked.
"As you wish." He said.
"I'm sorry, what was it, slut?" Helios asked, looking straight at Dharak, and the older Bakugan knew what he was expecting.
"As you wish, Master Helios." Dharak said, even going as far as to lower his head in submission. It was a bit of an exaggeration, but it seemed to please Helios, who had a smirk on his muzzle.
"Now that's more like it." Helios said to Dharak. "Now, you can start by taking of your clothes. And make it good. Nothing like a good strip-show to get you in the mood for a good time, ain't that right, Drago?"
Helios nudged Drago with his elbow playfully, and this caused the Dragonoid to blush, as he knew Helios was referring to their intimate time on their bedroom. Which he now knew Dharak had heard loud and clear from this bedroom...
Dharak, on his end, had a smirk on his own face as he acknowledged the order Helios gave.
"Your wish..." He said, and starts to unbutton his shirt. "Is my command."
And so, Dharak started to dance. And he did it with actual skill.
He moved back and forth, changing his footing as he spun in place for the two, swinging his hips side to side as he unbuttoned his shirt and allowed it to slide free from his arms. He spun it over his head once it was out, before tossing it to the side. He turned to look at the two, allowing them to see his defined muscles and strong arms. And then, he proceeded to start running his hands over his torso, rubbing them on the way he would rub someone else's body.
"Oh, yeahhhh." Helios said, "Just like that. Keep dancing, my dear whore." Helios spoke as he looked, and Drago, who was sitting by his side, blushed. He was already very familiar with Helios' language when he was horny. He had it directed to himself many times. And he never complained about being called a "slut" or a "whore", or a "cock-hungry bitch". In fact, he kind of liked. However, this was the first time he was not the one to whom this language was being direct to, but their father.
"Now that's the good stuff!" Helios said, as Dharak started unbuckling his belt. He spun around, looking over his shoulder and winking at the two, before he started lowering his pants. He revealed his bare butt to the two, as he wore a pair of jockstraps. Many Bakugan wore underwear that were open on the back, to leave enough space for their muscular tails. Dharak was one of those, as he was wearing a nice jockstrap that left his entire backside exposed to whoever wanted to look. He even lifted his tail, giving the two a gorgeous view of his tailhole as he continued to gyrate his hips side-to-side while he allowed the pants to fall lower and lower down his legs, until he stepped out of them and kicked them to the side.
Drago and Helios were really getting into the show they were receiving, as they were both getting hard inside their pants. By the time Dharak leaned forward, sticking his butt out and using his hands to spread his cheeks, they both had already pulled their cocks out and they were masturbating openly to the show they were receiving.
"Oh, yeah! That's it, you scaly bitch!" Helios called out as he masturbated. "Shake that money maker! I might even start throwing money on you!"
Drago was more composed than Helios when it came to sex. However, taking in the situation he was in, even he could not avoid getting vocal.
"That's it... That's it!" Drago said, as he shivered as he masturbated while watching, Dharak just turned around and started to move his hips in a humping manner, making the bulge of his
jockstrap flop around to the two of them. "That's it, Daddy! Shake that junk! Show me how you do it, Daddy!"
Dharak smirked to himself, and continued to dance for the two as he moved his body in the sexiest ways he could possible imagine. All the while, he kept an eye on them, seeing them masturbating and calling out on him as they rubbed their own cocks, calling him everything from "bitch" to "daddy", and all of it served to turn him on. Dharak's cock was getting hard between his legs, and it was starting to cause his jockstrap to tent.
Perhaps it was time to get rid of it now.
The boys went crazy when he started lowering his jockstrap, whipping his tail from side to side as he removed his undergarment in a slow, teasing way, as he once more winked to his boys. He removed the jockstrap, and then tossed it to them.
Helios grabbed it with his free hand, and he brought it to his nose. He shuddered as he took a deep sniff of the jockstrap while masturbating, his cock leaking pre like a fountain as he did. Drago also wanted some, as he practically snatched it from Helios and pressed his own nose hard on the jockstrap, huffing deep and hard as he masturbated like there was no tomorrow.
Dharak continued to dance, shaking his hips and rubbing his cock, until it was at full mast. Once it was, he finished his dance by turning around and touching the ground with his fingers, lifting his tail high and exposing his tailhole, his balls and cock for the enjoyment of his audience.
Helios was howling in approval, as he started clapping at the show, saying it was "the best strip show he saw in years". Drago was right by his side, and he was not saying much, but he was still masturbating madly as he had his tongue out of his mouth, drooling and panting like a dog as he looked at that delicious set of tailhole and balls.
"Hey, Drago." Helios said to his brother, making him snap out of it and look at him. "Easy there, or you will explode. Besides..."
He turned to look at Dharak once more, who looked back at them, as he was naked and hard.
"The real fun is just about to start." Helios said, licking his lips. Dharak returned his smirk.
"So." Dharak said, smirking to the two as he crossed his arms, his hard cock throbbing between his legs with each beat of his heart. "What are we going to do now, my masters?"
"Oh, I have a couple ideas." Helios said to him. "Say, do you have any toys?"
It was a valid question, and Dharak then pointed at the locked closet.
"There?" Drago asked.
"Why do you think I always kept it locked?" Dharak said to the two, "Once you two started sneaking into my room and going through my stuff when you were on first grade, I knew I had to keep you guys from finding that. You were too young to understand what a dildo was. So, I bought that new closet and put all of my sex stuff in there and locked it. The key is inside of the nightstand's drawer. Not on the drawer, but underneath it."
They followed Dharak's instructions and found the key. Once they had it, they both unlocked the closets doors and swung them open.
They instantaneously knew why Dharak had kept it locked.
Their father had a whole sex-shop on that closet!
Dildos. Butt-plugs. Vibrators of all kinds and shapes. Two entire rolls of condoms. And that was only the regular sex stuff. He also had handcuffs, muzzles, gags of various types, three harnesses, and all other kinds of bondage gear! He even had a whip, a flogger and a ridding crop in there!
To say the two of them were surprised would have been an understatement.
They could only turn back to look at their father, who was smirking at the two.
"What? You thought I was a prude or something? I might have tuned my sex life down after you two came to live with me, but I can tell you that I was the adventurous kind." He said to them, walked to the closet as well, and checking on the items inside, having found memories of all of them.
"Although, I haven't used some of them in years. Especially the BDSM ones."
As he said that, the two stared at him, and then they looked at each other. Slowly, smirks formed on their lips, as they both knew that they were having the same lewd thoughts. Their cocks throbbed in synch as they thought of it.
"Wanna see if they still fit?" Helios asked, his voice as lewd as the look he had on his eyes. Dharak smirked back just as lewdly.
Soon, they had Dharak standing before them, and they proceeded to fit the gear on him. They started with the harness, which they buckled in place on his chest, behind his back, around the base of his tail, and a metal ring fitting around the base of his cock. This served to make his cock throb all the harder as the black leather hugged his body.
Then they went for the cuffs, which were basically straps of leather with metal rings on the sides, which they proceeded to place on his wrists and ankles. Form they, they connected a strong link into the rings of his wrist cuffs, effectively cuffing his hands together behind his back. For the cuffs on his ankles, they picked a bar, which they connected to the rings, forcing his feet to remain at that specific distance from each other, limiting how much he could move his legs.
Next came the collar, latched around his neck and safely placed. There were several tags that could be freely put and removed from the collar, all of them with writings likes "SLUT", "FAGGOT", "TOY" and such. They both ended up agreeing on placing one that had the word "DADDY" into his collar. Then they snapped the leash, which Helios would have on his hand for the rest of the night as they continued to have fun.
Finally, they proceeded to choose a gag. They both decided for a ring one. It was a ring of polished metal connected to a leather set hat allowed it to be placed inside of someone's muzzle and be held in place. It served to keep Dharak from talking, but kept his mouth open for whatever they wanted to use it.
"Not talking and with that cute little mouth of yours' ready to suck dick on command." Helios said, as he placed his thumb through the ring of the gag and rubbed on Dharak's tongue. "You don't know how many times I wanted you just like that, you big slut."
Dharak could not speak a proper answer, limiting himself to say "ahhh" as he panted and rubbed his tongue on Helios' thumb. This caused Helios to chuckle.
"Yeah, I'll be using that mouth a lot before this night ends." Helios said to him, and then he turned to his brother. "Say, Drago, picked one yet?"
"Just got one." Drago said, having a purple dildo on his hands. "Biggest one on the collection. Gonna need a lot of lube."
"Forget the lube." Helios said, "Let's let the slut himself lube it up. You cleaned this after using last time, didn't you? Oh, who cares?"
And with that, Helios forced the dildo into Dharak's mouth. Dharak chocked and gagged as the cock was force into his ring-gagged mouth. However, he also moaned, as he closed his eyes and started slobbering. Helios was not the first one to force a dildo on his mouth for him to "lube it up". Dharak was experienced enough to know what to do. He just forced his mouth to take it and moved his tongue as far as it could go around the dildo, to slather as much saliva as he could. He knew he would be needing it.
"That's it, you big slut." Helios said with a smirk on his face as he forced the dildo on his mouth. "That's it, just suck it and make it nice and slick. Just like... THAT!" He said as he made a sudden push forward, sending the dildo as deep as it could go on Dharak's mouth. Dharak's eyes shot open, and a choked gasp came out of his mouth as he heaved a bit. He chocked around the dildo, his eyes watering and his body shivered.
"Hey, Helios!" Drago said, when he saw Dharak choking. "Not so hard! Helios, not so hard! You're hurting him!"
"Relax, Drago." Helios said, "He likes it. See how his cock throbs when I do this?"
As he said that, Helios once more forced the dildo hard on Dharak's throat. Dharak choked and gagged around the plastic cock. At the same time, Dharak's own cock throbbed hard in between his legs, shooting a load of pre from the tip, which leaked down the dragon-like Bakugan's member, all the way down to his scaly balls.
It was just like that. A deep jab on Dharak's throat, a hard throb and a squirt of pre from his cock. It was clear that Dharak actually enjoyed it.
"O-okay, but you still should go easy." Drago said to his brother, as he continued to jab the dildo on their father's throat. "If you go too hard you can make him vomit."
"Oh, I don't think he will vomit, my dear Salamander." Helios said, calling Dragon by his baptism name. "Just look at him, he is fine. You are fine, aren't you, slut?"
Dharak's answer was a moan, which turned into a gag as the dildo was once more forced into his mouth, and then forced to stay there by Helios, who held it by the base and held it in place on the mouth and throat of his adoptive father, forcing him to breathe through his nose.
"Dad?" Drago asked, "Are you... really okay there?"
Dharak's answer was a deep, rumbling noise that came from his chest and stuffed throat. Something in between a moan and a purr, which dragon-Bakugans like he and his boys let out when they were really happy and content, or when they were horny as hell.
"See? He is totally fine!" Helios said, and pulled the dildo out and shoved it back in roughly. He was now using his other hand to hold onto Dharak's horn as he fucked his throat with the dildo, and Dharak took it like a champ, gagging and moaning around the dildo as he drew air through his nose.
"A real pro! Man, he barely has a gag-reflex!" Helios said, sounding genuinely admired with the skill with which their dad could take a cock. "I wonder how many dicks you sucked before getting this good, old man." He said, using a condescending tone as he continued forcing the older Bakugan to take on the dildo harder, making him gag and choke around it, but he continued to take it like a good slut, sucking and moaning as he had the toy forced onto him.
"Yeah, that's enough." Helios said, as he pulled out the dildo as roughly as he forced it inside. Dharak coughed and retched as he had his throat suddenly unplugged. He was left panting as a mix of drool and throat-slime leaked from his lips and down his chest. The same mixture that now covered the head of the dildo, making it glisten on the light of the bedroom.
"Nice work, slut." Helios said to his father, as he admired the coating on the dildo. "You've definitelly done it before, haven't you?" He asked with a smirk, and Dharak could only blush. This caused Helios to chuckle.
"Drago." Helios said, offering the dildo to his brother "Would you do the honors?"
Drago was still a bit hesitant. However, once he saw how much their father was into it (as much as Helios seemed to be, and as much as Drago knew that himself was), he was more eager on the whole thing. He took the shiny and slick dildo and walked around his father, kneeling behind him.
Dharak knew exactly what was coming, and he didn't even needed to be told what to do. He immediately raised his tail, exposing his tailhole for Drago.
"Wow, you really are an experienced slut, aren't you, old geezer?" Helios said once more, placing a hand on Dharak's chin and caressing it gently. Dharak blushed harder as he looked away. He was, thankfully, distract from this when he felt a familiar feeling on his tailhole.
Dharak really did a very good job on lubing that dildo up. It slid up really easily on his tailhole. Actually, a bit too easily.
It's almost as if he is sucking the dildo in... Drago caught himself thinking, as he found easy to send one, two, three, four inches of the dildo into his father tailhole, what caused the older Bakugan to shiver and moan as he was penetrated. Drago was taking his time, to be sure that he would not hurt is father. However, it seemed that it was a bit too slow to Dharak.
Dharak grunted, and then his tail moved.
Drago was surprised when the tip of Dharak's tail came and wrapped itself dexterously around the tip of the toy as Drago removed his hands. Then, once it was firmly holding into the toy, the tail started to move.
Dharak moaned loudly as he used his tail to fuck himself with the dildo the way he liked. He sent it in and out of his tailhole at a decent pace, his whole body quivering as he angled the thrusts so they went straight into his prostate, which's location Dharak had already memorized perfectly.
Drago was surprised, while Helios could only laugh.
"By the mother light!" Helios said, "Man, you really need it bad, don't you, old fart?"
Dharak's answer was a loud moan, as he used his tail to drive the dildo harder into his tailhole. All the while, Drago continued to watch what his dad was doing.
It was the hottest thing Drago ever saw.
"Well... it certainly seems like that from this angle." Drago said, looking at his brother and smirking. Helios had a smirk of his own as he saw the familiar glint on Drago's eyes. Drago was usually the bottom on their little technically incestuous relationship, however, this didn't meant that he didn't top from time to time. And, when Drago was in the position to be a top, and got the hang of it, he could really make almost as much of a good dom as Helios...
"Do you like this, Daddy?" Drago said, placing both of his hands on Dharak's cheeks and spreading them, allowing the dildo to be drove deeper. This caused Dharak to moan and shiver as he was call that. Drago was not the first one would call him "daddy" in bed. However, being call that, on that situation, by someone whom, up until now, referred to him on the sense of being his actual father, certainly held a lot of taboo in it. And it made the whole situation all the more delicious.
Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest, as they say.
"You are, huh?" Drago said, running his fingers over his cheeks, and over his hips. "Then, you will love this."
As Drago said that, he reached for the base of the dildo, and flicked a switch on it. Immediately, the dildo started to vibrate into Dharak's tailhole, right when it was press right into his prostate.
Dharak's eyes widened and his back arched, as his cock jumped and shot pre and a loud moan escaped his immobilized muzzle.
Ohhhh, they got the one that vibrates! It is the one I love the most! Ohhhh, this feels soooooo gooooooood!
Dharak moaned like a bitch in heat, as his tail tightened the grip on the dildo and drove it in and out of his own tailhole at a fast pace. All the while his cock throbbed more and more with all of the stimulus that he was getting into his ass. At this rate, he would be cumming very soon.
Fact that was not lost to his sons.
"Hey. Hey! HEY!"
Dharak froze when he felt a sudden sting on his face. He blinked, and then he realized he had been slap.
Be looked up at Helios, who had been the one to slap him. It wasn't hard. Well, certainly not as hard as someone as strong as Helios could slap. Dharak saw him break bricks with an open hand during the presentations of his karate classes. He knew that, if Helios had slapped him with all his strength, he would probably have ended on the ground.
That certainly felt more like a light, playful slap, meant only to call his attention, than one meant to hurt.
"Chill out." Helios said. It was not a request, but a command. "I admire the enthusiasm, but at this rate you will come before we can have any real fun. You gotta hold back a little bit. Even because..."
He smirked, as he presented his cock, still hard and out in the open, to Dharak. Those twelve inches of pure manliness booped right into Dharak's nose, hitting him with a wave of musk.
"This is all about our reward, ain't that right?"
Yes, it was. It was all about the boys. This night was all about them. About celebrating the fact that they became such amazing, and sexy, men. And Dharak remembered that very well.
He didn't even needed to be told what to do, as he simply leaned forward, allowing the hard cock to pass through the ring holding his mouth open, and he started to lick and suck it.
"That's it." Helios said to the bigger dragon, now obediently taking his cock. "That's a good slut. Suck on that cock like the good little bitch you are."
Dharak moaned as he sucked on that cock obediently, bobbing his head into it. Meanwhile, his tail resumed working on that dildo. However, this time he was sure to keep it at a moderate pace. Nearly a slow one. He was doing as he knew Helios wanted, and going slow to delay his own orgasm. It was torturous, but it was what Helios demanded of him. As his son said, tonight was not about Dharak's pleasure, but the boys'.
Helios was enjoying the blowjob his father was giving him, and he made sure to tell his "slut of a dad" what a good job he was doing. How much of a good cocksucker he was, and how Helios wished he knew he was such a whore before, so he could have started fucking him sooner.
Helios certainly had a pretty colorful language that, on any other situation, would earn him a scolding from Dharak. However, on that situation, each one of those words, insults and profanities did nothing more than make Dharak moan around Helios' cock, while his own cock throbbed with need between his legs.
"You're enjoying yourself." Drago said. Helios turned to look at his brother, who was now standing by his side. Helios looked at his smirking face, and then he looked down, seeing that Drago, who too still had his cock out, was openly masturbating his ten inches of dragon meat.
"So are you." Helios said to him, and both of the brothers smirked, as they turned their attention back to their father. Helios continued to fuck his mouth, using his muzzle as a toy while he talked dirty to him in ways that would make even hookers blush. Meanwhile, Drago watched, beating his meat as he saw his father sucking his brother/boyfriend's dick like the hungry slut Helios was currently saying he was.
At some point, Helios pulled out and forced him into Drago's cock.
"You have to try this slut's mouth." Helios said to Drago as he practically forced Dharak's mouth into his dick. "Be sure to give him a good sucking, bitch!"
Dharak, of course, obeyed. He sucked Drago's cock nice and hard like a good little bitch, and Drago saw that Helios was absolutely right. Dharak was a good cocksucker. Well, better than Helios, anyway.
"Wow..." Drago said, as he enjoyed the feeling of being service like that. "What a nice mouth you have, Daddy. I love it."
Dharak shivered when Drago called him "daddy", as much as he shivered when Helios called him "bitch". Dharak was no strange for sexy talk on the bedroom, but the taboo added by doing it with his two adoptive sons certainly made the experience all the more thrilling and delicious.
It made him want to drive the dildo even harder on his aching tailhole. However, this was not about him, but about his beloved boys. This was their night, and they were the ones in charge.
Dharak only complied with whatever they demanded of him, as they moved his muzzle between them, alternating between masturbating and using his muzzle like a fleshlight. Drago was the nicer between the two, as he went on his mouth hard, but not as hard as Helios, who seemed like he was seeing if he could make Dharak gag by ramming his cock as hard as he could into his throat.
Dharak's head was spinning with the whole experience, especially as Drago started getting as domineering as Helios, and started calling Dharak things like "slutty daddy" and "papa bitch". A mix of drool and pre leaked down Dharak's lips, dripping onto his chest, as the older dragon was use by the two younger ones. Meanwhile, Dharak's cock leaked pre like a fountain, spurting more out with each throb it gave, matching the quick beating of Dharak's powerful heart.
And Dharak continued to move that dildo in and out of his ass at a painfully slow pace, under the boys' instruction.
Until they decided it was time to let it rip.
"Be ready, slut." Helios said, as he finally let go of Dharak's horn, letting him stand on his knees between him and Drago. As they both pointed their cocks at him and masturbated.
"You can cum as soon as we both do." Helios said, and Drago then said:
"You want to cum, Daddy? Then cum with us."
Dharak moaned through his ring-gag. As he did, his hips started moving. He used his tail to keep the dildo on his ass steady, grounding it to the floor beneath him, as his hips moved up and down on the dildo, ridding it at a desperate pace, moving on it like he was riding on the back of a wild horse.
He moaned like a needy slut as he bounced on that dildo, and the two dragons very much enjoyed that sight as they masturbated furiously, with their cocks pointed at their father. They both grunted and snarled as they jacked really hard, until eventually they both orgasmed.
They let out roaring cries as they reached their orgasm, their tips flaring as cum came out of both their cocks and straight into Dharak's face.
Dharak reflexively closed his eyes as he saw those ropes of cum coming his way. Some of it landed inside of his mouth and on his tongue, but most of it landed all over his face and chest, painting him with the cum of his sons.
Dharak closed his eyes as he moaned helplessly. Now that his sons had cummed, this meant that he could cum too. Good, because he was sure he could not hold back anymore.
Slamming his hips down all the way, and letting the dildo hilt inside of him, Dharak moaned loudly as his orgasm hit. His own cock throbbed and flared, as cum erupted from the tip into
thick ropes. He even continued to ride the cock, making his cock bounce, sending his cum flying every which way as Dharak rode one of the most intense orgasms he has had on his life.
They all enjoyed their orgasms for as much as they could, milking their cocks (and prostate, on the case of Dharak) for all the cum they could, before their bliss finally subsided, and they all sighed as one as they relaxed after such an intense orgasm.
"Man, what a mess..." Helios said as he looked down, at the cum that had stained the floor, their shoes and the legs of their pants. Drago looked at it as well.
"Dad's?" Drago asked, looking down, and then smirked, "Or our own?"
He and Helios looked at their father, who was panting, breathing hard through his mouth and nose as weak moans escaped his throat. His features were all painted white with the cum of his sons.
"That's not a mess." Helios said, "Is just the proper look for sluts."
Another moan escaped Dharak, who relaxed fully, with the dildo deep on his tailhole, still buzzing, and his cock flopping limp after an orgasm, a few strands of cum still oozing out of it.
"Hey, hope you are not thinking we are done, slut." Helios said, grabbing Dharak's horn and forcing the older dragon to look up at them again. "This night is still young, and we have only just began to have fun."
The predatory smirk on Helios' muzzle said that he was, indeed, far from done with Dharak. By the look on Drago's face, it was safe to say that he was not done as well. Both of them were looking forward to how they would play with Dharak, looking down on him as a pair of cats would look at a poor, helpless mouse.
Being looked down like that excited Dharak, who let out needy moans as his cock throbbed between his legs, giving the first hints it would soon be getting hard again. A fact that was not lost to either of the younger dragons.
"Eager, aren't we?" Helios said, "Good. Very good. Hey Drago, go fetch the thing now, will you?"
Drago smirked as he went back to the closet, while Helios continued to look at Dharak with a smirk, reaching out with a hand to pinch Dharak's dick, making him yelp.
"Don't get too excited now, slut. You have a whole night ahead of you."
Kissing was no news for Drago and Helios.
They had made out plenty of times ever since they decided to start dating. From the time they were teenagers making out behind a tree or on the janitor's closet, to the time they were on college, and were making out wildly as they got ready to have sex behind the building during their lunch break.
With so much practice, the two lover brothers got pretty good at kissing.
However, even for two Bakugan as experienced as those two, this was certainly the first time they kissed under such conditions.
They already masturbated while kissed. Yes. They even gave each other a handjob while they kissed. However, this was the first time they did those things on their father's bedroom. Sitting on his bed. With him at their feet.
Literally, Dharak was under their feet at that very moment!
Drago and Helios moaned around each other's mouths. They made out quite sloppily as they sat on the edge of their father's king-sized bed. They had removed their shirts and pants, and now sat there only on their underwear, their cocks out on the open as they rubbed each other while they made out. Drago massaged Helios' cock-tip with his fingers, while Helios moved his closed fist up and down Drago's. Behind them, their tails intertwined tightly, wrapping around each other while the two dragons moaned as they sat on the bed, made out and mutually masturbated.
Dharak too moaned, as the boys rubbed their bare feet into his body. It was not the first time someone used him as a foot rug. Heck, there were times in which others even whipped their dirty shoes on him! He just laid on the ground as he allowed those two pairs of feet to rest on his body and rub on him. Helios's feet where on his chest and stomach, rubbing his abs as well as his pecs, teasing him as they moved over his body.
Drago's feet, meanwhile, were right on Dharak's crotch, teasing his private areas. This meant both his balls and his dick, now locked inside of the chastity cage.
This was a little thing he kept as a memento from an old lover, and that he hadn't used in literally decades. But, he made sure to polish it and keep it rust free, in case he ever would use it again. Well, the day finally came. When he saw Drago coming to him with that particular object, his cock started getting hard nearly immediately. Helios had to pinch his balls hard to get Dharak to get soft enough so they could fit the chastity cage and lock it in place.
Dharak had forgot how tantalizing and delicious it felt to have his cock locked inside of a metal contraption, incapable of getting hard and feeling at the total mercy of the one who locked it on him and now held his key.
And, as Drago rubbed his balls with his feet and teased his trapped member through the openings of the metal cage, the feeling was even more delicious. Dharak whimpered through his ring-gag as his cock throbbed and uselessly tried to fight against the metal trapping it, leaking pre like a faucet through the opening on the cage that was supposed to allow him to piss without needing to remove the contraption. All the while the two dragons above him continued making out quite sloppily, nearly as if they didn't gave a fuck to Dharak's presence in there.
As if he was really just an object for them to use to their heart's content. A toy for them to play. A rug to wipe their feet.
The idea of being treated in such a way aroused Dharak, and he was really happy for being in such a position under his two beautiful boys.
Good thing, because he had been there for the last thirty minutes, and would probably be there for even longer, considering how much those two seemed interested into trying to reach each other's tonsils with their tongues...
Drago and Helios panted as they both worked on the dragon currently between them.
Dharak moaned as he was on all fours on the bed. They freed his hands from behind his back, keeping everything else, but cuffed them again once he was now able to stand on his hands and knees on the bed. Helios was in front of him, fucking his mouth pretty hard, sending his cock all the way in and out of that warm, wet muzzle, immobilized by a ring-gag, while Dharak continued to lick and suck his thick dragon cock. Meanwhile, behind him, Drago was fucking Dharak's tailhole just as hard, holding onto the older dragon's tail for extra leverage as he sent his cock all the way in and out with each thrust, his hips slapping against Dharak's butt pretty loud, and the sound adding to the symphony of sex they were playing on that room.
A symphony punctuated by the words said by his two sons.
"Suck on that cock, you dirty slut!"
"You like it, Daddy? You like my dick on your ass?"
"You're so eager for that dick, you bitch!"
"I'm gonna breed you nice and hard, Papa. You'll be proud of me for being your son."
Hearing all of that certainly added to the feeling of pleasure Dharak was getting from this whole situation. His eyes rolled and his body shivered, as he was fuck from both ends at once. A familiar feeling wrecked over his body, making Dharak whine loudly and helplessly.
Inside of the chastity cage, his cock throbbed as his balls contracted to closer to his body. The tip flared and another spurt of cum came out of the piss-hole of the cage, landing all over the bed as Dharak was led into yet another half-orgasm by the work of his two sons. Said sons, of course, knew immediately that their father had orgasmed yet again by his moan, by the way he shivered and, on Drago's case, by the way his ass clenched.
"Another orgasm from our dear slut." Helios said, still fucking Helios' mouth while he smirked down on the older dragon. "That's three in a row, only on the last twenty minutes."
"Oh, daddy." Drago said, rubbing the base of Dharak's spine, where his tail met his back, and continued fucking his father as hard as he was before. "You are so easy."
"Hey, he is a slut!" Helios said to his brother, "He has to be easy, otherwise he would not get any!"
Both brothers laughed at this, while Dharak could do nothing more than shiver and whine as they continued using him. His cock continued to leak cum into the bed as they continued making use of him as if he was nothing more than a toy for them to play with.
"I'll take at least ten more minutes to cum." Drago said, and Helios answered:
"Yeah, because you cummed on his mouth twenty minutes ago. Before we switched and you got his tailhole. After I nutted on it."
"And I still don't mind." Drago said to Helios, "It turns out I actually like having sloppy seconds."
"Well, I'd like to have sloppy thirdies." Helios said to him, "So, as soon as we both cum, we'll swap again."
And they did.
Dharak moaned so loud that his voice could be hear all over the house.
Well, anyone would moan so loud if they had two cocks crammed inside of their tailhole.
His legs were both in the air as he was now sitting on the cocks of his two sons, kneeling on the bed as they had their father bounce on their dicks.
Dharak was heavy, but not so much that Drago and Helios would refuse having him bounce on their laps. And, they had to admit, as Dharak moved up and down their cocks at the very same time, that their father was tight as fuck!
They were both impressed at how tight their father's ass was, considering how bigger he was then both of them. Even after fucking his ass, one at a time, over the course of two, maybe even three hours, and using that huge dildo to tease him, Dharak was still as tight as if he was being fuck for the first time in months.
With an ass like that, they both were pretty sure that Dharak was quite popular on the gay scene. At least as a bottom.
The bed creaked and groaned under the combined weight of the three dragons currently having some really hard sex on it. However, it held firm, proving that Dharak had done right in choosing a bed that could hold over two times his own weight. After all, you don't want your bed to break when you are in the middle of some hot sex with your lovers, right?
That would certainly ruin the mood for the three dragons if it were to happen, and none of them wanted it to happen.
Certainly not Dharak, whose eyes were rolling so much that only the white (or black, on his case) of his eyes was visible. His whole body quacked. His head was throw back as nothing more than a continuous, needy and weak moan escaped his ring-gagged maw. His cock leaked cum at a nearly continuous stream (which was little more than a trickle of white fluid coming from his tip) from inside of the chastity cage.
"Maybe we could just toss away the key." Helios said as he saw how much their father could orgasm even while being locked on the cage. "I mean, you certainly look like you don't need a free cock to nut. You can come just from us fucking that hole of yours, you fucking slut."
This was just an example of the dirty talking that was still happening to Dharak, and that he loved so much.
"That's it, Daddy." Drago said, as he held onto Dharak's leg and tail as he made him go up and down, while Helios did the same on the other side. "Show us how much you love our cocks. Keep spilling your seed onto the bed like the needy bitch you are. Such a horny, slutty father we have."
Yes. It was all true. Dharak loved their cocks. He would keep spilling his seed from his caged cock just for them. And he was a horny, slutty daddy.
He would forever be a horny, slutty daddy for his two handsome stud sons.
He would screaming it at the top of his lungs, loud enough for all the neighborhood to hear, was not for the metal ring buckled into his maw, keeping him from forming any proper words.
And if it was not for the fact that his mind was so far gone with pleasure that his brain was practically mush at this point, and he could no longer form any coherent sentences.
So, Dharak limited himself to moan even louder through his gag, as his personal way of agreeing with them. And clenching his ass even harder around their cocks as they continued to use him as a living toy.
Dharak's balls contracted, and a sudden spurt of cum came from the tip of his caged cock, landing on the bed, as the poor Darkus dragon was led into yet another anal orgasm by his two sons, who barely even took notice of it, as they were too busy fucking his brains out.
"G-getting close!" Drago said, and Helios said:
"Me too! Let's nut together! Let's fill this bitch to the brim! Let's fill him so much he will get pregnant and have our eggs!"
Dharak's eyes widened when he heard that. Neither of the boys knew, but the male pregnancy/impregnation thing was among the ones that turned Dharak on the most. The idea of getting pregnant with a stud's offspring, having those eggs growing inside of him and them laying them, all the while the stud stood over him and said what a good breeding bitch he was...
And now, the single handsome and muscular stud on his fantasy was replaced by two. Helios and Drago.
Dharak's moan could very well be mistaken by a scream, as his whole body quivered violently, and his cock spurt a big load of cum right into the bed, as his ass clenched with a vice grip on the cocks of his sons.
Yes! Do it! Cum in me! Fill me! Impregnate me! Make me pregnant! Make me heavy with your eggs! Make me your breeding slut! I'll birth as many eggs as you want! I'll spend the rest of my life as your baby-making machine! Please! Make me pregnant!
The clenching of his tailhole was enough to send the two younger dragons over the edge. Clenching their teeth, they both thrust their cocks as hard as they could into their father's ass, sending them as deep as they could go, hilting into him before they both let out roars as they nutted.
The neighbors could surely hear the sound of their orgasmic cries as they nutted into Dharak's tailhole, filling him to the brim with their thick, creamy, fertile seed. Dharak felt them filling him, and his mind went blank with pleasure as his cock spurt a few more drops of his cum.
Yessssssss. Fill meeeeeee. Give me eggsssssssss...
Dharak practically went limp into their arms as they both filled him, and they both sighed as they finished.
"Yo, old man." Helios said, as he and Drago recovered from yet another orgasm. "You still with us?"
"Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The weak, breathless moan was the only answer that Dharak could formulate.
"Geez..." Helios said, taking on how out Dharak seemed. "Guess we've did bro. We broke him."
Drago looked at him, and he said:
"Is that bad? Didn't you always said that you always wanted to break some big and strong guy?"
Drago was smirking as he said that, and Helios smirked back at him.
"Man. I'm definitely rubbing off on you." Helios said to Drago, and the two dragons laughed at this, and that was when Drago said he was thirsty. He pulled out, making their cum spurt out of the tailhole, rendered loose by their wild fucking.
"Bring me some beers." Helios said, "And see if we have soy milk for this soy man."
"On it." Drago said, walking out of the room naked and with his cock still dripping cum. Helios turned his attention to Dharak.
"And, you, enjoy your five minutes break." He said to him. "Because then we will be going for sloppy twentieths..."
Dharak let out a hoarse moan. Then, after a few more seconds, Helios said:
"Man, I need to piss."
He pulled his cock out of Dharak's tailhole, letting the cum come gushing at the bed like a flood.
"Say, old man..." Helios said with a shit-eating grin on his face. "That offer you made of drinking our piss is still on?"
Dharak blinked, looking at Helios as he moved his cum-covered cock close to his face.
"I hope so, because I really need to alleviate now." Helios said, "Forget the soy milk, this will be your refreshment."
Dharak didn't protested. Like, at all.
Drago's scaly, clawed finger pressed the alarm-clocks button, before retreating back to the bed, where Drago was still cuddling with the big form of Dharak. Helios was on the other side, hugging Dharak's chest with one arm. Meanwhile Dharak was between the two, still all trussed up like a dungeon slave. The bed was a complete mess, and the mattress was practically a lost cause. The whole bedroom reeked of sex, after their spent literally the entire night at this.
"So..." Drago said, "Its morning... You guys awake?"
"Yes." Helios said.
"Ahhh." Dharak moaned groggily through his ring-gag.
A bit of a silence followed this, before Drago spoke:
"This night was amazing..."
"I'll say." Helios agreed, a smirk on his lips.
"Ahhhhh." Dharak moaned, and then Drago said:
"Think we can do it again any time?"
"I'm up for that."
They all sighed.
"So, guess we should get you off those now, Dad." Drago said, before turning to his brother. "Where's the cock-cage's key?"
"Oh, that little silver key?" Helios said, "It accidentally sat on it and it snapped in half, so I tossed it in the trash." He said that with extreme casualness.
"Wait, what?" Drago said. Dharak also was all of sudden aware of what was happening and looked at Helios with panic.
After two seconds, Helios then said:
"Oh, wait... you mean this key here?" He then showed them both the key of the chastity cage. It had not been throw on the trash, and it was not broke in half. They both relaxed as they saw that the key was okay.
"Got your hearts pumping just now, didn't I?"
"Sometimes you are a real jerk, you know that?" Drago said, as Dharak let out a relieved sigh as his head fell back into the pillow.
"Okay, you had your fun, now let's get this cage off Dad's cock." Drago said, mentally speaking that he never thought he would be saying a phrase like that.
"Yes, let's free this slut's dick..." Helios said, a smirk on his muzzle. "In two months."
Drago and Dharak both looked at Helios with surprise. That is when Helios said:
"Our new job will be starting in two months from now. This means we have two months to stay here before we have to move out for that new apartment closer to the city, so we will be able to arrive at work easier."
Helios looked at the two.
"After tonight, I think it is pretty safe to say that we will miss daddy dearest more than ever when we have to move." He said, and then looked from Drago to Dharak. "So, I'm thinking that maybe we could make the most of the time we still have together as a family."
Dharak was looking very intently at Helios as he explained next:
"Here's the proposal. Let's extend out little celebration for the next two months. During this, time, our dear father here will be our live-in slut and sex slave. You get on your knees and raise your tail whenever we say, and we reward you by feeding you our tasty cocks and fucking that cute little ass of yours so hard you will squeal like a pig. We do it for the next two months until we move out. During this time, we will be the men of the house, while you will be nothing more than our little bitch, to use and fuck as we see fit. Oh, and the cock-cage will stay on. As you showed during the night, you don't need to have your cock free to come, as long as we fuck your ass hard enough. So, what do you say?"
After a brief silence, Drago said:
"I'm up for that."
He had a smirk on his muzzle that matched Helios'. The darker dragonoid then looked straight to Dharak.
"What do you say, slut?"
Two months of being his sons' sex slave? Two months of being nothing more than a hole and toy for them to use and fuck? And having his cock locked all the time while they were at it?
The mere thought made Dharak's cock, once more, strain against the metal trapping it.
"Ahhahhh!" Dharak said, nodding as hard as he can. That made Helios get a toothy smirk that would cause envy to a shark.
"Good." He said, as he leaned forward to give Dharak a long, sensual lick to the neck, which made Dharak moan helplessly as his whole body shivered.
"Now..." Helios said, "Who's in the mood for a good screwing before breakfast?"
Everyone was.

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